Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Fifteen

Edward, Alice, and I had just finished decorating the nursery. It took hours, but I loved it. Every other wall was pink and the others were yellow. The white crib was in the little alcove on the west wall. We had put the sheets and blanket in it with a cute little brown teddy bear. There was an extra pink blanket folded over the side. On one of the yellow walls was 'Kiley', in big pink, wooden letters. There was a changing table under her name and a white dresser by the door. It was perfect.
The only thing that we'd bought that wasn't in her room, was the bassinet. That was in Edward's room on the side of his bed. This bassinet was white with pink lace.
"Are you ready for everyone to come in?" Alice asked me. Nobody has been aloud in here while we were decorating.
"Yeah. You can call them in."
"We're finished!" she squealed excitedly.
Everyone came in and looked around. I think Rosalie, Esme, and Emmett were the most excited – besides Alice. Emmett and Rosalie were going all over the place, looking at everything, hugging , and talking excitedly. Esme looked so. . .so. . .more than excited. I can't think of a word for it. She was talking to Carlisle in the same excited manner though. Jasper looked excited too, but stayed with Alice where ever she went. She was showing him the clothes she'd bought, now.
I heard a gasp from behind me. "Oh my." I turned around to find that Renee and Phil were standing in the doorway. They came forward. "It's wonderful. You did a great job."
"Thank you, mom." I hugged her.
Edward chuckled quietly next to me.
"What?" I asked him, confused.
"Nobody has figured out her name yet." I giggled.
Edward called them over.
"What is it, Edward?" Esme asked.
"No one's figured out the name yet." he answered.
"Well, of course not. You haven't told us yet." Rose said.
"I didn't think I had to." he motioned to the big letters on the wall. Their eyes followed.
"Kiley." Carlisle stated. "It's wonderful."
"What's her middle name?" Jasper asked. But then he tagged on, "If she has one."
"Elizabeth." Edward answered. "Kiley Elizabeth Cullen."
"Elizabeth?" Emmett asked.
"It was Edward's mother's name." I told him.
Everyone gave us hugs and then went back to looking around. Renee and Phil looked around too. Then I remembered.
"Mom." I called her over. "The other day, Edward and I went to our meadow and I told you that I would bring you a picture."
I pulled the camera out of my pocket and showed her.
She saw the soft, green grass, the colorful wild flowers, the trees that blew in the lite breeze, and Edward and I in the center, kissing.
"Bella, its beautiful." she nearly whispered. "It's so romantic."
"I know." I couldn't think of another answer. I was beautiful. The most beautiful place I've ever been.
She called Phil over and we showed him, too.