Status: Completed

The Story of Michael Anthony Parker.

This is my life.

“Clank, Clank, Clank, Clank, the noise sounds familiar. The sound of the morning shift guards banging their buttons against the metal bars, this is my home, this is my prison cell, and this is my life.
Now, it didn’t always start out like this, I had a wonderful childhood, two beautiful wives, and four gorgeous kids, yes, you heard me right, that wasn’t a mistake. I lived a double life for around ten years. I lived in New York as Jon Lukas, and in California as James Allen Hugh, I had a boy and a girl, with my wife Michelle in New York, and twin girls with my wife Amanda in California. When I wasn’t on “business” in New York, I was home with Amanda and my girls, and when I wasn’t on business in California, I was with Michelle, my little boy, and my little girl, in New York.
It was amazing, being one man with Michelle and the kids, and another man with Amanda and the twins. It was a thrill, I don’t really know why I did it, but I just know that it gave me pride.
Our first part of the story, takes place in sunny Huntington Beach, South California, with family one, Amanda and the twins. I was James then. Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten how to introduce myself, my name is Michael Anthony Parker, I’m 35 years old, and I’m currently incarcerated in Hutchins State Jail, in Dallas, Texas for Murder.
Well, as I was saying, I had two lives, on different corners of the United States. The day was June 3, 2010, a warm summer day in California, at my home with Amanda and the girls, it was a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary, but then I heard my cell phone ring, and Michelle’s name flashed across the screen. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, and that sharp pang of fear struck my heart, I jumped up, and said “Hold on Amanda, I’ve got a business call, I’ll be right back…” I walked out the back door, through the gate, into the woods, until I hit a clearing, not that far from the house, and answered, “Hi honey!” I said with joy, but you could still hear the tint of nervousness in my voice, “Hey Jon, how is your business trip?” she asked, you could tell that she thought something was up, so I pulled the best trick out of my pocket, the clearing was way too quiet for her, so I pulled out the recorder *That I had slipped into my actual business meeting to get the sound of it for this kind of thing* and played it close to the mouth piece, throwing in a couple things here and there to make it more convincing, after the first few months of almost getting caught, I was a pro. “Hold on honey, let me get to a quieter place,” as if on cue, I got the door opening on the recording. Like I said, Pro. Finally, you could tell that she had no hesitation, in her voice, or suspicion “Ohhhh honey, I can call you back if you’re too busy.” She said, “Yeah, it’s pretty wild here, I’ll be home in about a week, give Joey and Mickaylah hugs for me?” I asked, I was in love with my children, they were my world, and they all knew about each other, they didn’t know each other as my kids they knew each other as my distant family members, which wasn’t a complete lie. Anyways, back onto the story, walking back into the house, I could sense that something was wrong, the girls and Amanda weren’t in the living room like I had thought, the house was too quiet…Then, as if someone knew that I was already freaking out, I heard a loud crash come from the bedroom upstairs, as fast as my legs could take me, I ran up the stairs, and burst through the bedroom door, only to find Michelle, and Amanda, all of the kids, staring at me with mixed emotions. “Jon?” Michelle said right as Amanda said “James?” then, they both looked at each other, as if something clicked, then they looked at the kids, Amanda looked at Mickaylah and Joey, while Michelle looked at Julia and Amber, at that moment, I knew that life as I knew it, was over. “I can explain?” was the only thing that I had to say, to make Michelle and Amanda look back at me, pure hatred evident in their eyes. “Explain what ‘JON’ or should I even call you that?!” Michelle screamed at me, hate evident in her voice, “Kids go play” Amanda said with an eerie calmness to her voice, which shook me more than Michelle’s anger. “Jon, James, whatever your name is, I don’t care, tell us what’s going on!” Amber yelled as soon as the door closed behind all of my children. With a deep sigh, I looked up to both of the girls I had been married to for almost 5 years, how did I get into this? Everything was going SO perfectly! What happened to mess it all up!? They were so different, Michelle was more of the tamed yet still wild child, with a past that even the most insane person