Status: These are my opinions. In no way, shape, or form am I intending to target someone personally.


The Truth About Religions

Honestly, I feel that this is a topic that people will look at the title and automatically assume that it’s going to be a touchy subject. And yes, it may be touchy for some people. But I want to get this straight from the start that I am in no way intending to bash on any religion whatsoever. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. There are so many people nowadays that are going around saying that this religion is evil, or if you convert to that religion you’re going to go to Hell. And there are even more people who are saying these things who don’t even bother to actually research and try to understand the religions itself.
I am deeply into my own religion. It’s something I am passionate about and something that I care about. But, according to those who don’t bother to try and understand what my religion is actually about, they accuse me of being evil and worshiping the Devil. Who are they to say what my religion is or who I worship when they haven’t actually learned anything about it? This goes for not just my religion, but many other religions as well. People will go around criticizing another religion without actually learning about that religion. What gives you the right to do that?
One of the Amendments is freedom of religion, but there are so many people in modern society who are always talking negatively about another religion. And many of the religions that I know of and have studied up on say somewhere that treating everyone exactly the way that you want to be treated is a very important rule. If that is so, why do so many people sit there and tell someone that their religion is horrible?
In reality, all religions are truely amazing and wonderful in their own way. Everyone has something that they believe, and to sit there and degrade someone for what they believe in goes against what a lot of religions say. People need to think before they speak, and realize that just because they think their religion is true doesn’t mean that everyone has to believe that. If everyone does that, and is respectful to one another, then maybe we’ll actually be able to discover world peace.
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