Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Twenty-three

Where we left off. . .

"No. I'm not crazy. I was in the parking lot. I was on my way to the office to drop off a paper." he paused and then looked at Edward. "What are you?" pause. "And what's that baby?" I clutched Kiley closer to me.

- - - - - -

"No. Um. . .I don't feel that I need to be a part of this. If it was important, you'd tell me, right Bells?" I nodded. "Alright. So I'm going to go wait downstairs with everybody else. I'll be back to meet my granddaughter in a little while." he turned and left.

- - - - - -
Charlie's P. O. V.

I didn't know what was going on here, but I didn't really want to know. If it's not absolutely essential, I'd rather not know anything.
I was at the bottom of the twisting stairs when Renee came running over.
"Did you get to meet little Kiley?" she asked excitedly.
"No." I answered simply. "There's something weird going on between Edward, Bella, Jake, and Mike. I didn't want to know about it."
I think that did it for her. She went running up the stairs.

- - - - - -
Bella's P. O. V.

"Well?" Mike was waiting for his answer.
I looked at Edward and he looked at me. What was he going to tell him? The truth? What if he doesn't react well?
"Bella?" I heard a worried voice say from the door. It was Renee. Great. Now we need to tell both of them. . .if that's what Edward's going to do. "What's wrong? Charlie said something going on."
Of coarse he did.
"Ugh. . .no. Everything's fine." I answered. By the way she looked at me, I knew that could tell I was lying.
"Well, if that's so," she settled herself into a chair, "I think I'll just stay here with you guys."
Why. . .just, why?
Edward started speaking. "Um. . .you must have been seeing things, Mike. People don't sparkle and disappear."
"No. You stood outside of that Volvo of yours, sparkled, and then just disappeared."
I looked over at Renee. She looked confused.
"What's going on here?" she asked for a second time. Edward ignored her.
"Fine." he growled. "Give me your cell phone first."
"Why?" he sounded a little worried.
"Just do it." Edward held out his hand and Mike dropped the phone in it.
"Wait! Wait, wait, wait!" Renee stood up and started walking over. "Wait. You are not doing anything until I know what's going on." she turned to me. "Start explaining. Now."
That was very unlike her. That was her 'I'm the mother and I'm in charge' voice. I haven't heard that voice since I was about eight.