couldn’t look into without shuddering, while Amber was the warm hearted animal lover with a bible baby past. I was just some dirty scum who sucked two amazing girls into my web of lies…”Well?!” Michelle screamed at me, with one last sigh, I decided to speak up. “My name is Michael, I’ve been married to both of you for around five years, but with you for around ten, Michelle is my wife from New York, and Amanda is my wife from California, every time that I said I was on business, I was really visiting my other family across the country..” I said with a hint of despair in my voice, as if that would make them take some pity on me, they were both very capable of ruining me, I was well known, just as Michael, which makes me wonder how they never found out at first, but as soon as I knew it, Michelle lunged at me, but Amanda blocked her, she jumped in front of me, and took the beating that was originally supposed to be mine, and I just looked….But as soon as it clicked in my mind, I grabbed the first thing closest to me, unfortunately, it was the wooden cane that Michelle had gotten me after my knee surgery a few years back, THWACK with one hit, Michelle was down, and there was a pool of blood surrounding her head…’This is it.’ I said in my mind ‘My life is now over. All because I had to get Amber pregnant, and she was from a bible family…This is where my life ends.’ I stared at her, and then at Amber, then back at Michelle…Before I knew it, Amber lunged for the door, but with one more swing, she was down also… My kids were downstairs, the room right below us, and now none of them had a mother, and pretty soon, they wouldn’t have a father either, because I was a sure fire shot for being thrown in Jail for manslaughter… But, I knew that Mickaylah didn’t leave the room, I saw her slip into Amber’s closet, so I know she saw the whole thing... “Mickaylah, honnie, get out of Amber’s closet…” I said with fear and sadness very noticeable in my voice. Then all of a sudden, my baby girl, only 6 years old, stepped out of Amber’s closet, and shakily walked over to her mother, then looked up at me, I was still holding the bloody cane, not ready to let it go and accept my fate, I allowed her to run out of the room with tears in her eyes, then, I heard four pairs of feet bounding up the stairs and to the door, I didn’t even bother to hide, I knew my kids would find out eventually, but still, it’s not something you want your 6 year old daughter, 7 year old son, and 6 year old twins, seeing, both of their mothers in a pool of their own blood…Then, Joey pulled out his cell phone, and dialed 9-1-1, I didn’t try to stop him, like I said, my life was over. He said that his father killed his mother, and another woman when he got caught cheating, he was such a smart boy, even for his age, I can’t believe I burdened him so much in his life, I wish that someone else had the absolute blessing of having these children. When I finally saw the blue and red lights flashing off of the far wall, I knew I was in for it, but something in the back of my mind told me to run, and I did. I jumped out of the bay window into the pool with the bloody cane still in my hands, and as I pulled myself out of the pool, the police had just started to come around the corner, but I was out of the gate and too deep into the woods before they even hit the clearing that I was in not more than a few hours ago…I had to make an escape, but these woods weren’t a good place to hide, because they only went on for so long, and there’s so many clearings, it’d be easy to get caught. Finally, my knees gave out on me, and I collapsed, I couldn’t run anymore, so I just pulled myself to a tree, and leaned against it, I couldn’t fight anymore, I just killed both of my wives, and scarred all of my children, there was no one else in my family that could take care of them, and it’s my fault. I heard the bounding feet of about 20 cops, judging by the yelling, and just let them find me, because right at that moment? I felt like dirt. I was dirt, I was WORSE than dirt; I was a no good, grimy, low life who mentally hurt four children for the rest of their lives, and the moment that I ran? Proved that part of me didn’t care, part of me didn’t care that I had just murdered Michelle and Amber, part of me didn’t care that I just possibly caused four children emotional and mental trauma for the rest of their life, I was Michael in those few seconds, I wasn’t Jon, or James, I was Michael, the business Entrepreneur who didn’t care about anyone but himself, and his money. And right now? I’m okay with it. Fast forward a little bit, now I’m in the holding cell, and you can tell that all the other guys just want to beat me to a bloody pulp, and Jon and James wish they would.
