Status: will be updated every couple of weeks sorry it will take me a while it hasn't been edited

Ghost Girl


My name is Paige Anderson, I am fifteen and I can see spirits. 
But to understand we will have to go back to the beginning.   
I was about five. Yes. I was five. It was a young girl who looked about the same age as me. My parents were in the room on the right to my room, and my grandma was in the room on the left side of mine. The girl was sitting in the corner of my room curled up in a small ball. Her head was leaning on her knees making me unable to see her face. 

"hello, excuse me are you a little girl too. Awre you sad," I remember saying in my small five year old voice "habe you been cwying? It's ok we can be fwends I've never had a fwend before. My name is Paige what's yours?" The girl looked up at me with a tear streaked face, She was quite pretty. She had long flowing blonde hair which was down to her waist, and a fringe grown down past her eyebrows which stopped just short of her piercing blue eyes, which shone so brightly it looks as though she had small sapphires implanted in them. 

"M-my name I-is Samantha. I-I'm lost I can't find my mummy." she sobs. 

"I'll help you find your mummy it's ok." I said while my parents walked into my room. 

"who are you talking to sweetheart?" my mother asks kindly. I looked her up and down taking in her stunning beauty her shiny, wavy, black hair which fell just past her shoulders, and her bright green eyes looking brighter then a snakes. 

"I'm talking to samamfa. She can't find her mummy." I say unable to say her name properly. 

"I'm sure Samantha will find her mummy soon." my dad says stepping forward with his black hair and deep brown eyes. 

"No I need your help no one else can hear me." said samantha. 

"Samamfa says that no one else can see her because she needs my help to find her mummy." I remember saying with pride. 

"well maybe you should come to the kitchen to eat." my mum says. My grandma soon came into the room. 

"Hi gammie!" I yelled to her "Look I habe a new fwend her name is samapa. She's lost and can't find her mummy." I tell her. 

"Paige how about you bring Samantha outside with us so we can help her find her mummy?" she asked in an old, worn down voice. 

"YEAH!" I say running outside 

"come on samapa I'll help you find your mummy." I say

"I'll talk to her." is all I heard my grandma say to my parents before I ran outside with my new friend. 
My grandmother soon came and joined us. 

"hello Samantha. I hear you lost your mummy is that right? How about I help you find her again? Tell me everything you remember." My grandma said in her caring tone. 

"Well I was at my house playing with my dog Banjo. I remember going back inside and found my mummy asleep on the floor I found daddy next to her. He was asleep too. The air smelt funny and all I remember is going to sleep and waking up in my house but it was on fire so I wan owt but I couldn't find mummy I felt weally cold and lost and then I went a found you because none of my fwends could see me. Can you help me find my mummy?" she asks my grandma. 

"well your mummy and daddy have probably gone to the other side. Can you see a light?" my grandma asks 

"it's been following me all day but I can't go without mummy." she replies. 

"it's ok your mummy is already there. I'll help you get there." my grandma says. She leant down to my height and started whispering in my ear. 

"Samantha found you and therefore you have to guide her past the light and the bridge into the other side. Make sure that you don't cross the bridge with her you may wander around the summerland if you want but make sure you come back through the same light you came in." 

"it sounds fun! Come on samamfa I'll take you to the other side." I say beaming and holding her hand as I walk into the light leading to the giant place where spirits go. I look around for a bridge and find one crossing a river with vines curling around it. 

"Bye, bye, Samamfa your mummy and daddy are over that bridge. Don't be scared it's safe." I tell her 

"thank you." she says her face seeming to brighten and her tear streaked face starting to look like a normal girl her flowing hair had more life in it and her eyes looked happy she crossed the bridge hugging me quickly to say thank you. 

"goodbye samamfa!" I yelled as she crossed the bridge. I quickly ran back through the bright luminescent light and found my gammie standing there waiting for me. 

"you did well Paige." she says hugging me. 
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This is a little better edited.
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