Moon Shine

Chapter One

Chapter One

My eyes opened and I looked around, seeing the green and brown of the forest that I was so used to seeing. I was still in the tree that I had been in for the past day and a half, the moon still high overhead, the same full moon that had been in my dream.

My breaths were labored and uneven, and as I listened to the wind in the trees, my breaths evened out and my heart slowed to its normal pace.

That dream was always the worst. The running, the falling, and then the death.

The only difference in the dreams were the feelings and the moon phases. Full moons in the dream left me feeling hopeful, calm, sometimes even happy. The new moon was worse, I felt sad, nervous, and terrified. I would sometimes feel a combination of emotions, sometimes I wouldn't, but I was always confused, in both the dreams and in the real world.

I was confused as to why I was running. Why were there wolves? Why did the phases of the moon have to do with my mood? Why did I have these dreams?

The one question I ask myself everyday was 'Why am I here, in the woods, alone?'

I had been left in the woods about two years ago. I guesses I was about 16 or 17 years old, but I wasn't sure.

I called myself Rose, because it was my favorite flower and the most beautiful flower I had seen.

I can't remember anything before the forest, and I had barely survived the past two years.

I mainly ate plants and berries, and I tried not to kill animals unless I absolutely had to.

I looked up at the moon again seeing the bright light it gave off. The moon was beautiful, with all the small stars twinkling around it, like the moon was the center of the universe.


I was pulled out of my thoughts and my heart speed up as I stopped breathing. Someone was here. That meant I was too close to civilization, or they were too far away, but I doubted that.

I didn't move, I didn't make a sound.

"Nol, do you smell something?" A man asked.

"No." another man, Nol?, answered. He sounded father away.

"Well come here. I don't recognize the smell. Might be rouge." The first man said.

"I'm here," Nol said. He stopped and sniffed the air.

"It's female." He said and moved closer to my tree.

"No shit, Sherlock." Man one said. "I know it's a girl. The smell is from this tree."

What am I going to do? I thought. I have nowhere to go. they would catch me in a minute.

I looked down and saw a large man with a mop of brown curly hair on top of his head.

I couldn't see the other man. He must be on the other side of the tree, out of my line of vision.

The man I could see started making his way up the tree and I panicked. I grabbed the small bag that I had stolen when I was last in the city that held two very important things that I could not lose, and I jumped out of the tree.

The moment I landed, I was up and running, trying to get as far away from the two men as possible.

They were running after me, and they were gaining on me. I didn't look back, but I could hear them and they would catch me soon.

I made my legs move faster, but soon they stopped listening to me and I was slowing down.

I could hear the two men behind me breathing harshly. They were so close!

I wasn't watching the ground in front of me and I tripped over a tree root, and the men slowed, coming to stand on either side of me.

They bent and grabbed my arms, pulling me up off the ground.

"Who are you?" Nol asked harshly. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know!" I said, my voice cracking from disuse. "I'm sorry. I don't mean any harm!"

"What do you mean you don't know? Do you not know who you are?" The large man on my left asked.

"No, I don't know who I am." I said. "I call myself Rose. I was left in the forest two years ago. I don't remember anything!"

"What should we do Nol?" Big man asked. "Take her to the Alpha?"

"Yeah." Nol said. "Let's take her to the Alpha."

They started pulling me northwest, taking me to the "Alpha".

"Please!" I said. "Let me go. Please! I'll leave and never return, just let me go!"

"Not going to happen sweetheart." Big man said. "You aren't going anywhere until Alpha says so."

"Please!" I said, on the brink of tears. I didn't want to go with these men. They could kill me and I didn't want to die.

"Shut up," Nol said. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

So I shut up and was led to where ever the two men were taking me, hoping I would live and not be killed.

About an hour later, we walked out of the forest and we were on the lawn of this huge house, a mansion really, and there was so many people around.

All the people on the lawn and on the porch froze in place. No one spoke or moved. It was silent, and it was unnerving.

The two men walked me to another man on the lawn. He was older looking, maybe mid-30s, and he was tall. Really tall, maybe 6'2" or 6'3". He had light brown hair and hazel eyes. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he had a scowl on his face.

"Why is she here? Where did you find her?" He asked harshly, his voice deep.

"We are taking her to Alpha." Nol said. "We found her about a mile into the woods. Claims she doesn't know who she is. Calls herself Rose."

"Yeah." Big man said. "She tried to run, and she was fast. If she hadn't got tired she would have gotten away. She tripped and we pulled her up and asked some questions. She told us what Nol just told you."

"Thank you for that information Scott and Nolan." The man said harshly, clearly not happy. "Cover her eyes and put her in the containment room. You know the one Nolan. I will alert Alpha Dylan."

With that said the man turned and left, walking briskly into the mansion.

Nol, or Nolan, grumbled, unhappy about something, and grabbed a bandana from his back pocket. He let go of my arm and walked behind me.

I stiffened as the blindfold was put over my eyes, not liking not being able to see anyone.

"Come on," Nol said, grabbing my right arm again.

The two men that had found me, Nol and Scott, pulled/carried me up and into the house.

It was cool in the house and just as quiet as it was outside, if not more so. I knew there were people in the house as well because I could feel their presence and I was scared.

What were these people going to do to me?

We were soon to what I guessed to be the containment room.

Before I knew what was happening, the blindfold was ripped off my head and I was shoved into the room.

I stumbled and fell to my knees on the cold, hard floor, so different from the soft, warm ground of the forest.

I quickly got up off the ground and went to the door and I looked through the small window.

I couldn't hear or see anyone and that scared me more than anything. Even out in the woods I could always hear something and see something.

I reached to the doorknob, but when I touched the knob I quickly let go. It had burned me, but it wasn't hot. It was actually ice cold but felt like a flame. I looked down and saw the shiny color of real silver. I wasn't going to be able to touch it without getting severely injured.

I started to bang on the door. It was the only thing I could do, and I didn't even know if the people outside could hear me.

"Please!" I screamed. "Please let me go! Please!"

This went on for hours and no one came. They couldn't hear me, or they choose to ignore me. My voice was gone and I was tired, hungry, and scared. Sometime in my screaming, I had slid to the ground, sitting beside the door, but not in front of it in case someone came.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but the next thing I remember was the door banging open and I practly flew back to the opposite wall and there was a man standing in the doorway.

"Looks like we have something’s to discus, Rose." The man said and his low and soothing voice sounded familiar.

I raised my head and looked at the man who must be Alpha Dlyan.

He was a strong man. Tall, 6 feet or so, broad shoulders. His hair was brown with grey streaks running through it. He had a strong jaw and his nose was slightly crooked, like it had been broken before.

The last thing I looked at was his eyes. When I saw his eyes I gasped.

I knew him. I knew his green-blue eyes, but it couldn't be. He would have saved me.

I didn't notice he had moved closer until he was right in front of me.

"Amelia." That was all he said, all he had to say, then I fell into unconsciousness.
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