Status: will be updated every couple of weeks sorry it will take me a while it hasn't been edited

Ghost Girl


Reality hit hard when I was about seven I had started school and I was seeing ghosts everywhere and they all tried to talk to me asking for help. But just once I had to talk back because this man wouldn't leave me alone. 
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I remember yelling at the ghost and a girl; amber Greene decided that it would be her duty to make my life a living hell from that day on.
"look the freak's talking to thin air." she yelled loud enough for the hallway to hear word spread fast and soon no one wanted to be my friend except Kate, because she had the same curse as me and we were both stuck with it forever from then on I went to her house all the time she had an older brother James who stayed in his room all the time I talked to him occasionally and he was really nice kates whole family with an exception of her dad were able to see ghosts their family took it as a gift Kate on the other hand much like me thought of it as a curse and so did James. Kate had four siblings;James, Katherine who is seven, her oldest sister Leni who passed away before she was born and elana who is thirteen now. 
When I was still seven my parents realized something was wrong with me and they started taking me to the phycologist who thought I was odd because I saw a young boy in his office all the time. 
I remember the first time I saw the kid I was laying down on the table and he appeared by it all he said was help before he dissappeared into thin air again. 
"help with what little boy what's wrong?" I said
"are you ok?" the doctor asked 
"there was a little boy there. He needs help I need to help him." I state plainly 
"there is no boy there." 
"of course not he disappeared like they all do." I replied as if the man was crazy instead of me. 
After that session my parents were sure I was crazy and sent me off to live with my grandma while they moved away and tried to forget about me.
My grandma tried to convince me for years that it was a gift to help people not a curse she also mentioned that people like me usually have a few special talents like my grandma could go invisible like the ghosts could although using this talent uses too much energy to do it anymore.


I had to force myself to get up that morning it was the end of the six week holidays and I promised myself a new year, when people pointed and laughed I would ignore it and walk away I would have Kate to help me through the year and we would still be the freak outcasts of the school either way and I could accept that. 
What I couldn't accept is amber greene in all of my classes taunting me. 
I stretched my arms above my head as I realized that I had to get up I walked downstairs and found grams gone, 'she's probably just helping someone to the other side as always' I thought to myself she soon appeared from a glowing luminescent light illuminating from nowhere in particular.
I rolled my eyes at her embracing a curse. 
"I wish you would be more open to this think of it as a-"
"think of it as a gift yeah yeah yeah we've been over this everyone at school already thinks I'm a complete freak who yells to herself ok I'm done with embracing and now I'm working on fitting in. No ghosts." I say cutting her off
"spirits."  she says plainly as she sighs
"I just wish you could accept yourself I don't care if you don't want to embrace it I just want you to ac
I get to school quickly skipping breakfast to make sure I don't miss the bus, and yet I still do so I end up walking and being late for the first period I walk in and immidiately find Kate sitting up in the back corner. 

Whispers filled the table that amber Greene and her minions sat on I made sure to ignore them. Amber was a tall girl with brown hair and extremely tanned skin from laying down on the beach sand for hours on end. She was really skinny in an almost unhealthy way and it made me sick looking at her like that. She kept up with every fasion including partying and drinking vodka cruisers. 
As i reach the back of the room where Katie sat I asked "hey what's up?" I ask Katie
"nothing much the holidays were so boring except when you came over." she replies
"WELL LOOKIE HERE I THOUGHT YOU DROPPED OUT OVER THE TWO WEEKS." says amber Greene shouting to the class.

"obviously your IQ hasn't gone up at all if anything it's probably gone down." I say a small pout of sarcasm on my face. 
"well well well I guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." she replies
"oh shut up you couldn't wake up on the right side of the bed if you tried." says Kate pointing a black painted nail at amber. 
"eugh you girls are so gay for each other." she says as the best comeback she has. She and her minions walk away and soon the last one of her minions walks in,jemma, she used to be my friend until she found out about me talking to myself then she ran off to amber she walks up to the group of her friends and starts kissing each others cheeks and hugging them all making sure not to let them touch her new prada bag.
"AND YOU CALLED US GAY!" I yelled loud enough for the rest of class to hear and they all started laughing at them. The rest of the day went by quickly Kate and I sat in the cricket nets where we always have. She invited me to her place today and I texted grams and she obliged. 
When the final bell rings I am the first out of the class and run around the side of the school using the passage that Kate and I found by ourselves and that no one else knows about. Well they probably do but you have to do a fair bit of parkour. I jumped the low fence while simultaneously grabbing onto the green vines which hang from the roof and trail down the wall. I drop to the floor over the fence and let my hands touch the floor as I dropped. I stood up as my shoulders brushed against the narrow walls, I come to the last fence which I scale easily and drop to the floor to find Kate already waiting for me. 
"what took you so long?" Kate asks with a cheeky grin on her face. 
"sorry you've always been better at parkour than me." I say and begin laughing lightly "come on am I still on for your place?" I ask
"yeah of course!" she says happily. 
We run to the traffic lights and find our bus is nearly at the stop so without waiting for the lights Kate and I make a quick decision to run across the busy road. I see Kate stop before one of the cars came across but I kept running, but thankfully the car slowed down enough for me to jump on it and flip off of it and kate followed my lead. I see the bus was about fifty metres away from the stop and ran harder and faster towards it and Kate had caught up with me and was running ahead. I am a very active person I do Scottish highland dancing netball and tae kwon do all of which I do with Kate, but Kate was still a faster runner by far. 
We finally made it to the bus just as it was leaving but I was very out of breath and felt like I was coughing up my lungs.
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here's the first chapter thank you so much to tianakiana for the comment you don't know what it means to me thanks.
