Status: Active!

Just So You Know

What, Like A Date?

Kendall’s POV
I couldn’t believe how amazing Kirstie is. From the moment I saw her walk onstage, I felt like the lyrics in Boyfriend, Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone? And there isn’t anything they could have said or done. She is so beautiful and my breath was taken away as I saw her smile. I had to meet her and we got backstage and she was so wonderful in person, so sweet, kind and funny.

We had been talking to her for probably the past hour but it only felt like a few minutes. We had her laughing a lot and she had the most infectious laugh. Jake had left a while ago to talk to other people congratulating him but Kirstie stayed and talked to us and it made me happy.

“Kirstie, we should probably leave you alone now,” James spoke up and I shot him a look as if not to say anything, I know I’m being selfish but I want to stay with her!

“Yeah, we’ve been monopolizing your time,” Logan added in.

“Oh it’s alright, I like talking to you guys,” She grinned.

“I’m sure there’s a lot of people wanted to tell you how wonderful you did though,” Carlos smiled, “We should leave you to talk to other people now.”

“Well alright, but I hope I see you guys again,” Kirstie told us, running a hand through her brown wavy hair.

“Here,” I said, holding my phone out so she could add her number. “Now we can be sure we’ll meet up again.”

“Alright,” She smiled, putting her number in.

“You need to come to the BTR set one day,” Logan added in.

We shared a few parting words before we left her alone and started to leave.

”Kendall’s got a crush!” Carlos chanted as soon as we were out of earshot.

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes.

“Dude, you were pretty much drooling over her, I’m surprised she didn’t need a towl to dry off,” James chuckled.

“She’s just…I don’t even know,” I sighed.

“Go ask her out,” Logan nudged me.

“I don’t want to ask her out after just meeting her. I don’t want her to think I’m that kind of a guy,” I told them.

“Well at least go say something to her,” He went on.

“Okay, I will. I’ll see you guys later,” I bid them farewell before going back the way I came.

By the time I got back and looked around I spotted Kirstie chatting with some people. She noticed me and excused herself from the conversation coming over, making my smile come through.

“Hey, I’m back again,” I chuckled.

“Hi again,” She giggled.

“I was just thinking you’re probably hungry after your performance and I was going to go get something to eat so I was wondering if I could buy you dinner or something,” I shrugged.

“What, like a date?” Kirstie raised an eyebrow.

“No, no, no,” I held my hands out in defense. “Just as friends. I just…think you’re really cool and I want to get to know you more.”

“Well I would love to but maybe tomorrow, there’s still some people I should talk to and I need to get changed and stuff so it would probably be like another hour and by then it would be like almost 11,” She shrugged.

“I can wait, I don’t mind,” I smiled at her.

“You don’t need to,” Kirstie told me.

“No, I really don’t mind,” I honestly said, my green eyes fixing on her brown ones.

“You are so sweet,” She cooed, wrapping her arms around me for a hug. “You can sit down on those couches over there if you want.”

I nodded my head and made my way over there, patiently waiting until she was ready. Once she was done talking to everyone and got changed into her normal clothes, we headed out to get some food and I was so happy, getting to spend time with her.
♠ ♠ ♠
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