Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Ten

Thursday. . .

"Hey, Bella. Hey, Edward." Mike greeted us on our way to the lunch table. He looked at me. "Where were you during gym yesterday?"
Great. We were at the table, where every one of my friends was sitting – well, Lauren wasn't exactly a 'friend,' but still. They all looked at me, wondering the same thing. Edward's arm tightened around my waist.
"yeah, where were you? You don't usually just ditch." Jess repeated Mike's question. I put my tray on the table and took a seat. Edward sat next to me, holding my hand.
"Um. . ." I gulped. ". . .at home." they all looked at me. I can't lie. I suck at it.
Lauren gave me a cold look, which immediately turned into an evil grin. "Was Edward there with you?" she asked in her nasal voice. I knew what she was implying – and she was wrong. She was wrong about assuming that I would cut class just to go home with Edward, and wrong because he had to go hunting yesterday after school.
"No." I answered simply, still nervous. I really didn't want to tell them just yet. I wasn't ready for that yet.
I was looking down at my tray when I heard Mike and Eric ask me if I was okay. I said yes. And I was okay. worried and nervous, but okay.
"Bella? What's going on?" I heard Jessica ask. I thought about that for a moment. I didn't want to answer that right now.
"I. . .gotta go." I got up quickly, leaving my food. Edward followed me, and Alice followed Edward.
I ran across the parking lot and got into Edward's unlocked Volvo. He got into the driver's seat and Alice got in back.
"Bella, what's wrong?" he asked, sounding worried.
"I'm not ready to them. Not yet. Maybe tomorrow."

- - - - - -

a few hours later. . .
Charlie's house

I was on Edward's lap. We were sitting on the small couch, watching Romeo and Juliette, when we heard a knock on the front door. I looked at Edward, wondering who it could be.
He looked at the door, and then back to me. "Just answer the door. Its alright, Love."
I got up off of the couch and walked over to the door. I opened it. It was Angela. I was surprised, but not disappointed. Angela was a very kind and caring person, and I liked her a lot – but she didn't usually just stop by like this.
"Hi, Angela. Would you like to come in?" I asked.
"Hello, Bella." she said, stepping through the threshold.
I walked back into the livingroom and sat down in my original spot on Edward's lap. Angela took her coat off and sat down in the armchair.
"Hello, Angela." Edward greeted our friend.
"Hello, Edward." she greeted back.
"So. . .Bella. . .I just wanted to know if you were okay. You left pretty quickly. I didn't know if you were sick or if something was just bugging you." she paused. "I guess its none of my business anyway." she said the last part so quietly that it was just a whisper.
I sighed. "Your right. Something was is me." I murmured.
"What's wrong? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, though." she said kindly.
"I can't. I just. . ." I said quietly shaking my head, and then I looked at Edward. "Can you tell her? Please?"
"He looked up from me to Angela – who looked truly curious – and spoke. "Well. . ." he smiled. "Bella's pregnant."
Angela had a look of shock on her face. "But, your only seventeen. Your in highschool."
"I know I am, but I'm happy. We're happy. Just a little nervous, I'm mostly nervous about what people will think." I smiled at Edward, and he smiled back. He moved his head down toured mine, and our lips met. Only quickly though because we had company.
"So. . .how far along are you?" Angela asked. This didn't seem to bother her much. I don't think she minded that I was going to be a teenage mother. That was good.
"Um. . .about three months." I answered. "We're planning on telling the others tomorrow at lunch. I'm nervous about Lauren being there, though."
Edward spoke when I said that. "Its alright. I won't let anything hurt you, Love. Physically or emotionally."
Angela stayed and talked for a while. We actually had a pretty good time. Once she left, I had to make Charlie's dinner. I was tired, so I went upstairs for the rest of night. Edward drove home, and then ran back to me.