Moon Shine

Chapter Eight


I shoot up from my bed, eyes wide open, but I couldn't see anything.

Something was wrong, something to do with Amelia. My mind had a hazy fog over it, and I shook my head, trying to get rid of the feeling, but my head began to pound.

My stomach churned, bile leaving a burning trail up my throat and I swallowed hard.

What was going on? What was Amelia doing to cause this churning in my head and stomach. It wasn't right, and something was terribly wrong.

"ALEX," Mom screamed as she threw the door to my room open, rushing inside. "Hurry, your father needs you downstairs!"

I groaned as mom pulled me up, the room spinning around me and my stomach lurching.

"What's going on Mom," I asked, my voice weak and I leaned against mom heavily.

"It's Amelia," mom said, putting her arm around my waist. "Are you okay? You look so pale." Mom touched my forehead.

"Need to get to Amelia," I said, my voice so weak and my breaths coming quicker. "Please mom, it might help. What has happened?"

"Amelia changed-" that is all my mom had to say before I rushed out of the room, hurrying downstairs and outside where so much commotion was coming from.

I panted and ran to my father, who had his hands in the air, facing her.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her, of her wolf. She was stunning, but also scared, her golden eyes roaming over the yard wildly.

Her coat was a beautiful white, the hair moving in the wind.

Her muzzle though, was pulled back in a snarl. Amelia's wolf was scared and, in the state she was in, very dangerous to approach for anyone besides her mate.

I took a step forward, getting a better view around the woods.

In a semi-circle around Amelia was the royal guard, some in wolf form, others in human form. The King was the closest to Amelia, his hands in the air, speaking in low tones to Amelia. I didn't need to move closer to feel the power coming off him.

My wolf was fighting against the power, and so was I. It was so powerful though.

My jaw twitched and moved a step closer, being cautious, not wanting to startle Amelia.

I stopped when Amelia snarled at whatever the King was saying, her own power coming forth.

I let out a low moan, my knees buckling, and I looked around, seeing most of the guard now on their knees, or heads bowed, showing submission.

Even the King was struggling to stay standing. Amelia was very powerful indeed.

I took a breath and stepped closer, my foot coming down on a twig and Amelia's head snapped to me, a loud snarl coming from her throat and I lifted my hands.

"Amelia," I said softly, taking another step closer. "It's okay Amelia. Let your wolf go, everything is okay. There is no danger here."

She tilted her head to the side slightly, looking at me through new eyes, lifting her paw and taking a step toward me.

"That's it Amelia," I said quietly. "Come to me."

She took another step, then another, stopping just short of me, a soft whimper coming from her throat.

"Shh," I said softly. "I won't hurt you, but you need to change back. You don't have the energy to stay a wolf for long."

I lowered my hands, moving them forward and out to Amelia, letting her move her head to me before laying my hand, palm down, on her head.

"That's it Amelia," I said, petting the soft hair of her head. "I need you to change."

She whimpered and closed her eyes, leaning into my hand and I moved to my knees before her.

"I'm here," I said. "I won't let you be in pain if I can help it."

She opened her eyes, the golden orbs stare into my eyes and nodded her large head, before closing her eyes again.

Her body trembled, her eyes squeezed shut. Her bones cracked, moving and shifting, the hair reciting into her body. I could feel how much pain she was in through the link we were forming from us simply being mates.

I tried my hardest to take as much pain from her as possible.

Finally, she had changed back into her human form, her body naked and I quickly ripped off the shirt I had fallen asleep in and put it on her.

I picked her up in my arms, walking inside and upstairs, by passing the room she had been staying in and went into my room, laying her on the bed gently.

I sat down in my desk chair, moving to the side of the bed and held her hand in mine, brushing the hair from her face.

I wondered what might have triggered her wolf to come out. What had made her scared enough to shift. I would need to speak with Dad as soon as Amelia was awake.

I sighed, looking down at her, then something hit me.

She was a white wolf.

I stood quickly, going to my book shelf and grabbed a book from the shelf, turning it over in my hands.

I brushed over the front cover of the book, History of Wolves, is what it read.

It was one of the most sacred of texts that was passed from Alpha to Alpha in each pack. There were different versions of the books, most of them more centered on the pack it belonged to, but they all held how our species came to be.

Only the royal book had the history of every pack in the world.

I opened the book carefully, sitting back down in my chair beside Amelia, turning to the table of content, and then turned to the page of white wolves.

Our first Queen, the one who brought us out of darkness, was a White wolf. Her name, Sophia Whitemoon, the most powerful wolf in the history of wolves. She was beautiful, in both wolf and human form and from her birth she was destined to do great things.

Queen Sophia is the only wolf known to have been a white wolf, though there are legends that the first Werewolf was white, created by the moon goddess herself.

There is a prophecy, that the next White Wolf to be born would have a very hard life. It will be her duty to stop Evil from rising and if she fails, Evil will take over the Werewolf world. Women and children would be slaughtered and men forced into slavery. But, in order for the White Wolf to succeed, she will need the support of her Mate and the Alphas around the world.

Her prophecy and the power of the White Wolf can be found in -

I turned the page, but there was nothing left to read.

I frowned. That couldn't be, there had to be more. I combed through the book, but there was nothing more. My frown deepened and I studied the page I had been reading closely, seeing the tiny paper that was supposed to be the second page of the chapter. It had been torn out.


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