Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Two

Edward's P.O.V.

Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, and I have been out hunting somewhere in northern California. We were on our way back to the house, and it was late.
When we got back, I changed into different clothes and then ran off to see Bella. It was about ten O'clock and she was probably already sleeping.
I was right.
I climbed onto the bed, and wrapped my arms around her.
Even though she was sleeping, she looked worried. She sounded worried, too. She kept mumbling, "oh my god. No. this can't happen." and "impossible."
I was confused all night.

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Bella's P.O.V.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt cool, hard arms around my body. He was back.
"Good morning." he said.
"Good morning." I said back. Then I got a strange feeling in my stomach. I struggled against Edward's hold on me, but once he realized what I was trying to do, he let me go. I ran to the bathroom and was violently sick. Edward was holding my hair back.
When I was finished, I brushed my teeth, and then walked across the hall back to my room. Edward right on my heals. I was in the middle of gathering my clothes when he spoke.
"Bella, what are you doing? You can't go to school today. Stay home and rest."
"I'm fine."
"You. . .you just threw up, Bella. And you say your 'fine'?"
"Yeah, I'm not sick."
"Then what's wrong?"
I took a deep breath. How should I tell him? 'It's alright, Bella.' I told myself. 'I'll just give it to him strait.
"Edward," I hesitated. "I'm. . .I'm -- "
"Your. . ." he prompted.
"Pregnant." I finished quietly.
Edward stood there for a moment before saying, "It's impossible. Vampires can't have children."
"That's exactly what I thought at first, too." I said, nearly whispering.
"Wait here." he commanded. "I'll be back in about three minutes. Do not move from this room." and with that, he was gone.
I didn't understand what he was doing, but obeyed. I walked over to the CD player, hit play, and sat in the center of my bed. I sat there and thought about what he could possibly be doing.
"Bella," he called. I jumped a little when I heard him, I didn't know he was back yet. "Here." he tossed a little rectangular box onto the bed in front of me. Sigh. Another pregnancy test.
"Edward, I already took one."
"Take it again. It'll be more accurate."
"Fine." I sighed. I got up, turned off my CD player, and went back to the bathroom. This time I buried the little box into the trash right away, took the test, then placed it on the sink. Again. The only difference this time, was that I was in my room waiting and Edward was with me. We sat on my bed, his arm around my waist. The time seemed to pass slowly, but then the wait was over.
"Okay. Lets go see it." I said reluctantly.
He didn't say anything, he just got up and followed me. When we got there, I picked it up and we both looked at it. There it was. The little pink plus. I don't know how long we stood there, ten minutes maybe.
'Get it together.' I told myself. 'You need to get to school.' I buried test number two and then walked over to my room. Edward was still frozen in the bathroom, so I was free to get dressed in my room today. Once that was done, I went downstairs for some cereal.
I had finished getting ready, and still no sign of Edward. I wonder if vampires can go into shock. Probably. Better go heck on him.
He was still frozen.
"Edward, we need to get to school. Either I can drive myself today or you can go get your car." he turned to look at me. Finally! The statue moves!
"I'll get my car." then he vanished.
I walked down the stairs and into the small living room to sit on the small couch. Next thing I knew, there were screeching tires out in front of the house. And then Edward was there.
He picked me up bridal style, and walked -- at human pace -- out to his car.
I got myself buckled in and he was already driving -- and not above the speed limit. Strange.
"Are you going to tell Charlie?" he asked, looking at me.
"Yeah. I have to."
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"I know, but he'll find out soon anyway. It's best to just tell him."
Other than this little conversation, the ride was pretty quiet.
We got to school and Edward opened my door. -- something he did everyday. We walked to our first class, his arm never leaving my waist.
Except for early this morning, the day started out pretty normal. Then I notice how strange Edward had been acting. Carrying me at human speed, not driving over the limit, and whenever someone came up to us, he let out a low growl -- to low for anyone else to hear, but I didn't understand it till now. By this time we were on our way home.
"A little overprotective aren't we, Edward?"
"Excuse me?"
"Your being more careful with me today than you usually are. Your overprotective. I know that you don't want anything to happen to me, but I think your worried about the baby, too." he was silent for a moment.
"Your right. I am being overprotective, but I thought that vampires couldn't have children. I'm shocked, but I'm happy at the same time."
I smiled. "Me too." I was absolutely shocked, a little worried of course, but I was happy, too. I've never thought about having a child, but this child was different, this was Edward's child.