Status: will be updated every couple of weeks sorry it will take me a while it hasn't been edited

Ghost Girl

Seeing mum

I yawn as I walk downstairs towards the kitchen letting Kate sleep in as usual. I stretch my arms above my head and notice the lights are already on. 
I walk downstairs and jump when I hear a shout from slightly infrount of me I let my eyes adjust to the light and find James laughing his head off at me. 
'brilliant' I think to myself. 'he really likes me that's why he's laughing at me.'
"you shouldn't of let my sister anywhere near you face she wrecked it's beauty." James says. 
"you wait until you se--"
"wait did you just call me beautiful?" I say smirking. He instantly gets flustered and starts scratching at his neck. 
"well um yeah you are beautiful." he says to me smiling sweetly. "did I hear you talking about me last night."
"well err maybe..." I say feeling red rush to the surface of my cheeks. 
"the walls in this house are extremely thin." he almost whispers making me giggle at his comment.
"so what is it James since when do you come out of your room mr I like my video games better then my family." I say to him with a funny voice on. 
"I ah... I don't like the games better then my family it just it easier to stay cooped up there because THEY don't go into my room, I'm stuck with them at school, I don't want to be stuck with them in my own room." he says
"wait your talking about the ghosts?" I ask
"umm yeah they like to be called spirits." he says 
"I know but ghosts sounds cooler you know?" I reply. 
"yeah it does." I suddenly see a waver of energy, it happens whenever a ghost appears. I hear a phone ring, James puts his hand in his back pocket and pulls out a phone. 
"hello Amber." he says sounding slightly annoyed that she interrupted us. 
"hey honey where are you?" I hear the faint voice coming from the phone, I walk closer to him to hear what his crazy girlfriend says. 
"at my house?" he replies. 

"do you want to come over this afternoon, my parents won't be home." she says sounding seductive. 

"no? I'm with a friend this afternoon." he replies. 

"yeah like who?" 

"Paige." he says plainly 

"does he go to our school?"

"yes and it's a SHE."


"YES, SHE IS SHE'S WAY PRETTIER THAN YOU, AND SHE DOESNT WHINE, SHE'S NOT ANNOYING, AND SHE SO NICE AND EASY TO TALK TO!"James yells steam looking like it'll come out of his ears. 

Suddenly the small wave of energy begins to vibrate so fast until you can see a complete person. 

"mum?" I say to the person while James is still yelling away at his girlfriend. 

the ghost nods slightly. I look her up and down. The same black hair that i have flowing down to her shoulders. Her piercing grey eyes watching me so intensely it's as if she is seeing right through my soul. I walk up to her. 

"your dead? You died?" I say gobsmacked

"so sorry that your father couldn't make it." she replies in a soft whispering voice. 

"you didn't awnser my question. When? And how?" I say. 

"we Were driving along the coast next to the beach up on the highlands above the beach, the steering on the car went out and we drove off the edge and plunged into the ocean. Your father and I have the help of the council to adjust to all this." she explains

"The... Council...?" I ask

"what huh...? Oh that they're just... Ghosts?" she says before fading out of the house.

"so what's up with Amber." 

"she is a jealous girlfriend annoying too." he says

"why did you go out with her then?" I ask

"well I don't want to I just, I thought she was different to everyone else like you are, your different. Your not so needy and annoying your nice and caring." he says

"huh as if." i say. "are you gonna break up with her?" I say

"don't doubt yourself its true and the other truth is that she came to me I never asked her out I just said yes to her because of her giant ego." he confesses. 

"Hey well i dont care if you break up with her she calls me a freak daily." I say

"really? I think that argument was the last straw. I think I just convinced myself to break up with her."

"and why would I care about that?" I ask walking to sit on the couch. He follows me and sits down next to me.

"because you like me..., and I like you." he replies blushing uncontrollably, as he leans in towards me and I begin to lean in towards him as well. Our lips instantly meet and we kiss I feel like I'm flying but I pull away. 
" Wait... Amber she, shes your girlfriend, we can't do this. Its wrong to Amber. I may not like her but no one deserves to be cheated on."

"I know and I still kinda like her."

"then why are you cheating on her?" I ask

"because I thought you liked me." he says seductively. 

"I don't like players." I say plainly an walk out. 


The weekend went so fast and soon it was Monday and we had to go back to school for another week but I couldn't help but keep thinking about the kiss James and I shared. I keep feeling guilty and he's such a player I don't want to tell Kate but I don't want to do anything too rash because James is a nice guy just not when it comes to love and I think that after that incident I'm kinda over him. 

"let's get to school." I say to Kate and James. 

"yeah let's." Kate replies shooting me a look and I have a feeling James told her. 

Once we got to school (without missing the bus for once) we had a double math class while james went off to his classes. Math is the worst class, I completely HATE it. I ended up sleeping through the whole two periods. 

"miss Anderson." I hear faintly through my dream "miss ANDERSON!" I keep hearing.

"Paige, wake up." I hear Kate's voice and feel her nudging me awake. I lift my head off of the desk and look up at the teacher. 

"miss Anderson i am going to have to call your Grandmother." he says seriously. 

"tell Her I said hi!" I say smiling then put my head back down on the table.

When the bell for lunch finally rang i was out of that class first. When I got to the quad I was approached by Amber. 

"how could you do that you evil little. little. THING!" she yells 

"I have no idea what your talking about." I say plainly

"you kissed my boyfriend!" she yells 

"so. It's not like I haven't caught you cheating on him before, trust me you are a sleaze." I say pointing my finger at her. 

She steps forward with a clenched fist and swings it towards my face. I catch the puny attempt of a punch easily in my hand, and use my other hand to deliver a painful blow to the side of her face which will leave a big bruise. 

After that Amber ran to the sick bay crying. When sixth period came around we got an announcement. By that time Amber was back with her cheek swollen. 

The office lady had many sheets of paper which she handed out to all of us. She began to read from the sheet:

"to parent or guardian,
Wednesday, as a reward for all of our students passing their tests last term, we have decided to throw a ball like function. It will be a masquerade ball, where students will buy gowns and masks, and men will be in tuxedos. It is an idea which we hope will grow into a tradition here at Gifford high school. Please sign the permission slip, then send it back to the school tomorrow morning, sorry for the short notice but it took a while to organize and we were unable to get the letter out last week." she finishes. 

There immediately was a scream from Amber. "oh my god I'll look so good in a gown next to My James eep!" she says jumping. 

When the bell rang Kate and I began to talk about dates for the ball. 
♠ ♠ ♠
So there you go, Paige kisses James and sees her mum all in one chapter. still not edited, none of these chapters are. I'm so sorry to the readers who can't work out the mistakes.
And thanks so much for the comments, they really helped.
I have up to chapter 5 written, and have started on chapter six which, will hopefully be done tonight.
