Moon Shine

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

*Alexander’s POV*

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I yawned and I reached my hand out to turn off the alarm clock.

God I hate getting up in the mornings! And it wasn’t even a school day!

I heard a groan and I looked to my left and saw some girl lying there, naked and slowly waking up.

I groaned. Why did all the girls I slept with think they could stay the night? I don’t even know who this chick is, and I had most definitely had been smashed when I brought her home. She wasn’t exactly the hottest girl ever, not the worst either, just average, and I don’t do average.

I got out of bed and felt the girl’s eyes on me.

“When I get out of the shower, I want you gone.” I said, not looking back. “I don’t know what happened last night that made you think you could stay here, but you were mistaken.” Then I walked into the bathroom and heard the girl quickly get dressed and left the room, crying.

Why do they always cry? I thought to myself. They should know by now that I don’t keep the girls I sleep with.

So I should probably introduce myself. My name is Alexander, Alex for short but I’m sure you could figure that out for yourself, if not then you’re just stupid. I’m the future Alpha of the Redmoon pack and I am the hottest person you will ever meet.

I’m also the biggest player in my school, and the top student. I know what a contradiction right, normally the player is average or below-average in school, but I’m not. I’m actually really smart; my dad says that being smart makes a good Alpha, as well as good character.

Now, I’m a really nice guy too, I just get irritated, especially because I haven’t found my mate yet and were’s normally find their mate when they shift at 16, but it’s been two years since I have shifted and my wolf is restless. That’s the only reason I sleep around.

“Alex!” My best friend and future beta of the pack, Henry, called. “Your dad wants you!”

“Alright,” I yelled back. “I’ll be there soon, I’m taking a shower!”

“He said he needed you right now, Alex.” Henry said, now standing in my doorway. “It’s an emergency. Nolan and Scott found a rogue this morning, female, and your dad wants you down stairs right now.”

“Fine, I’ll be down as soon as I get dressed okay.” I said.

“Alright, just hurry up.” With that, Henry left the room.

I sighed. This was one thing I hated, dealing with rogues. I hated listening to their stories, if they had one, and most of the rogues that didn’t have a story were mostly wild, completely given over to their wolf side.

Most rogues were criminals or wolves that had lost their mate suddenly and no one was there to help them get through it. Most rogues were killed on site, unless they seem like they might have something that could be of value to us, so this rogue might have some major value if Nolan had brought her back.

You see, Nolan had lost his mate to a rogue attack, and it had left him in pieces, it left everyone in pieces. His mate was amazing, so sweet and nice to everyone. She wasn’t violent by any means and hated it when people got into fights. Her name was Holly and even though she was human who was turned, everyone knew her and loved her. Ever since the attack, Nolan killed every rogue he came across, female or male and he almost went rogue himself had it not been for my dad.

My dad was able to calm Nolan down and got him to see reason. It was something my dad was good at, making people see reason. It’s why he was such a good Alpha.

I got dressed quickly and went downstairs and into the living room where I knew my father to be. Whenever my dad wanted me to do some alpha things with him, he always meets me in the living room.

Together, and with Caleb, the main Alpha guard, Dalton and Dillon, we went downstairs and to the containment room. Nolan and Scott were standing beside the door, Nolan with a scowl on his face.

“So, what all do you know about this girl?” My father asked Nolan.

“She calls herself Rose.” Nolan said. “Claims she doesn’t know anything before she was dropped off in the wood about two years ago, and that she doesn’t mean any harm.”

“Is that all you know?” I asked.

“Yes sir that is all I know.” Nolan said.

My father nodded his head and said, “Open the door.”

Scott opened the door and the girl that was inside was on the ground by the door, but flew back to the opposite side of the room when the door swung open.

When I caught her scent, my wolf started to go crazy.

Mate, he said, and I reined him in.

No! I thought. This can’t be happening! I can’t have a rogue for a mate!

Before I knew what was happening, my father was gasping out the name Amelia, and the name sounded familiar but I didn’t know from where.

I saw the girl collapse to the floor and my father was yelling for the pack doctor. Truthfully, it scared me, seeing my dad acting like this, so out of control. It wasn’t like him at all.

Dillon raced out the door and got the pack doctor and they both returned quickly. The doctor, whose name was Kelsey Fawn, rushed into the room, quickly going to my father.

“We need to move her, get her out of this room.” Doctor Fawn said and my dad picked her up. He pushed passed me and ran up the stairs and I followed along with his guards and Nolan and Scott.

Whoever this girl was, she was important. Almost every wolf that was over the age of 30 seemed to know who she was, and they were really worried.

“Dad, what is going on?” I asked franticly.

“I will explain in a minute son.” He said. “I need to make sure she is okay first.”

“Who is she?” I asked.

“Her name is Amelia Moonshine.” He said and that was it took.

Amelia Moonshine was, in lack for better words, a princess of the werewolf world. She had disappeared around 7 years ago and the entire werewolf community was devastated. She would be 16 come March 15, which is a month away.

