Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Eleven

Lunch again. That means its time to let the secret out. Edward and I sat down in our seats. Alice followed right behind us.
"What happened yesterday?" Jessica asked me.
"Are you okay?" Mike sounded concerned.
Lauren just glared at me.
"What's wrong?" Eric asked.
Tyler's eyes were curious, but he said nothing.
Edward, Alice smiled, and Angela smiled. I was to nervous to smile.
"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm. . ." Edward squeezed my hand reassuringly. I can do this. ". . .I'm three months pregnant."
They all looked shocked, just as Angela had yesterday. Mike mouthed the words 'three months.'
Lauren looked at me, the shock on her face had disappeared quickly. She giggled evilly. "Well, I'm not surprised. Slut."
That hurt. I felt tears coming. Then Edward let go of my hand and stood up. I looked at him, and he looked. . .kinda scary, actually. Pissed. He walked to the other side of the table were Lauren sat. He did the last thing that I would have thought. He punched her – using very little of his strength, so he would look human and not throw her across the room with broken bones. He did break her nose though. "Never. Say that to Bella again." he said in a low, rough, but deadly voice.
He walked back over to me, and sat down. He pulled me onto his lap. That was a little strange. I never sit on his lap in public. And Edward never punches people. He wasn't done surprising me though, because he kissed me. Since we were at school, we weren't supposed to show public affection, but I didn't care.
When we stopped he asked, "Are you okay, Love?" his forehead was against mine.
"Yeah. That hurt, but I'm okay now." I answered. I looked at our friends who were staring at us. The whole cafeteria was staring at us. They were staring – one, because Edward had punched Lauren in the face. Two, because of our public display. Then I noticed the principle.
Uh-oh. He was watching us, and I'm sure he's heard of the violence.
"Mr. Cullen, Miss. Swan," he said politely. "Please come with me to my office." he motioned for us to follow. "Lauren, I would like you to come as well."
The three of us got up and followed Mr. Greene.
When we got to his office, Lauren sat down in one of the chairs along the wall. Edward sat down in one farther down the wall, and pulled me back onto his lap. Mr. Greene sat behind his desk.
"So. What happened? I understand there was a fight." he pointed to Lauren's nose. "And I saw that you two were having a moment. I hope you know that's against school rules."
Edward spoke first. "Yes, Sir. There was a fight. And we do know that showing public affection is against the rules."
"Okay." he sighed. "Lauren, tell me your side of the story first."
"Fine. I was minding my own business, talking to the others. Then all of a sudden, Edward came over and punched me." she said in an angry tone.
"That's not true!" I yelled.
Please lower your voice, Bella." Mr. Greene told me. I crossed my arms.
"Now, Edward, could you tell me your version of what happened?"
"Yes, Sir. Bella and I had just told our friends that Bella was pregnant. Lauren laughed and called Bella slut. I didn't like that and it had made me very upset. I love Bella very much, and don't want her to get hurt in anyway." he smiled at me and gently brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He looked back up to Mr. Greene. "I was trying to comfort her and make sure she was okay. Then you walked in, and now we're here."
He nodded at Edward's explanation. "Bella? Would you like to speak now?"
"There's nothing more to say. Edward's story is true." I was still angry.
"Lauren, did you say that to Bella?"
"No." she answered, annoyed.
Okay. She has officially pushed me over the edge today. "Yes you did! Your evil and you're a liar!" I nearly yelled.
"I did not! You're the liar! Look at my nose!"
"Do you want a bloody lip to match?!" I threatened.
"You wouldn't." she said in a low voice.
"Watch me." I spoke in a slow, threatening tone.
Mr. Greene stepped in then. "Girls! Do I need to get some witnesses?!" he spoke loudly, talking over us.
"No!" we yelled in unison.
"I think that might be a good idea, Mr. Greene." Edward agreed. I gave him an angry look.
"Very well. Who sat with you at lunch today?"
"Jessica Stanley, Angela Weeber, Eric Yorke, Tyler Crowley, and Ben Chainey." he answered.
Mr. Greene picked up his phone, and we heard his voice calling the students Edward had just listed, over the intercom.
We waited about five minutes for them to get here. They came one by one. First, Jessica, then Tyler, Eric, Angela, Ben, and Mike was last. They took seats, and had worry on their faces. Probably wondering if they were in trouble for some reason. Tyler – Lauren's boyfriend – looked a her nose. It was swollen and bruised now. Then he looked at me and Edward. He looked a little upset about it.
"She deserved it." I mumbled.
"You all were sitting together at lunch today, correct?" Mr. Greene questioned.
"Yes." they answered at the same time.
"Okay then. I have a question that I need all of you to answer. Tyler you first." Tyler looked up. "Did Lauren call Bella a slut, or was she talking to friends?"
Tyler! He was her boyfriend! He's obviously going to take her side of the story. "She was talking to friends."
"She was talking to friends." she looked nervous. Lauren was her best friend. She pretty much just used me for gossip and popularity.
"Eric?" he should give the truth. He was still a fan of mine.
"She called Bella a slut."
"She called her a slut."
"She called Bella a slut." I knew I could count on Mike. Even though he was going out with Jess, he was still a good and loyal friend. Not quite the golden retriever he used to be, but still loyal.
Mr. Greene spoke in a disapproving tone. "Lauren. One last time. Did you call Bella a slut?" he spoke each word slowly.
