
I Love You Jimmy.

We pulled up to Brian's house and sat in the car. On the way here we figured out that if I touched Angel she could feel me. We sat there for a little bit before I touched her shoulder. "I know, Jimmy but it doesn't look like he's home." I knew he was. I could feel his presence so I gave her a little shove. "Ok, ok." I laughed as she got out of the car and I followed. We walked up to the door and knocked. Got no answer so she tried the knob. Locked. I walked through the door and tried to see if I could unlock it. I stopped. I went to check the alarm to make sure it wasn't set. Good. I walked back and tried to unlock the door. It worked. This is so sad. I can work everything being dead. I shook my head and walked back through. I touched her shoulder again hoping she'd understand and she did. We walked in. She was being quiet and we walked up the stairs to his room. Figuring that's where he'd be. Sure enough. Lying in a heap with the blankets around him. I shook my head. "Don't you know how to answer the door?" She asked. Brian jumped and landed on the floor with a big thump. "Ow. Fuck. How the fuck did you get in here?" "Um, magic?" I laughed, perfect answer if you ask me. I'm magical. Angel turned the light on. Brian was standing up rubbing his head with a wince. "I'm serious. How did you get in?" She looked at him with a blank face then sighed, "If I told you the truth you wouldn't believe me. So I'm going to tell you I picked your lock." "You don't know to pick locks." He said still rubbing his head. She shrugged, "I learned how to pick them in prison." I laughed, I love this girl. Brian shook his head, "Why are you here?" She blinked, "Can I not come see you?" She asked genuinely hurt. Brian didn't say anything just continued to rub his head. "Are you ok?" She asked walking towards him. "I'll be fine in a minute." "You smell like jack." She scrunched her nose. "Yea, I tired to get drunk and it didn't work. It ended up all over me instead." She raised her eyebrows, "K." She said holding back laughter. She gasped, "Brian your bleeding." Brian looked at the hand that was rubbing his head. "Would ya look at that." I groaned. I put my hand in Angel's head. "Slap him." I thought to her. She gasped, "Don't ever do that again." Brian looked at her weird. "I didn't do anything." "Sorry." She mumbled. I laughed. Angel grabbed Brian's hand and led him to his bathroom. "Sit." She said pointing to the toilet. "Yes, mommy." She slapped his arm softly. "Don't call me that." Brian chuckled and sat down. She went through the cabinets and found a wash cloth and some rubbing alcohol. Oooh, Brian was gonna be a crying baby. I laughed. Angel got the cloth wet and started wiping the blood way. "What did you hit?" "The table next to my bed." He winced. "I'm sorry. This is probably going to burn like a bitch." She said and she put a little rubbing alcohol on the cloth then put it to his head he jumped up. "Ow god damn it." "Don't yell at God. He didn't do anything to you." He looked at her and laughed. "What?" She asked. He smiled at her and sat back down so she could finished. She shook her head and smiled. She put more of the rubbing alcohol on the cloth and cleaned Brian's head as he groaned in pain. "Done." She said rinsing the cloth off. "How's your head?" Angel asked softly. "I'll be ok." He smiled at her. She gave him a small smile. "Are you ok, Angel?" She looked away from him. She was thinking about me and what I had told her. "Angel?" Brian said turning her around. She looked at Brian then down at her feet. "Just tell him. He's going to freak out but what can you do?" I said even though no one could hear me. "Angel, what's the matter?" He asked concerned. "I....You....Jimmy." She shook her head and walked away. "Angel?" Brian called after her but got no reply. He walked out of the room to find her. He didn't see any sign of her till he walked into the kitchen and the back door was open. He walked out and saw her standing on the porch. "Angel?" She didn't say anything so he walked over and stood next to her. He looked at her then out at the water. "Want to hear the craziest thing that happen to me today?" "What's that?" "Well, ya know how at the park Rose thought." She stopped. "She saw Jimmy?" Brian finished for her. She nodded, "Well when we got home my, our daughter pointed at a picture of us three. Wanna know what she said?" "What's that?" Brian had a small smile of his face. "That, that was the night that I surprised you in New York and we went out and that you face planted the ground and asked me to kiss your