Her parents, Lily and Daniel Moonshine were frantic when she had disappeared and haven’t stopped looking for her since she went missing. She was the only heir to the throne, though she did have two siblings, James and Jessica, they didn’t have the gene you had to have to be Queen or King. Only one child born by the King and Queen could have the gene and that was Amelia.

The Queen and King thought that it was Darien that had kidnapped her, wanting her power and wealth. Darien was the Kings older, power-hungry brother. When he found out he didn’t have the gene to be King, he went mad. He wanted the crown so bad, that every child his mother had, he killed to ensure that he would become King even if he didn’t have that gene.

When Daniel was born, about 10 years after Darien, and was found to have the gene, his parents hid him away before Darien could get to him. When Darien found out about what his parents did, he killed them and took the place on the throne.

All the Alpha’s in the world got together, the first time that had happened in centuries, and managed to get Darien off the throne and, to their knowledge, killed him, but when Amelia was taken about 30 years after Darien was supposedly killed, Daniel thought he was alive. Who else would kidnap the heavily guarded Princess of the Werewolf world, but the crazy and deranged Darien? No rogue would have been able to make it past the outer city limits, much less the castle, but Darien, who knew everything about the Main City and the Palace? It had to have been him.

And Amelia was my mate, making me the future King of Werewolves, and I didn’t know if I wanted that. I didn’t mind becoming the Alpha of my pack, where I knew everyone and I was familiar with the lay of the land, but to become king? I didn’t know if I wanted that, didn’t know if I could handle being king, but for now, I pushed it out of my mind. I would deal with it later, talk to dad about it. He would help me, I’m sure of it.

I watched as my father took Amelia up the stairs and into a guest bedroom and laid her down on the bed gently.

Doctor Fawn looked her over, from her head to her toe, and said, “She will be okay.”

Everyone let out the breath they had all been holding. She was okay, she will be okay.

“She looks malnourished, and needs to get some meat on her bones, but the worst pain she will be in is a headache when she wakes up. She will need to go to therapy, to see if she can get her memory back, if it’s not already.” Doctor Fawn said. “When she wakes, don’t crowd her, or overwhelm her, she might panic and you don’t want that. Other than that, she’s fine.”

Doctor Fawn left the room and so did everyone else, but my father and I.

“We need to contact the royal family.” He said and I nodded wordlessly.

He walked out of the room, me following, and we went to his office. I sat down on one of the well-used couches by the fireplace and dad went behind his desk and sat down, before getting the phone.

He punched in a number before putting it on speaker.

“This is Crystal, how may I help you?” A woman said through the phone.

“Yes, this is Alpha Dylan from the Redmoon pack, and I need to speak directly to the King. It’s of utmost importance.” Dad said.

“One moment please.” The woman said and put us on hold, letting music play from the speakers.

“Dad, I need to tell you something.” I said.

“Can it wait?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I said, “But I need to tell you after the phone call.”

“Okay, then.” Dad said and then the music stopped.

“Hello?” A deep voice asked.

“Yes, King Daniel, this is Alpha Dylan. I have found her.” Dad said.

“You found her?” The King asked quietly.

“Yes, sir we have.” Dad said. “She is upstairs, sleeping. Doctor Fawn said she is fine, just a little malnourished, and she might need therapy, as she doesn’t remember anything before two years ago, when she was left in the wood. She had a bag with her, but we haven’t looked in it yet.”

“That’s, great,” the King said. “Wonderful. I need to tell Lily. She will be so happy. We will be coming out as soon as possible. Expect us in two days.”

“Of course sir,” Dad said. “It would be an honor to have you visit us and you may stay as long as you wish.”

“I must go and tell Lily. Goodbye.” He said and hung up.

I watched dad as he put the phone back on the hook and turned to me, giving me his full attention.

“What is it you wanted to tell me?” He asked.

“I found her.” I said. “I found my mate and it Amelia.”

Dad looked, shocked and happy?

“Is that so?” He asked a smile on his face.

“Yeah,” I said.

“That’s wonderful news!” Dad said. “I always knew you were meant for something special.”

“But I don’t know if I want to be King,” I said. “I don’t know if I would be able to be king.”

“And that’s how I know you will be a great king,” Dad said. “The best kings are always the one who think they won’t be able to do it, the ones who strive for excellence and would do anything for their people. And that is you son, you will be a great King.”

I looked at him and I believed him completely.

“How am I supposed to tell her?” I asked.

“Wait for a week or so, let her get settled and get her memory back. Tell the King and Queen when they get here, everything will work out.” Dad said. “I promise.”

I nodded my head and got up at the same time as my dad did.

“Now, we have to address the pack, and your mother, that the Royal family is coming here.” Dad said. “We need to prepare for their arrival.”

Wonderful, I thought. Just what we need, mom to go running around like a headless chicken, trying to make everything perfect.

So, dad and I made our way to the living room, the biggest room in the pack house, and Dad called everyone there.

“So,” Dad said once everyone was settled and seated. “We are going to have some very special guests coming in two days and we need to prepare.”

“Who is it that is coming Alpha?” Gabe, the beta, asked.

“The Royal Family,” my dad said, and all hell broke loose.