Moon Shine

Chapter Seven


My jaw tightened as I thought about the guy, Alexander, again. Ever since he had come into my room I hadn't been able to get him out of my head.

He wasn't bad looking or anything, on the contrary, he was the handsomest guy I had met in my life, and how I reacted to him just sitting there in the same room scared me.

I didn't need to get involved with anyone, it would only end in heartbreak for me, or him. I couldn't do that, it just wasn't possible; then why couldn't I get him out of my head?

I knew I needed to forget about him, but I couldn't. The feeling of his hand on mine was like heaven and all I wanted was to feel his skin again. My hand tingled, like his hand was still on top of mine and I shook my hand, willing the feeling away.

Even when my hand had touched his face when IU had slapped him, it had left my hand tingling, and not in the way it normally felt when you hit something or someone. It had sent electric tingles through my hand and up my arm. There was something inside me that just reacted to his touch, like some thing was sleeping and his touch was waking it up.

I shook my head and stood up, hobbling to the door and opening it, then walking down the hall toward the stairs and start down them. I needed to get out of that room whatever the cost.

"Amelia," a man said, the one that had claimed to be my father. "What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting."

"I needed out of there," I said and hobbled past him. "Besides, I'm hungry."

"Then let me help you." The man came up beside me and gripped my arm, stabling me and walks me toward what I assumed was the kitchen.

"What's you name?" I asked, looking at the man quizzically.

He winced before saying, "Daniel."

I nodded my head and let him continue to walk me to the kitchen.

"What all do you remember Amelia?"

The question was so sudden and unexpected that I stopped in my tracks and looks at Daniel and he stopped as well, turning and looking at me.

"What all do you remember?" He asked again and I shook my head.

"I only remember the past two years." I said after a moment and heard Daniel sigh.

"It will come back to you," he said. "I know it will. You just have to try to remember."

I glared at him when he says this and rip my arm from his grip.

"Do you really think I haven't tried to remember?" I hissed at him, beyond angry. "That I haven't tried so hard that I would pass out from the migraines and headaches it causes me? I want to remember more than you could ever know, so don't ever tell me to try harder."

I glared at Daniel again and walked past him, quickly moving in the same direction Daniel had been taking me, glaring at the door and pushed it open roughly.

How dare he! How dare he think that I don't try to remember! Who the hell did he think he was?

I looked around the large kitchen, spotting a woman who looked to be in her late 20's standing by the stove. I rolled my eyes, spotting a door that lead outside, wanting to get away from the woman, but as I was turning the knob when the woman spoke.

"Oh, Amelia," she said, turning her body toward me and wiping her hands on her apron. "What are you doing in here? You should be resting."

"Hungry," I muttered to the woman and turned from the door. "And I wanted out of that room."

"Well, what do you want to eat?" She asked, walking toward the fridge. "I'll make it for you."

I sighed heavily through my nose.

"A sandwich is fine," I muttered and moved to one of the stools and sat down.

"What kind? We've got ham, turkey, tuna, PB&J-"

"Ham is fine, thank you," I muttered cutting her off and putting my head in my hands. I didn't want to listen to this woman anymore. I needed to let off some steam and I knew I couldn't do it with anyone else around.

"Here you go sweetie," The woman said, putting the sandwhich in front of me and I looked up at the woman.

"Thanks," I said and looked down again, picking up the sandwhich and taking a bite.

"Your welcome sweetie," She said and went about the kitchen again, making food for dinner I suppose.

"What's your name?" I asked. "I don't like not know who people are and yet, nobody tells me their name."

"Sophia," the woman smiled and went back to work. "If you need any help, come find me. I'm not your mother, but I am always happy to help, and I will try not to smother you."

I nodded and thought about what she said and ate my sandwhich, slowly calming down. When I was done I stood up, walking to the sink and put the plate down.

"Thank you," I hesitated for a moment before continuing. "For giving me space, and for the sandwhich."

Sophia smiled and patted my arm and putting the plate in the dish washer after brushing off the crumbs.

"You are welcome sweetie, and I meant it. You need any help just come find me." She smiled again and went back to the stove and I nodded, going outside to get the fresh air.

I breathed in deeply, looking around the yard, walking toward the tree line, quickly scaling one of the lager ones and settling on a branch, looking of the properity.

It was a lot of land, plently of trees and open space. Near the house was a large garage, the house though was easily five times the size of the garage. It was simply huge, and I wouldn't even call it a house. It was a mansion.

In the distance I could see several children running around the yard, playing a game and oblivious to the world. They were lucky, they could play all day and go home to their familys at night. They didn't have to worry about being hungry, or being caught when they had to steal food. They didn't have to worry about dying, they had a full life ahead of them. They were the lucky ones.

I sighed and looked around, spotting the man that had been talking to me before I meet Sophia. He was standing next to the man who had first called me Amelia, the man from the large picture on the floor of my room, standing next to Sophia.

The two men were friends, that was obvious. The way the talked and their body language. They had known each other for a long time.

My jaw tightened, thinking back to the way the man, Daniel, had suggested that I had never tried to remember my past. It pissed me off so much and I could feel the angry seeping back into my body. I watched as the two men slowly began walking toward my tree, as if they had sensed someone watching them and I saw their eyes sweep the tree line, waiting for someone to come out.

I glared down at them as the caught site of me, moving to me at a faster rate and stopped a few feet from my tree.

"Amelia," Daniel shouted up to me. "Will you come down? We wanted to taqlk to you."

"No," I said. "I am perfectly fine where I am, thank you."

I saw Daniel's jaw tighten. "Amelia, come down here right now. "

I could feel the power Daniel eluded, so similar to my own, and it pissed me off even more. How dare this man! Did he really think he could control me and not suffer the consequences? I began to shake, and I knew a blackout was coming. It happened every now and again, I would blackout when I was extremely angry, or scared, but the blackouts never ended well. I would be weak for days after one, and people around me would be hurt. I couldn't control them, and I never remembered what happened afterwords, but once one was in progress, it was hard to stop them.

I glared down at the two men, my vision slowly going black and I jumped from the tree, letting the blackout take over me.