boo-boo." Brian's face went white and he looked at Angel. "How the hell could she have known that? She wasn't even thought of then." "Actually, she was. I just didn't know." "Really?" Angel nodded, "You broke up with me a few weeks after that, when you got home." He looked away from her and a pained expression crossed his face. Angel touched the side of his face, "It's ok, Bri. Jimmy explained a few things to me." "How?" He choked out. "It started off through Rose then he asked for a pen and paper." "He can write and it shows up?" She nodded. I touched her arm, hoping that she could understand me. "I think he's wants pen and paper." She said. Brian looked at her like he was about to shit his pants. "You can feel him?" "Yea, it's a really weird feeling. That's who I walked talking to earlier when I said don't do that again." "What did he do?" "He asked me to slap you when you didn't seem at all worried about the fact that your head was bleeding." Brian choked on a sob and laughter. I poked at Angel a few times. "He really wants that paper. Stop it. I get it." She slapped at me. Brian walked into the house. He walked back out turning the light on with a pencil and paper. He set in on the table. I walked over and picked the pencil up. "Holy shit." Brian breathed. "What's up man?" I wrote. Brian broke down into a sob. Angel walked over to him and took him in her arms. Brian held on to her for dear life. "I'm sorry, Brian. I don't know how to come back. I want to so badly. I miss you and everyone else. This is how I've spent the last few months of my life. Just watching everyone." I wrote and then touched Angel's arm. "Bri, hun, he wrote again." Brian looked at the paper. "I miss you so much Jimmy. How can we get you back?" "I don't know." I stopped and looked at Brian. "I don't know if we can." Brian broke down again taking Angel to the ground with him. Tears fell down my face. I picked the pencil up again and stopped. "What," Brian sniffled, "What did you explain to her, Rev?" I smiled through my tears. "At the park when you were leaving, I saw the look on your face. It said it all to me. How you really feel about her." I picked the notebook up and dropped it to the ground. "How do I really feel?" He asked. I sat down on the ground and moved the notebook so I could write. "That you really love her and think about her all the time. And how big of a fucking moron you are. Ok so that wasn't on your face but that's what I think." Brian and Angel laughed. "How could you have seen that in a second?" "I've always been able to read you. But for some reason, you hid the fact that for a long time. I honestly don't know how you did it." "I hid it because I thought no one liked her. I," He paused and looked at Angel. Instead of Brian saying what he was going to say, Angel pressed her lips to his. I started bouncing on the ground and hit the chair. "Sorry." Angel said. "No, no. Continue. PLEASE! I'll go haunt Johnny if I have to." They both started laughing. "You still have as much life in you as you did before." Brian commented. I nodded to myself. "Brian, I have a confession to make." "What's that, bro?" "I made you call Val. I made you go to the beach. I made you eat." Brian furrowed his eyebrows, "How?" "I can put my hand in your head." I put my hand in his head and said, "Oh shit. What's in the bucket? What's in the bucket but a bucket of shit." Brian jumped back. "Don't do that please." I laughed. I grabbed the pencil again. "Can I touch you to see if you can feel me?" "Yes." I touched Brian's head and nothing happened. So I started touching his face, neck, shoulders, arms, and legs, getting nothing. I sighed, "It didn't work." "It's ok. Maybe there's a reason for it." I shrugged, to myself. "Who all knows your still here?" "Us." Angel said. "I don't venture off that much. I've been too afraid to leave you for very long." I admitted. Brian sighed, "I'm sorry." "Don't be. He's your best friend, Brian. It's a hard thing to handle." "Agreed." I wrote. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Hopefully to try and help your though this. As you can see, I didn't really get anywhere. I'm sorry." "That's not your job, Jimmy." Brian said. "But I know it's only because you care." "Then stop complaining." I wrote. They laughed. Oh no. I started freaking out. Trying to hold on to anything I could but couldn't. I could feel myself being pulled. "Brian, their taking me." I wrote fast. "No!" Brian sobbed. But it was too late. I was really gone this time. And there was nothing I could do about it. I looked around and saw nothing but white.

