Status: Finished! Go read the sequel!


A Drop in the Ocean

The first thing Edie felt as she began drifting back into consciousness was pain. She groaned loudly, sitting up and clutching her head. She still had not opened her eyes, but she knew from the cushy material underneath her that she was at least in a bed.

But who had put her there? And where was she? The last thing she remembered was an explosion…

The ship! She picked up her head and looked around, alert. The last she remembered SHEILD’s floating headquarters was under attack. But how had the battle ended?

Edie looked around and saw that she was no longer on the helicarrier at all. She was in the room she usually used when she stayed at Stark tower. She looked around, eyes wide, and wondering what had happened. Was it over? Was Loki defeated? Had Tony taken her home?

“I was wondering when you would awaken.” Edie jumped at the voice she knew she didn’t want to hear.

Loki crossed the bedroom and sat down next to her on the bed. Before Edie could object, he gently slid his hand behind her neck and pressed his lips to hers. Though she was too shocked to return the kiss, she was still aware enough to feel something she wished she hadn’t.

He pulled away softly, slowly, and Edie felt her heart ache. She wanted something she shouldn’t want. He looked into her eyes and chuckled lightly.

“I never thought I would see the day when you would be speechless,” he smirked as he ran his thumb over her cheek gently.

She swatted his hand away and glared, “What happened? And what are we doing at Stark tower?”

“I found you injured and I brought you here so you would be out of harms way. Be grateful,” he sighed as he ran his hand over her leg.

Edie slapped his hand away and rolled out of the bed. “Grateful? Grateful that you kidnapped me and forced me here?”

“I saved you,” he said, standing up in the same angry manner.

“That’s crap!” she exclaimed. “What happened to the helicarrier and to SHEILD?” she demanded.

“Why are you so concerned? You have no loyalty to them,” he sighed, frustrated.

“Because my uncle was on that ship!” she shot back.

“He did not come to your rescue on the ship, I did! I carried you out of the floating fortress before it fell from the sky. Your loyalty should lie with me,” he said forcefully.

“My loyalty lies with my family and my planet,” she glared.

Loki moved so quickly that Edie was completely unaware what was happening until he had her pinned against the wall. Her breath hitched in her throat and her heartbeat quickly as he pressed his body against hers. She looked into his eyes and saw the intensity reflected in the harsh, icy blue hue. I shouldn’t be turned on by this, she thought silently in her head.

His large hand cupped her face as he said in a low voice, “That can be changed.” Her eyes grew wide as he stepped away from her and raised his scepter. He touched it to her chest and Edie felt as if a piece of her soul was sucked away from her.

Loki watched as her body lurched rigidly. He pulled the scepter from her chest and she fell forward, wrapping her arms around his waist to keep her balance. He returned the embrace and smiled as he felt her body relax into him. He knew she was his without even looking into her eyes.

Edie buried her face in his chest and he ran his fingers through her hair. They turned to look at each other and he touched his forehead to hers intimately. “Is this not simpler?” he asked softly. “There is no longer conflict in you, I can feel it.”

“What do you want from me?” she whispered.

“I want to make love to you, the way no man has before. I want to love you as only a god could,” he sighed as he leaned in towards her slowly.

Loki captured her lips with his own and smirked as she returned the kiss fervently. She ran her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her by her hips tightly. Her body truly was a paradise.

His hands slid behind her and gripped her round butt. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around him, both of them smiling into the kiss. He pressed her against the wall again, trailing kisses from her collarbone and up her neck. He gently nipped at a piece of skin and smirked as she whimpered underneath him.

He pressed an urgent kiss to her lips and his hands moved the tight fabric of her tank top up her stomach, exposing the smooth, tan skin. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and the bottom of her bra, pulling them over her head and flinging them to the side.

As soon as her breasts bounced free Loki moved his hand up her side to cup one, kneading gently. He leant down and took her nipple in his mouth. She gasped and arched her back into him, gripping his shoulders. He moved his lips to her neck and held her against him, moving backwards towards the bed.

As they fell towards the bed, the last of their clothing disappeared so that they were both completely naked when they hit the sheets. Loki groaned when she moved her hips on top of him. It was such a tease to be so close to her entrance and yet not inside of her. She trailed kisses along his jaw line and nibbled at his earlobe. He groaned and ran his hands along the smooth curve of her back, holding her close.

Edie pulled away with a mischievous look on her face as worked her way seductively down his body. He briefly wondered what she was doing, until she took his manhood in her mouth. Loki was pleasantly shocked. Was this something incredibly common on Earth? If so, he had chosen the proper planet to make his own.

