Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Fourteen

after school the next day

Renee and Phil were out of the house today. They went shopping and then they were going out to dinner. Edward and I were sitting in the living room watching 'Romeo and Juliet'. It's one of my favorite movies.
Edward crinkled his nose and mumbled, almost inaudibly, "Great." just after that, there was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I asked Edward.
"He growled the name. "Jacob."
"Really? But. . .I thought he was mad at me."
The door opened and in walked a six foot something man. "
"Thanks for inviting me in guys." he said sarcastically. He walked over to us but stopped a few feet away. "Look. I wanted to say that I was sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have let myself get like that a few months ago."
"Get out, mutt." Edward commanded in a low, menacing tone. His arm wrapping tighter around me.
"No. It's okay, Edward." I assured.
"Bella?" Jake asked, waiting for me to accept or reject his apology.
"It's okay, Jake. I forgive you." he smiled and pulled me into a huge hug – and when I say huge, I mean huge. "Jake. . .can't. . .breath. . ." he put me down quickly.
I sat back down next to Edward and Jake sat down on the love-seat.
"So. How far along are you now?" I could tell he was nervous.
"About six months."
"What have you two been up to for the past," he counted the months with his fingers. "Four months? Any news on the baby?"
"We've just been getting ready. Esme and the others are building a nursery upstairs.
Um. . .Edward, Alice, and I are going shopping for everything tomorrow." he interrupted me.
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? If your decorating, then shouldn't you know the gender for room colors and the name?"
"I was getting to that." I smiled. "We're having a girl."
"Congrats Bells, Edward."
"We can't tell you the name yet, though. Only Alice knows what we're naming her. Everyone else has to wait till the nursery is done."
"And when's that?" he asked with a smile.
"Tomorrow the room should be built and carpeted. So probably by Sunday."
We sat there quietly for a moment. Then I took a deep, relaxing breath.
"I'm glad you came back, Jake." I said with a smile.
"Glad to be back, Bells. " he replied, smiling even wider than he had been before.
While we were talking, Rosalie came down the stairs gracefully. Even in tattered, old, working clothes her beauty was still amazing. When she got to the bottom, she looked at Jake, crinkled her nose, and then kept walking.
On her way out to the garage, I heard her mumble, "Who let the dog in?" in a disgusted kind of tone.
We ignored her and went back to talking.

- - - - - -

Edward, Alice and I were at a mall in Olympia to shop for the nursery. Alice lead us to one of the stores called 'Babies - R - Us'. It was a very large store with cribs, clothing, baby toys, diapers, car-seats, and all of the other thing that you need for a baby.
"Okay. You two can look for the crib, decorations, and some toys for now. I'm going to be over at the newborn clothes." Alice commanded. Of course that's were she'd go. She's Alice.
Edward took my hand and lead me toured the cribs as Alice set off toured the clothes.
We started looking around when I heard an unfamiliar male voice come from behind me. "Do you need help finding anything?" he asked.
"Yes, thank you." Edward replied. "We're looking for a crib that would be nice for a baby girl and would be safer."
"All of these cribs are quite safe, sir. But follow me and I'll show you some that you might like." we did as he said and followed. Edward held my hand.
The employee showed us about five cribs before we found one that we loved. It was white and had some cute little pink designs on the posts in the corners. We told the man that we wanted that one and then we picked out some sheets and a blanked. The blanket was pink and the sheets were yellow.
"Now. Onto the bassinets." I said.
Edward smiled and took my hand. "Onto the bassinets." he repeated.

- - - - - -

We had already dropped off all of the toys, the crib, the clothes, and Alice at Edward's house, now we were at Charlie's. I was bringing in some bags with a few baby clothes and toys in them. Edward was carrying a bassinet. We bought two of them; one for here and one for the nursery at the Cullens' house.
Edward and I were already heading upstairs when I called out, "Dad, we're home."
"Kay, Bells." it sounded like he was in the living room. Chances are, he was watching a game.
We got to my room and I set the bags down on my bed. Edward set the bassinet down in the middle of my floor.
I took the clothes and started to fold and put them in some drawers I had cleared out.
"Where should this go?" Edward asked, pointing to the light blue bassinet.
We had decided to get a light blue one with white lace for my room so it would better match – not that my room really matched anyway.
"Um. . .what about at the end of my bed?" I suggested.
He picked it back up and moved it so it was at the end of my bad and out of the way.
"Good choice. You still have space in your room and you have easy access to Kiley." he came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He kissed the top of my top of my head.
"Well, everything here is done, so lets call Charlie up and then we have to go work on the nursery." he said.
"Alright." I gave him a quick kiss and then called Charlie up to see the new additions to my room.
"What is it Bella?" he asked as he came up the stairs.
"We got a few things for my room. I live here so it just kinda makes sense."
He looked around and saw the little baby bed at the end of my bed.
"Good idea." he said, smiling.