Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Eighteen

Where we left off. . .

Still looking down, "I think my water just broke."
"Ladies, there is no talking during a test." the teacher said in a stern tone.

- - - - - -

There must have been a look of shock on Jessica's face because he asked, "is there a problem here, Miss Stanley?"
I finally looked up. From Jessica to Mr. Tambert.
Jess nodded slowly. "Bella's water just broke." the whole class was looking my way.
He looked surprised. "Um. . .Jessica, drive Isabella to the hospital."
I got up. "No." I walked over to Mr. Tambert's desk. "No, I want Edward."
Jessica spoke. "Bella, he's out camping."
"I know. I'll call him. He'll be here." Mr. Tambert picked up his phone.
"Bella I'm calling the hospital. Jessica go. Bring here there. Now." he command.
Jess started pulling me from the room by my elbow. I freed my arm before we got to the door. I walked back over to the teacher's desk, grabbed the phone from his hand, and hung it up.
"He has to be here!" I shouted.
"Bella, he's not here! He's out in the woods somewhere camping!" he was losing his cool now. So was I.
I'll call him! He'll be here!" I pulled out my cell phone and quickly dialed Edward's number.
He picked up on the first ring. "Bella? Why aren't you in class?" he asked.
"I am in class." I answered. "Edward, I need you to come get me. You need to – " I was cut off by a sharp pain in my stomach. Jessica was next to me, so I grabbed her by the shoulder. I needed something to hold on to. I held in the scream.
"Ow, ow, Bella. Ow." Jessica was trying to pry my fingers from her shoulder.
"Bella? What's wrong?" Edward sounded worried.
I was breathing deeply. I think I just had a contraction.
"Bella, what class are you in?"
"Trig." I took a breath. "Hurry." I hung up and took a seat. It shouldn't take long for him to get here.

- - - - - -
Edward's P. O. V.

I was about to pounce on a elk when I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at the caller ID. It was Bella.
"Bella? Why aren't you in class?" I asked.
"I am in class. Edward I need you to come get me. You need to – " she was cut off by something. All I heard was someone in the background saying, "ow, ow, Bella. Ow." I think it's Jessica. Why would Bella be hurting Jessica?
"Hey. Edward, what's up?" Emmett asked walking toured me from the right. I held a finger up, telling him to wait.
"Bella, what's wrong?"
I heard breathing on the other end of the phone.
"What class are you in?"
"Trig." she took a deep breath. "Hurry."
"Bella, what's wrong?" I tried to ask, but it was to late. She'd already hung up.
"Edward – " I cut Emmett off.
"Emmett, I have to go." I said in a hurried tone. I started running. A few seconds later, Jasper appeared in front of me.
"Your worried." he sated. "Why?"
"It's Bella. I don't know what's wrong." I ran past him.
I got home, got in the Volvo, and went as fast as it would allow me. I had to get to my Bella.

- - - - - -

I sped down the highway and pulled into the school parking lot. This was about five minutes after Bella had called me.
I parked in a space close to the buildings, got out, and ran. It was still sunny out, but I didn't care. Nobody should be out here, they should in class. It was still a risk though.
It took about thirty second to get to trigonometry. I slowed to human pace when I got to the door.
I looked around frantically. Bella was sitting in a chair and Jessica was standing next to her.