Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Sixteen

about 9 months pregnant

I woke up to the sun beaming in my window and a pair of cold arms around me. Not all the way of course.
I smiled. "Good morning." I greeted Edward.
"Good morning." he greeted back.
He helped me out of bed. I had to be very careful with everything because Kiley was due in about eleven days. I still had to go to school for a few more days though.
Edward left the room while room while I got dressed. When I was finished, I got some breakfast and then brushed my teeth.
When I was ready to leave, Edward ran to get his car. When he got back he said, "I can't go to school today. The sun's out. I can still drop you off though."
"What will you be doing?" I asked.
"I'm going hunting with Emmett and Jasper. We'll be near the Canada border."
I should have known. A sunny day plus Edward's black eyes equals no vampires in school. Sucks for me.
I didn't realize I was frowning until he said, "Don't worry, Bella. I'll pick you up after school. Don't be sad." he pulled me in for a short kiss and then we walked out to the Volvo. Luckily nobody was around to see him sparkle.
When we got to the school parking lot, Edward kissed me goodbye and drove off.
I was almost to my first class when Mike caught up with me.
"Hey, Bella." he greeted me. "Where's Cullen?"
"Edward's out camping with his family." I lied. We were walking toured English class.
I used to sit next Lauren in that class, but she switched her seat with Mike. We got there just as the bell rang.
"Once upon a time, in a kingdom by the sea,
Lived a maiden by the name of Annabel Lee." I heard the teacher say as he came in. "Can anybody here tell me what poem this is from?" he looked around the room. "Mark."
Of course Mark had his hand up. He was such a know-it-all in English.
"Annabel Lee, by Edgar Allen Poe." he answered.
"Correct Mr. Jolly." he turned to the rest of the class, "alright. Now turn to page 180 in your textbooks. For the next couple of weeks we will be reading poems by Edgar Allen Poe. The one on page 180 is called 'The Raven'. It's his most famous poem."
The rest of the day went on pretty normal. From English to history, history to trigonometry.