Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Nineteen

Bella's P. O. V.

"Bella, where did Edward go camping?" Jess asked. She was standing next to me. I was in the chair at my desk.
"By the Canada border." I couldn't think of any way to lie. There was to much going on and there was pain.
"I don't see how he's going to get here in just a few minutes if he's that far." the teacher said.
I gave a slight chuckle. "You've never seen him drive. He's like a maniac."
I closed my eyes.
"Bella." I heard a voice from the door. I opened my eyes. It was Edward. He ran – at human pace – over to me.
"Someone help Edward walk her out." Mr. Tambert commanded.
"It's fine. I've got her." Edward told him. Then he picked me up bridal style. Everyone looked a little surprised by his strength. There aren't to many people who can pick up a pregnant woman with no trouble.
I clung to him and whispered in his ear, "I love you."
"I love you too." he said back.
He carried me to the familiar Volvo in the parking lot and put me in the back seat. He hurried to the drivers seat.
Just as he got there, I had another contraction. I squeezed my eyes shut and started breathing heavily.
"Bella." Edward was looking at me, worry clear on his face.
"I'm fine." I said breathlessly. Then he sped down the highway toured his house.

- - - - - -

Edward parked the Volvo outside of the white mansion, picked me up, and ran me inside. In the living room was a worried looking Emmett and Jasper. Alice came running in from the kitchen. She looked worried too.
"Where's Carlisle?" Edward demanded.
"Carlisle and Esme went out hunting. We don't know where." Alice said. "I can't see. They haven't decided on any specific place yet. "
Jasper started to look uncomfortable.
I gripped Edward's shoulder because it was the only thing available. A whimper of pain slipped out.
Now I knew why Jasper didn't look so great.
"What's going on?" I heard a new voice say. It was Rosalie. She was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
Before she got an answer, Edward said, "Emmett, get Rose and Jazz out. Alice get upstairs to my room." he said it in a very commanding tone. You'd be crazy not to obey it.
They were gone in a fraction of a second.
"What about Carlisle?" I asked. He was supposed to deliver the baby.
"I've had some medical training over the years." he answered as he zoomed up the stairs.
Alice was there. She had Edward's bed all prepared already. He gently set me down and then Alice quickly had my pants off. Edward was at the end of the bed with my legs spread open. Alice took my hand and held it.
"Are you ready, Bella?" Edward asked. I nodded and closed my eyes.