Moon Shine

Chapter Three

Chapter 3


It was black. That was all I could see, was black, and not the kind of black someone would have really experienced before. It wasn't like the black of night outside during a new moon or like a black out in a city. It wasn't like a dark room or corner.

No, this was different. It was total darkness, with no light what so ever, and I hated it. The darkness reminded me of something, what I didn't really know, just something.

I could vaguely remember what had happened to me, something to do with getting caught in the woods by two men and being brought somewhere. They were talking about an alpha, as in wolves, but what would any of this have to do with wolves? I didn't know the answer and truthfully I didn't want to know, but I did want to know what was going to happen now. Who was that man that looked so familiar to me, the one who had gasped out Amelia? Was that my name? And if it is, then how does he know it and did he know what happened to me. Did he know who my parents were?

I had so many questions spinning around in my head and it was hard to make sense of them all and my head started to pound.

"Amelia, please wake up. I have missed you."

The words bounced around in my head, making the oncoming headache worse. And that voice was so familiar, but where was it from?

The voice was deep, a man's voice and he sounded weary, like he had been through a lot.

"Honey, please wake up." A woman now, her voice low and soothing, a voice that is perfect for a mother.

I wanted to see the faces that belonged to the voices, but my eyes would not open. My eyelids were too heavy and I was so tired.

The headache was getting worse the more I tried to open my eyes, so I stopped trying.

I just listened but the voices were gone.


"Princess, please wake up." It was the same male voice from before, but wearier, more rough, like he had been crying, or close to it.

I tried to respond but I was just too tired.

I let the voice fade away.


I don't know how long it took but I finally opened my eyes and instead of the black I had become so used to, now all I could see was white. It was bright and it gave me a headache.

I groaned and heard a gasp to my left. I turned my head, wanting to see who it was but I was blinded. It was too bright and I tried to talk, to tell them to turn off the bright light, but my voice was gone, so I closed my eyes again, hoping the person in the room would get the hint.

"Daniel, turn the light off." It was the woman's voice.

I heard someone get up and go toward, what I would guess, was the wall and light switch. I heard a click and then footsteps coming back to the bed I was lying on.

"Sweetheart," the woman said. "You can open your eyes now."

I carefully opened my eyes, not wanting to be blinded again. It was dark in the room I was in. I was sitting up slightly on a hard bed that hurt my back and bottom. Beside the bed was a woman who looked familiar but I didn't know from where.

She had deep black hair down to the middle of her back. Her face was shaped like a heart and her face looked perfect. Her lips slightly pouty but not like she was trying to make it that way. It looked natural and her nose was straight and natural. Not like those Botox things that so many women get these days. She had these beautiful brown-green eyes, had they been duller they would have looked like mine. Around her eyes, she had lines, like she laughed a lot. She was wearing a pretty and yellow sundress that looked good against her bronzed skin. She had plain earrings hanging from her ears and matching necklace around her neck. On her left hand, she had this beautiful diamond ring, an engagement ring, that was next to a shiny gold wedding band.

Beside her was man. He was just as beautiful as the woman beside him. His hair was light brown, with streaks of gray running through it. His face was serious, but happy. His eyes brown, with green flecks in it. He also had a shiny gold wedding band on his left ring finger.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" The woman asked.

I open my mouth to talk, to ask her why she continued to call me sweetie, but I couldn't talk. My mouth was dry and my tongue felt big.

"Do you want water?" She asked quickly once she saw that I wouldn't be able to talk. I nodded.

The woman got up and walked to the bathroom and came back with a cup of water and a straw.

"Here you go." She held the cup, pointing the straw toward my mouth and I took it, drinking the water that my body needed.

When I had finished the water, I leaned back.

"Who are you?" My voice was dry and cracked from disuse.

"You don't remember do you?" The man asked sadly.

"Remember what?" I asked. "What am I supposed to remember?"

The woman furrowed her eye brows. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"I was... laying in a tree. I was asleep and I had a dream about wolves chasing me." I shoot up out of bed. "My bag, where is my bag?"

"The bag you had with you?" the man asked.

"Yes, the bag I had with me. Where is it?" I was frantic. That bag was everything to me. It held my only memories of my past.

"Someone has it. We had to go through it to make sure it didn't hold anything dangerous or something that might hint at where you were." The man said.

"No," I said. "No, no, no. The things in that bag are the only things I had." I was speaking so fast, and was beginning to hyperventilate. I knew I needed to calm down, but I couldn't, not until I got my bag back, and know that all my things were there.

"Honey, calm down." The woman said, her eyes wide. "You are going to pass out if you don't calm down. Please."

I watched as the man got up and left the room. I didn't know where he was going and I really didn't care. I just wanted my prized possessions back. I needed them back.

The woman put her hands on my face and made me look at her.

"Breath with me baby. Your father is going to get your bag. Just breath with me and calm down."

Father? That man is my father? If he is that means the woman is my mother. I started to breath faster. I was overwhelmed, it was too much. The woman, my mother?, was saying something, bit I couldn't hear her. I could only hear a buzzing and my vision was going black.

The headache I had was coming back full force and it was blinding pain. I closed my eyes and let my mind drift.

I let go of reality and drifted into my safe zone, my haven. I dreamed of the family I didn't know, the family without faces. The perfect family, my family.