"Fine!" she half yelled, exasperated. "Yeah. I called her a slut! Sluts get pregnant in highschool!" Edward growled quietly, but not loud enough for anyone besides me to hear it. I only heard it because I was still on his lap, against his chest.
"Okay." Mr. Greene sighed. "Bella, Lauren, an Edward, I'm going to need to call your parents. The rest of you can go back to class." great. Charlie was going to flip, what with the whole me being called a slut and Edward being violent about it.
He picked up his phone as the others left the room. We waited in silence while he listened for someone to pick up. Apparently he called Lauren's mom first. Everyone in this small town knew each other enough to use first names. "Hello, Melissa. This is Principle Greene. I have Lauren and a couple of other students here with me. There was a fight." I could here a very loud, very worried woman on the other end of the line. "She's fine. Just a broken nose, is all." pause, "Well, apparently, Lauren called Bella Swan a slut, and Edward Cullen didn't like that much. I would like you to come down here to fill out some papers and take Lauren to get her nose checked out." another pause. "Okay. Yes, thank you."
He called Charlie next, and then Esme – because Carlisle was at work. It all sounded very similar.
Missy walked through the door when Mr. Green hung up with Esme. She was a tall blond woman. Her and Lauren looked exactly alike. She signed a paper and then left with her daughter.
Charlie and Esme walked in at almost the same time. Charlie first and Esme about three minutes later. Surprisingly, Charlie didn't look to upset by this. Kinda happy, actually. Esme went through all of the motions. Pretending to be disappointed in her son – she knew that it couldn't be helped. I was Edward's mate. If it was Rose, Alice, or Esme being insulted, their mate would protect them the same way.
We all walked out to the parking lot together. Charlie and Esme were already walking toured their cars. I was walking in my trucks direction when a cool hand reached out and stopped me.
Edward leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "I told you I wasn't going to let anything hurt you." he said matter-of-factly.
"I love you." I said as he walked me to my to my truck.
He smiled. "I love you, too, Bella."
We were at my truck now. He kissed me one more time, and then said, "I'll see you tonight, Love."
I nodded, and then he started off toured his shiny silver car.
The ride home didn't take long. Charlie's house was only about fifteen minutes away. Charlie got home at about the same time I did. While we were taking our coats and boots off, I remembered something. "When you were signing the papers in the office today, you didn't look upset that there was a fight, and that Edward and I broke a school rule. I was wondering why."
He walked into the living room and I followed him, waiting for my answer.
We sat down on the couch. "Well, Bella. I never thought Edward was a bad guy – but I'm a dad. And as a dad, I never thought that anyone would ever be good enough for my baby girl. Today, when I heard about what happened. That Edward would punch someone because they insulted you – just by calling you a bad name – tells me that he really loves you. He would do anything to keep you from getting hurt. I'm glad that you have Edward, and that you love each other very much. I couldn't think of anyone better."
I was smiling. That made me pretty happy. I've always wanted Charlie and Edward to get along better. "Thanks, dad."
I walked up the stairs to my room, and found Edward lounging across my bed. "That was nice to hear." he said.
He sat up, and I took a seat right by his side.
"Go get your car." I told Edward. He looked at me, slightly confused by my demand. "I want to see Renee." I smiled again. "Now, go get your car." I wonder if she already knows about what happened today. Maybe. Oh well. I'm about to find out because school doesn't end for about another hour.
"I'll be back." Edward promised. He got up and vanished. I went down stairs to get my coat and boots back on.
"Were are you going?" Charlie asked from the couch. He looked a little suspicious.
"Edward's coming to pick me up. I want to see mom." I answered simply.
There was a knock on the door. I finished getting my second boot on, then I reached out to open it.
"Hello, Love" Edward said.
"Hi." we started walking out toured his car.
The ride went by quickly. I spent most of it thinking about the near future. About explaining to Renee what had happened today if she didn't already know. I'm sure that Alice was planning some kind of baby shower soon. Edward and I needed to go shopping for baby things, too, like a crib, stroller, toys, and clothes. Wow. There was a lot to do in the next few months.
"What are you thinking?" Edward asked after a while. It made him frustrated when I kept my thoughts to myself.
"I'm thinking about the future." I paused. "Is Alice planning a baby shower anytime soon?" I sounded more worried than I should, and he chuckled.
"I don't actually know. She's been blocking her thoughts a lot lately."
"Please. Please. Don't let her go overboard with anything if she is." I begged.
"Okay. I'll try, but this is Alice we're talking about here. Not much can stop her from decorating for a party – of any type – her way." I sighed. He was probably right.
We were at the house now. Edward was opening my door for me within seconds of parking. We held hands as we walked inside.
Renee was on the couch watching the news while drinking a cup of tea. I wonder were Phil is. I know that Carlisle's at work and Alice is at school. The other Cullen's must be out hunting.
Renee looked at us and then the clock and then us again. "I thought school didn't get out until two."
Apparently she hasn't been told yet. "We needed to come home early today."
"Why?" she sounded confused.
"There was a small fight." I started. "Edward and I were telling our friends that I was pregnant, and then Lauren called me a slut." I took a deep breath and then continued with my story. "Edward had promised me earlier today that he wouldn't let anything hurt me, physically or emotionally. When Lauren did that, he got mad and punched her."
"Oh." at least she didn't sound angry or upset. She didn't sound very happy about, like Charlie did, either though.
We sat down and talked with Renee for about an hour. Then Edward left me and my mother to talk alone. He had to pick Alice up at school.