*Angel's P.O.V.*
I cried so hard with Brian that my whole body shook. "Angel! Angel, baby, please wake up!" I shot up out of bed and looked at my surroundings. "Where am I?" I asked. "Your at hotel. You were having a nightmare. God, Angel, you scared the hell out of me. What were you dreaming about?" I looked over to see Brian. And Brian had a fat lip. He had tripped last night from being so drunk. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Um, this is probably going to see really stupid but, what day is it?" "It's Thursday, October 12." "Um, what year?" Brian looked at me funny. "Um, 2008." I sighed with relief but I felt really weird. I had just surprised Brian in New York. "Where's Jimmy?" "I don't know. Probably in his room sleeping. Angel, what's going on with you?" "Brian?" I asked. "Yes?" "If I asked you something will you be completely honest with me?" "Yes, I'm always honest with you." "Are you planning on leaving me when you get back from tour?" Brian's face went white, "Is that what you were dreaming about?" "Yes and no. Answer the question, Brian?" He didn't say anything for a few moments, "Yes." "Why? And be honest. I have a feeling I already know the answer." I sighed and felt tears prick my eyes. He didn't say anything again and I sighed, "Come on Brian. If you knew you could change something, would you?" He looked at me. "If it had to do with your best friend." "Yes, in a fucking heart beat." "Then answer the fucking question." I yelled. He looked at me funny. I groaned in frustration. "Because you want nothing from me but my money." He whispered. "Your a fucking liar. You love me. Your just afraid to admit it because no one likes me, but Jimmy." Brian looked at me. "If you really break up with me, your going to regret it for the rest of your life, ya know." "How do you know?" "Because I just had a dream from 2009 into 2010. Jimmy dies on December 28,2009 and comes back and somehow manages to talk to me as a spirit through my... Oh god." I got up and ran out of our hotel room. I ran down the hall to the elevator with Brian yelling for me. He caught up to me as the it opened. I darted in the elevator with Brian behind me. "Where are you going?" I started patting my pockets realizing I needed money. I pulled what was in my back pocket out, to see my debit card. The elevator dinged opened and I ran out into the lobby to the front doors. I ran out and looked around me. I saw a supermarket with the lights on and ran for it. I ran inside and started looking for the isle that would have pregnancy tests. I found it and grabbed four boxes and ran to the counter and paid. "What are you buying?" Brian asked as I paid. I ran back to the hotel with Brian behind me.
I got to our door and stopped. "God damn it." "Forget to grab a key?" "Open the fucking door please." I said to Brian. He didn't say anything just opened the door. I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. I ripped all of the boxes open and took all of them out of the packaging. I took all of caps off and did my business. I washed my hands as I waited. Brian pounded on the door, "Angel, what's the matter?" I didn't say anything. I some how managed to find my way to the floor and was rocking back and forth. Time finally was up and at looked at the four pregnancy tests. All of them were positive. I started crying and threw everything in the garbage in daze. I didn't know what do to. Brian finally realized the door wasn't locked and peeked inside. "Angel?" He asked softly as he knelt down in front of me. "Are you really going to break up with me for something you don't believe?" "Is that what this is all about?" He asked softly, pushing hair back behind my ear. "Answer the question." He looked at me dead in the eyes. "What's all the commotion in here?" I looked up to see a sleepy Jimmy and flew up to hug him. Jimmy wrapped his arms around me, "What's going on, Brian?" "I have no idea. I've been trying to figure that out for that last forty-five minutes." "You say that like you think I'm fucking crazy." I said looking at him. "I don't think your crazy. I just want to know what's going on." "Then answer my question." I said wiping at my eyes. "Are you?" I asked. He sighed, "I would have been, yes." I walked away. I grabbed my cigarettes off the table and went to walk out onto the balcony. I looked down at my hand