Loki couldn’t control the groans escaping his lips as she worked her tongue along his member. She worked him incredibly close to his climax, so much so that he feared releasing his seed too soon. She seemed to realize this and pulled away, pursing her lips and blowing her cool breath up his erection.

A shiver ran down his spine and she crawled her way back up his body, a smirk stretched across her face. Loki grabbed the back of her head and tangled his fingers in her hair, meeting her lips with a passionate kiss. He flipped them over and she squealed in surprise.

Loki grinned into the kiss. Never had someone excited his senses as Eden had. Her beauty captivated him, her skin on his made him alive with pleasure, and her lips were as heavenly as the paradise she was named for.

“Open your eyes, my pet,” he breathed, “I want to see you as I enter you.” She did as he commanded, opening her eyes to stare up into his. But when he looked into her eyes he did not see the hunter green that had first drawn him to her. Instead he saw the crystal of his scepter’s power hiding the vibrant color that so described her.

Loki’s face fell as he came to a harsh realization. None of it was real. The short time spent with her was nothing but a delusion. She did not love him, nor would she ever so long as he held power over her mind.

“Do you love me?” he asked softly, afraid of her response.

“Yes, if you want me to,” she nodded with a smile. She ran her fingers through his hair and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips.

Loki sighed heavily. The illusion seemed so perfect, so real. Loki had dealt with illusions and lies for a majority of his existence, but this time he managed to dupe himself into believing that the beautiful girl from Earth would actually love him. However the girl lying in bed with him was not truly Edie; she was a mere shadow of the reality. He pulled away from her and sat at the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands.

“What’s wrong?” Edie asked in a silky voice. She moved forward and wrapped her arms around his heavy shoulders, placing a sweet kiss on his cold shoulder.

Loki smiled at her attempt to comfort him. “Nothing my pet,” he shook his head and held onto the arms that embraced him.

He turned to look at her and ran his fingers through her hair gently. “Tell me of you,” he requested. “Where you come from, who you were before we met.”

“That could take awhile,” she smiled.

“We have all night,” he said before pressing his lips to hers again. This kiss was less urgent and much softer. He at least wanted to enjoy the illusion while it lasted.

They lay in the bed with his arms wrapped around her, her head on his shoulder. He ran his fingers through her hair with one hand and the other held hers to his chest. He had never held a woman in this way but found himself enjoying the warmth of her embrace.

“Well, I grew up in Brazil. It’s a country in the southern hemisphere that’s very warm and humid. My father was from there and we spoke a language called português,” Edie said in an accent. “My mother was from California, and grew up babysitting Tony, who was her little cousin.”

“Where are your parents now?” he asked softly.

“Gone,” she answered sadly. “My father died from cancer when I was twelve and my mother was killed in an accident when I was fourteen. That’s when I went to live with Tony. And now he’s the only family I have left.”

“That is why he means so much to you,” Loki concluded. “How are you not drowning in hatred? How do you not loathe your existence after so much was taken from you at such a young age?”

“I did,” she answered with a shrug. “But at some point you have to remember that life goes on, with or without you. Might as well go along with the ride.”

“You and your kind amaze me,” he smiled, pressing his lips to her forehead. “You are fragile and yet so resilient.”

They stayed silent for a while, listening to each other’s breathing. His hand strayed from her hair and travelled down the curve of her back. He desperately wished for the situation to be true and was tempted for a moment to remove his power over her. But the peaceful moment would end and he would no longer be able to play pretend.

She would surely be angry with him when he removed his charm. Though he did not fear her wrath, he certainly did not look forward to it. No, it was the eve of battle and he would allow himself at least this much pleasure at her expense.

“Would you sing for me, my pet?” he asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

“What would you like me to sing?”

“Anything,” he sighed, closing his eyes. She didn’t move from his chest, she simply breathed in and began softly.

“A drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It’s like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I’m holding you closer than most ‘cause you are my heaven

I don’t wanna waste the weekend
If you don’t love me pretend
A few more hours then it’s time to go

As my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm
It’s too late to cry
Too broken to move on

And still I can’t let you be
Most nights I hardly sleep
Don’t take what you don’t need from me

It’s just a drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It’s like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I’m holding you closer than most ‘cause you are my heaven.”

She finished and Loki wrapped his arms tighter around her, unwilling to ever let go. She was perfect. She was his Eden, his paradise, and as she sang to him he felt the reality of her words. He would keep her, protect her, and love her.

“You were correct, my pet,” he sighed. “That was worth the Tessaract.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit as well as lyrics to the song above belongs to Ron Pope for his song "A Drop in the Ocean."

The reason why I updated this was because I saw the word count was 6669. Creepy right? Anyway, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I did something about that. But let me know what you think of Loki's reaction to Edie!!