Fast forward again, to about two days ago, I just found out I’d be given the death sentence, so I wrote this, I don’t really know why, maybe so someone can give it to my kids to show them that to follow in their father’s footsteps was a terrible idea because it’ll all end in pain, maybe just to tell around the fire of the crazy man who killed both of his wives, or maybe, it’ll be for someone to stumble upon in the distant future, who wants to know how someone as famous and rich as Michael Anthony Parker, went crazy, and lived a double life for so long without someone ever catching on, but someone did catch on, Michelle, and I killed her for it, and then I killed Amber for just wanting to protect my children…
My name is Michael Anthony Parker. My name is Jon Lukas. My name is James Allen Hugh. This is my story. This is my prison cell. This is my life.”

Michael set the pen down, and sighed heavily. He knew it was almost time for him to die. He was ready to, so he quickly got up, and fixed his suit. They wouldn’t let him die in their jumpsuits, he didn’t understand why though. Why not let someone as vile as him die without one shred of dignity left to his name? Maybe to symbolize for future generations or maybe the Jail just had a sick twisted sense of humor. “Michael Anthony Parker, it’s time to go.” The giant guard on the left rumbled lowly, with one final sigh, Michael turned to the guards, and said “Alright boys, but please, don’t let anything happen to this journal, give it to my boy, Joey. Please, that’s my dying wish.” He said just above a whisper, “Here, you don’t get your dying wish” the guard spat with a menacing tone. Michel walked out of his cell with his head held high, there was no reason to, because he was thrown in jail for killing two innocent women, and he was hated. All the other inmates jumped at the chance to hurt him at any given opportunity. They walked down the long hall way, passing all the other inmate cells, no one uttered a word, it was so silent, you could hear a pin drop, the only sound was the faint echo of Michael’s and the guard’s foot steps as they stepped down the metal stair case. But, as if the sheer intensity of the situation finally hit the inmates, they one by one, started clapping slowly, then it charged into a roaring applause, Michael heard them congratulating the guards on finally punishing someone who really deserved it, he wasn’t surprised though, he knew he deserved it. Finally, they reached the last room, all the way at the end of the hall; it was pure white, besides the black table that sat in the center of the room, the gray holding straps that adorned the metal table look vicious, and finally, a simple black observation window on the far wall. “Who would watch such a horrible thing?” Michael turned to ask the guard, the guard merely smirked at him, and aid “Why don’t you see for yourself?” Michael, being puzzled, turned to the observation window again, and as he did, a light flicked on, and suddenly his eyes locked with eight others that mirrored his own chocolate brown eyes. There were all of his children, two years older than they were when he had killed their mothers, two years wiser, two years since he had ruined their lives, “Hi Michael.” Joey said simply, and ushered the girls out of the room, they were too weak stomached to handle something so intense. ‘He is still a good boy’ Michael thought to himself. The guard forcefully shoved him onto the table, and strapped him in, Michael didn’t have the power to try and fight it, he had only just seen his kids after two years, they were healthy, and they were okay, but deep down in his mind, he knew that they were far from it. And deep down in his heart he knew he deserved this punishment. The needle was forced into his arm, but before the guard could inject the contents into his veins, he said as quickly as he could “I’m sorry Michelle, Amanda, Joey, Amber, Mickaylah, and Julia.” The toxin then spilled into his blood stream, within a matter of seconds, he was dead, and Joey had gotten the justice he had sought out for.
Joey, with a heavy sigh, walked out of the room and into the waiting room where he saw his three sisters, “It’s done.” He said simply, and walked away with all of them following closely behind.
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I hope you like this, I made it for a project in English, and wanted some backfeed.