with the cigarettes in them and stopped. I turned around and went to throw them away. "What are you doing?" Jimmy asked as I got to the trash can in the room. "Throwing my cigarettes away." I said as Brian walked up. "Why?" "Because she pregnant." Brian said looking at me. I bit my bottom lip. "What made you go get those? And why that many?" "I don't why that many. And because of the nightmare I had." "What happened in your nightmare?" Jimmy asked. So I explained it all, in detail. "It was like," I paused, "I was Jimmy." I whispered. "I died?" I nodded, "Your not going to be alone for a long, long time, Jimmy." I said. He smiled at me and gave me the biggest hug. "I love you." "I love you too, Jimmy." Brian was speechless. He looked so lost and broken. Jimmy pulled back and we watched Brian. Brian finally broke and started balling. I walked over and took him my arms. The dream came back to me all over again. It was like the moment where Brian found out Jimmy was still here, holding on to me for dear life. I just held him and rubbed his back. I realized I had tears running down my face. "I'm so sorry. I am so so sorry." Brian croaked into my neck. I pulled back to look at him. "Why? Why are you sorry?" "Because I would have gone through with it. I would have left you. I love you so fucking much." He took my face in his hand. "What was I thinking?" He asked looking me in the eyes. "You weren't thinking. Well you were." Jimmy spoke up. "Who was I thinking about?" "You were thinking about Angel and how she must feel with the way everyone treats her." "But I don't care. I'm not with Brian for what they think. I love him for who he is. For what's in here." I said pointing to Brian's heart. "I know that." Jimmy said. "But no one else does." I looked at Brian and wiped his tears. "I love you." He said. I smiled at him, "I love you too." He smiled at me and kissed me. "Ya know. That dream kind of makes no sense." "How so?" Brian asked. "Because with the little girl being as old as she was, there would be no way she would old enough to talk if she was yours." "Why do you say that?" Brian furrowed his eyebrows. "Because look at the time line. She was old enough to talk. And Jimmy dies in a year from now. Which isn't going to happen." I said looking at Jimmy. He just grinned at me. "I mean. She is yours. There's no question about it but." I paused, "There would be no way she would be old enough to talk." Brian and Jimmy nodded. "God works in mysterious ways to say what he wants to." He said looking up smiling.

"I fucking hate you." I said as I squeezed Brian's hand. Brian just laughed, "I love you too, baby." "Ow, oh my god." I screamed at the top of my lungs and then heard crying. I looked down to see a little girl. Tears fell down my face. Brian wiped my face and kissed my forehead. "I love you, baby." He whispered in my ear. I smiled, "I love you too." I said not looking at him. I watched as they cleaned me and my little girl up. "She's beautiful." I whispered. "Just like her mommy." I giggled and looked at Brian. "I'm sorry I said that I hated you." "It's ok. I know you don't." "I know but I still shouldn't have said it." He smiled and kissed my cheek, "Yea well, I kind of deserve it." I arched an eyebrow. He chuckled, "I'm part of the reason you were in that much pain." I laughed, "Yea well it takes two ya know." He laughed, "Yes, yes it does. But I'm glad I listened to you." I laughed, "Me too. Today wouldn't be nearly as special without you." I said looking at our baby.
"Hello, hello!" Jimmy boomed as he walked in. "Quiet, Jimmy. Angel's trying to sleep." Brian said as I cracked an eye open and smiled at Jimmy. "I would have been waking her up anyways." The nurse said walking in. I sat up with Brian's help as he noticed me moving. He sat on the edge of the bed as kisses my temple. "So have you two picked out a name for her?" She asked as everyone else came in the room. I looked at Brian and smiled. "Rosalie McKenna Haner." He said. No one but Jimmy knew the reason why. Jimmy just grinned at us. "I love you, Jimmy." I said. He smiled, "I love you too."
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It's a short story I know, but it was something that just came to mind and thought I'd write it out. I wasn't quite sure how to put into text but this is how it turned out. Hope you've enjoyed it!!!! :)