Status: will be updated every couple of weeks sorry it will take me a while it hasn't been edited

Ghost Girl

Fun Times

"well that was fun!" I said sarcastically as I caught my breath. 
"yeah let's just not do it again." she says mimicking my sarcastic tone. 
As the bus pulled up at our stop I thanked the driver and got off with Kate. 
"hey wanna run to your house?" I ask a joking tone to my voice
"it's only at the end of this street why not." she replies sounding truthful for once. 
As I am lost in thought I finally notice that Kate is already half way to her house i begin to run and am soon only trailing by about fifty meters. 
By the time I reach kates house she had already been waiting five minutes because I stopped running when I had about one third of the run left. Once I went inside the house I walk past the mirror hanging in her hallway I have a glimpse of what I looked like the first thing I saw when I looked are my piercing green-blue eyes which everyone who can see ghosts has. I watched my hip length black hair waving in the pleasant breeze which always swept through this house and saw my pure white pale skin glowing brightly.
When I got to the lounge room I found Kate sitting on the couch smirking. 
"what took you so long?" Kate asks.
"hmm let me think. Possibly the fact that you decided to run the whole block. I looked up and down her perfectly tanned skin and her bleach blonde hair with her dead straight fringe which was grown down just past her eyebrows allowing me to only just see the same green eyes that I have. 
I still remember how I met Kate, it was when I only just moved houses  with my grandma, i was looking through the glass window at the front of the house. I was looking at the small cracks starting to appear which anybody else would be oblivious to but my eyes not being aged could see a lot things clearly compared to that of an adults. I noticed Kate and her family walking down the pavement of our new street they seemed to be walking towards our new house.The first thing I noticed was their eyes which looked EXACTLY like mine and my grandmas, it looked as if they were related to us. When I was watching them walk up the crumbling steps of our porch and knocked on our door. I ran to it yelling for grams to come but she was helping someone to the other side, so I had to invite them in. Mrs Sunnerland gave me a basket full of treats coffee and tea and loads of other things for grams and me to use. 
"fank you." I said accepting the basket which fell to the floor with a thump because I had hardly Andy muscles as a five year old. I dragged the basket to the kitchen which killed my arms when I got back into the lounge room my grandma and mrs Sunnerland were in deep conversations about ghosts. Kate was standing by the couch awkwardly due to the lack of seats so I walked up to her. 
"do yow want to play?" I asked
"no it's ok I'll probably fweak you owt."
"why?" I asked innocently
"well I scare most people." she replied. 
"I can see ghosts." she continued
"well I can see spirits grams says that they don't like being called ghosts." I said
"you can see them too!" she exclaimed happily. 
"Yes they always try to make me hewp dem but I can't." I said sadly as i trailed off slightly at the end. 
"that's what happens to me!" she said with the same excited and happy tone as before. We started to hang out with each other and when I started school she was the only person willing to hang out with a freak. We soon became best friends and told each other everything. 
"Paige, PAIGE!" I hear Kate yelling. I shake my head snapping out of my daydream. 
"uhhh.... Sorry I zoned out again didn't I?" I said having a small smile plastered on my face. 
"yeah you did." she says shaking her head at my craziness. 
Come on let's watch tv for a while. 
I go and join her on the couch she starts to flick the channels as a habit she does all the time; it annoys me so much. she finally (FINALLY) settles on nickelodeon channel because Victorious was on and we couldn't find anything else to watch. 
after we had watched at least seven episodes of victorious we notice dusk colors in the sky alerting us that night is close. I watched the pretty purple orange and yellow cover the sky. 
"come on Kate time for our traditional sleepover schedule." I say grabbing her hand and walk into her bedroom where I ransacked most of her drawers to find her makeup and when she came in about ten seconds later she saw all the mess covering the floor she looked at me worried about how I could mess up a room this much in ten seconds. 
"that must be some kind of record." she says smiling. She walks to her bed and picks up a bunch of things that I overlooked when I walked into the room. She shows them to me shaking her head at my craziness. 
"hey I see ghosts; if that's not crazy then what is?" I say to her
"uhhh maybe being able to completely trash my room in under ten seconds looking for something sitting right on my bed does that qualify?" she says
"don't be a smart ass." I say defensively. 
"come on let's do our makeup." she says walking into her bathroom and grabbing towels to stop anything from spilling on her bed. 
We sit across from each other while still sitting on her bed with her giant open balcony doors showing us the colorful sunset. 
I start off with foundation I put a very slightly darker colour then her skin tone which is the same colour as mine we look like twins with our blue-green eyes and paper white skin being identical we also have the same beleifs on tans; we hate them. They are overrated and give you cancer I find being snow white is better then being an orange or the color of crap. 
I spread it over her face as she does the same to mine, her face is soon completely covered and she has also finished my foundation I grab the eyeshadows next and pick two colours turquoise blue and a soft purple. I brush it over her eyelids until I am ok with the product. Next I use the eyeliner which is also a blue color, but I only put it on her lower lid instead of the top one. Finally I grab the mascara and brush upwardly while Kate is doing the same thing I look down for a second and see that the towel was a brilliant idea because we have spilled so much makeup. 
We have soon finished and have killed an hour with this. We walk to one of the many, many mirrors in kates room. I love this makeup Kate gave me an all purple theme but had put swirly patterns in black eyeliner which curled down my face giving me a pixie like look. 
We walked downstairs and found the X-Box kinect unoccupied so we started playing. We kept playing until eight o'clock then we went back upstairs, took pictures of our pretty makeup, then washed it all off then it was for the fun stuff. I got a bandana from the floor and kate did the same then wrapped it around my head I grab Kate's hand and she leads me back to the bed which still has all the makeup on it I sit back down and we start doing each others makeup again except this time we couldn't see the results of this are always hilarious. 
I ended up with eyeliner around my lips and lipstick on my eyelids I ended up drawing crazy patterns of any random things in eyeliner and figured out Kate was doing the same thing. 
After we finished our belly-busting laughter we started talking about people at school. 
"I keep telling you Channing only just broke up with Magen now is your chance he is one of the best looking guys in school! AND he is one of the NICEST guys in school, he doesn't cheat on people, good looking, nice to talk to. Come on it's your chance there's only a small gap of availability here!" I say franticly. 
"fine I'll ask him if you ask James, I know how much you like him." she replies. 
"I can't he doesn't like me AND he has a girlfriend and she's PREFECT."
"oh come on! He likes you anyone with a pair of eyes can see that and your crazy about him, and yes he has a girlfriend but that doesnt mean he likes her! She is so clingy and annoying anyone would break up with her she doesn't have anything with him. Ok looks maybe but a brain now way and you are still prettier then her any-day so what are you gonna do?" she says really fast mushing it all into two sentences. 
"I'll confront James... But only if you will ask Channing." I bargain
"deal." we say reaching up and shaking hands, and I soon drift off to sleep. 
♠ ♠ ♠
this is pretty much just a filler and a background on how Kate and Paige met.
