Status: Just got off of my work season, have plenty of time to work. I've almost finished Chapter five.

Eighty-Four Days

Job description

Corporal Derek Múnez
6th Infantry Regiment
3rd Battalion
40th Platoon
31°08’N 97°47’W
Second Lieutenant Kellen Patterson
6th Infantry Regiment
3rd Battalion
40th Platoon
31°08’N 97°47’W
September 26th, 2012
15:00 GMT
September 26th, 2012
10:00 Local time
-2 Days Of Deployment

Hi Corporal Derek Múnez!
Hi there! Welcome to the 40th Platoon! I’m sure that Colonel Zachary’s already given you his generic welcome briefing / letter but I like to send out something as well. It’s just a small way of saying hello and of giving you a slightly more in depth job description of what you’re going to be doing. After all, I’m the leader of your Platoon and so I’ll be the one sitting right next to you getting shot at half of the time. Another thing you may wish to know about me is that I’m not really into the whole Army regulation and strict manners sort of thing. You don’t have to call me Second Lieutenant Patterson, you don’t have to call me Lieutenant Patterson, and you don’t have to call me sir. You can just call me KP. That’s what most people typically refer to me as. Of course, if there’s a higher authority around than all of that is void and proper military manners are expected. It’s also void if we’re actually out on the battlefield. I may respond to KP when we’re in the barracks, but I’m typically to focused on getting shot at to recognize my nickname when I’m crouching behind our Humvee. Just use your common sense; I’ve read your file and it seems like you’re a smart soldier. This is good, smart soldiers are rare; this proves that you’re worth something already. Most smart soldiers have common sense too, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from being out in the Middle East, it’s that common sense isn’t as common as it sounds. Yes it is true that the 6th Infantry Regiment has seventy one thousand square miles to cover, however our Battalion only gets about twenty four thousand of that. We’ve also got two hundred Humvees at our disposal, and those things can move fast. We can cover that distance in no time. We’ll be patrolling probably anywhere from one to four times a week, for eight hours each patrol. We expect to cover around eighty miles each time we go out, so we’ll cover our entire area of operation quicker than you think. Besides, things have calmed down over here in the last ten years anyways, and we’re not needed as much as we were. That doesn’t mean I’m telling you to relax though. The fact remains that this is war you’re entering, and you have to be ready for anything. Either way, I’ve rambled too much already, I’ll see you in three days.
It’s good to have you; I’ll see you out there,
Second Lieutenant Kellen Patterson