Moon Shine

Chapter Six


It was the last class of the day, and I was thankful that it was. My wolf had been worrying all day about Amelia, no matter how much I yelled at my wolf to shut up, he just kept annoying me.

"Heads up!"

I looked up and ducked, letting a 'shit' fly from my mouth as a ball came towards my face.

"Sorry!" Jamie said, and came towards me and grabbed the basketball from beside me. "Went out of bounds."

"Yeah, got that part," I said and straightened. "Amelia's brother yes?"

"That's me," he said. "Alexander yes?"

"It's Alex," I said.

James nodded. "Okay, Alex then. Would you like to join us? We need another player."

I look out at the court, and nods. "Why not."

I stood up and followed James onto the court.

Most of my friends were out here playing, and as I walked out the bowed their heads slightly in respect for their future alpha, and though they don't know it yet, I was also set to be their King. One day, and as far as I was concerned, it was a long way off. I just wasn't ready for a mate or was I ready to be an alpha, much less a king! I mean, I was only 17 years old.

Carter, one of my future guards, broke my train of thoughts.

"What team do you want to be on?" He asked.

I shrugged. I didn't really care what team I was on and I proceeded to tell him that.

Carter nodded and tossed the ball to James, "you can be on James' team then. They needed another player."

I nodded and took a spot on the court.

By the end of the class, my team won, not that it really mattered, it was just a game in gym class.

I made my way to the locker room, again glad that it was the last class of the day and I won't have to walk around the school feeling grimy. I pealed the clothes from my body and wrap a towel around my waist, turning the water on and letting it heat up.

As I drop my towel, James came in, turning on a shower in a stall a few down from mine.

"Nice game today." He said and I shrugged forgetting that he couldn't see me.

"It was okay. Doesn't matter really." I said in return.

"You play a sport?" He asked.

"Nope, don't have time."

Just then my phone began ringing from where I had left it on the counter and I cursed, stepping from the warmth of the water and picking up the towel, wrapping it around my waist and picking up my phone.


"Alex, you need to get home now." It was my father and I groaned slightly.

"What's going on dad?"

"Amelia, she managed to get away earlier today."

I cursed and told my dad I would be home soon and hung up, running my hand through my hair and drying off quickly and getting dressed.

"Everything okay?" James asked, startling my and I turned, looking at him.

"Amelia got away from the house today and my father wants me home." I said.

James frowned, his brow furrowing.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know. He didn't say, though I guess they got her home otherwise dad would have called me when she had left." I said.

James nodded and changed, saying: "Then I'll go get Jessica then."

I nodded and finished getting ready and left the locker room, hurrying to my truck and getting in, letting the engine roar to life and peeled out of the parking lot, heading home and pulling into the garage when I get there rushing into the house to my dad's office.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" I asked in a hurry.

"Son, calm down. She's fine. If she wasn't, I would have called you before now." Dad said, resting a hand on my shoulder and I sat down on the closet chair with a sigh, running my hand over my face.

"Where is she?" I asked quietly, my wolf howling, wanting out and to be close to Amelia. He needed to see her.

"Upstairs, in the same room she has been in." Dad replied.

I nodded and sighs leaning forward and resting my arms on my knees, my face in my hands.

"It will help, you know, if you accept her." Dad said quietly and I shook my head.

"I'm not ready," I said. "I'm not ready to have a mate, not ready to be Alpha, much less King." I shake my head again and run my hands through my still damp hair.

"I think you are ready, son." Dad said. "You have to be ready. Now that Amelia is back, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen, and Amelia is going to need you like you need her. You are meant to be together for a reason; otherwise the Goddess wouldn't have paired you together. You will make a strong King and an amazing mate to Amelia. You just need to accept her."

Dad let his hand slip from my shoulder and moves behind the desk.

"There's something else that needs to be taken care of, and that is that Amelia doesn't remember who or what she is. I don't think she has ever turned either, so it will be hard, getting her used to pack life, and seeing if her wolf is still there. It's another reason you should accept her as your mate, maybe your wolf can bring hers out as well."

I bite my lip and looked at dad. "And if she rejects me, what if she rejects all that we are what then?" I asked and dad sighed.

"We can't let that happen. We need her. When she wakes, show her around, let her meet everyone. She will accept us; it's in her blood to accept our ways and customs. She is one of us, even if she doesn't remember, you must help her. Find her wolf if you can too, help her through the change. I know you can do it."

I sighed and sags back against the chair and nods.

"Okay, fine, I'll help her, but I'm not going to mark her." I said.

Yet anyways, my wolf said to me. I will have my mate, and you will not stand in my way.

I groaned and stood up.

"I'll be with Amelia." I told my father and left the office, heading up to the bedroom and knocking softly, her mother opening the door.

"Oh, Alex, it's good to see you," She said and opens the door, ushering me in. "Amelia just woke up and she will be back in a minute."

I nod and sit down in a chair by the window, lacing my hands together, nervous at seeing her awake, about hearing her voice for the first time.

The bathroom door opened and my breath caught in my throat, looking into her beautiful brown - green eyes. I just sat there, watching her, my moth open and I quickly closed it once I relised what I was doing and gulped.

Amelia frowned when she saw me and all I wanted to do was wipe that frown from her face.

"Your in my seat," she said.

It took a minute to relies what she had said and I quickly stood up, moving from the chair, muttering a sorry and moving to another chair.

She sat down, and totally forgetting about me, she looked out the window, and I watched as the sun lit up red hues in her brown hair that looked like it needed to be washed badly, but it didn't make her any less beautiful.

I sighed, still looking at Amelia, jumping slightly when her mom said something and I looked at her, a question in her eyes, not having heard what she had said.

"Amelia, won't you say hi to Alexander?" She said again.

Amelia looKed away from her window at her mother and rolled her eyes slightly before looking at me and muttering a hi.

I sighed softly and replayed to her with my own his before looking at her mother, asking her with my eyes to leave the room and she nodded slightly.

"I'll be right back okay Amelia." She said to Amelia and Amelia nodded her head slightly, not looking away from the window. Her mother sighed and slowly walks to the door, opening it and leaving the room and I stood up, moving my chair closer to Amelia and pursing my lips.

"Um, how are you?" I asked lamely, and I bite my lip, cursing at myself in my head.

She looked toward me, her brow furrowed and she looked irritated.

"Can you people just leave me alone?" She asked, her voice, so beautiful and soft, sounded irritated and mad. "I'm not leaving so leave me alone."

I sighed, "I don't think you are going to leave Amelia." I reached forward and took her hand in mine, my wolf growling deep in his chest that sounded almost like a purr, knowing that his mate is very near. Her skin was rough, but under the callouses I knew her hands would be soft and smooth, like silk against my own skin.