Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Three

1 month later. . .
2 months pregnant

"Bella," Charlie called up the stairs. "Are you ready yet?" we were going to a little get together at the Black's. The Clearwater's, all of the Quileute wolf pack, and Charlie and I were invited.
Edward was against the idea – he still thought the wolves were dangerous. I talked him into letting me go though. I wasn't sure when I would see Jacob again. He might and might not forgive me. He already hates Edward, but now I'm having Edward's child.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a second." I walked down the stairs. This is the last night I have with Charlie before he gets mad or upset. We were going to tell him about the pregnancy tomorrow.
- - - - - -

at the Black's house. . .

Everyone was already there when we arrived. Jake came to greet me – the others in the pack were a little uncomfortable with the fact that I was dating a vampire. He led me inside for dinner.
Since the shack like house was small and there were so many people in it, everyone spread out – some even ate outside. Charlie, Billy, and Harry ate in the living room watching a game. Sue, Leah, and Seth were in the kitchen, and I was outside with the pack. They ate a lot.
When I was finished eating, I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Oh no. I could feel the stares on my back as I ran. I ran a few feet into the trees in the back of the house. Then my dinner re-visited me. Jake was holding my hair back in an instant.
I thought it was called 'morning sickness.' well, it was part vampire, so this could go a little differently, I guess.
"Are you okay, Bella?" I turned around to face Jacob.
"Yeah, Jake. I'm fine."
"Come on. We'll get Charlie so you can go home and get some rest."
"Really, Jake. I'm fine. I don't need to go home." I said, a little irritated.
"Bella, your sick."
"No. I'm not." I could have tried lying, but that wouldn't have worked. He knows me to well, and knows what a bad liar I am.
"Then what's up?" I really didn't want to tell him this, but – like Charlie – he would find out anyway. I just hope he would forgive me.
"Um. . .okay. . ." I hesitated ". . .I'm. . .I'm pregnant." he started to shake, almost to the point he was vibrating.
"Bella, watch out!" I heard Sam yell. It wasn't loud enough for anyone in the house to hear. He leaped, and pulled me out of the way, pushing me toured the others. And then there were ripping sounds. A large russet brown wolf and an even larger midnight black wolf stood in front of me, growling at each other. After a few minutes, they disappeared into the, now dark, forest.
"I thought vampires couldn't have kids." I heard Embry say.
"Could be someone else's." Paul mused. That made me mad. How could he possibly think that I would cheat on Edward?
"It is not someone else's." I said through my teeth.
Quil sighed, "I'll go shift. See when their coming back." and then he was off.
"Jared, could you, please, go get my truck? I want to go home." I knew he could get there quickly. And getting sick made me tired. All I wanted to do right now, was go home, and be with Edward.
"Sure. Where're the keys?"
"Kitchen counter." he walked into the woods so he could change into his other self so he could run to get my truck.
I could feel tears coming. Partly because I was angry, partly because I was upset, and partly because of these stupid mood swings. I tried to keep them back by grinding my teeth together, but they soon spilled over.
About fifteen minutes later, I turned around, and walked to the front yard. I could hear my truck coming.
"Thank you, Jared."
"No problem."
I got into my truck – not even bothering to tell Charlie that I was leaving – and drove away.
I was about half way home now.
Crap. I forgot to tell the pack not to say anything to Charlie. I quickly dialed Billy's number. He answered on the third ring.
"Hello." I heard Billy's deep voice.
"Hi, Billy. It's Bella. Could you put one of the wolves on the phone? Please?"
He sounded confused when he answered. "Okay. Were are you? I thought you came here in the cruiser with Charlie."
"I did, but I had Jared get my truck. Billy I really need to talk to one of the wolves, its important."
"Okay, Bella. I'll get the first one I see." I guess one of them came in just then, because he called away from the phone, "Embry, phone"
"Here you go, Bella."
"Thanks, Billy."
"Hello." Embry was on the phone now.
"Embry, please don't say anything to Charlie about me being pregnant."
"Why not? He has a right to know." he sounded a little angry that I didn't want to tell Charlie.
"I know, and I was planning on telling him tomorrow. Please, just don't let anybody say anything." he was silent for a moment.
"Thanks, Embry.. And tell Jake I'm sorry. I didn't mean for him to find out like this."
"Yeah, I'll let him know." then the line went dead.
I parked my truck on the curb in front of the house. When I got inside, I kicked off my boots and hung my coat up. Then I ran upstairs, got into my old sweats and a T-shirt, and lied down on my bed, sobbing into my pillow. This lasted about ten minutes. Once I'd calmed down, I got my cell phone out of my pocket – not wanting to walk downstairs – and called Edward. He answered on the first ring.
"Edward, can you come over?" tears were still streaming down my face, but the sobbing had stopped.
"I'll be right there." he hesitated. "You sound upset. What's wrong?"
"We'll talk about it when you get here." I hung up.
I was still lying down, so I closed my eyes, and waited for Edward. He started shaking me lightly.
"Bella. Bella, wake up." he said, and my eyes fluttered open. I hadn't realized that I'd fallen asleep. When I saw him, I put my arms around his neck, and clung to him. He was holding me too.
"It's okay, Bella. I'm here." I started crying again.
"I know. It's just. . .I told Jacob today." I said in a weak voice.
"How did he take it?"
"Not so well. Sam pulled me out of the way when Jake was about to change. I don't know where he went after that, I just know that Sam's with him."
"I'm sorry that happened." We sat like this for a while, I quite know how long, though.
"Let's go downstairs. I'm in the mood for pancakes." we let go of each other, but kept our hands locked.
"I thought you went to Jacob's for dinner."
"I did."
"If you just ate then why are you hungry now?"
"I lost my dinner right before I decided to come back home."
"Oh." was all he said. We walked into the small kitchen. Edward sat in Charlie's chair at the table, and I gathered what I needed to make pancakes.
Okay. I've got the pancake mix, the milk, the bowl, and the whisk. Time to cook.
"Are you sure you're ready to tell Charlie tomorrow?" Edward asked suddenly. I turned away from the stove.
"Yeah. There's no point in waiting any longer."
"Okay." he turned his head toured the front door. "Charlie's around the corner. I'll be in your room." he kissed me quickly, and then was gone. I heard the cruiser pull up.
"Bella, I'm home." Charlie called. He was hanging his coat by the door.
"Hi, dad. I'm in the kitchen." I called back. He walked in and eyed the pancakes on the stove.
"Why did you leave so soon?"
"I got sick." that was truth enough.
I was getting ready to flip the pancakes onto a plate when he asked, "How did you get home?"
"Jared got me a ride." stupid half truths. I held my plate of syrupy pancakes in front of me. "I'm going to eat these upstairs." he watched me leave.
Edward was lounging on my bed when I entered. I walked over to my desk to eat.
"Pancakes, huh?" Edward asked.
"Yup. Had a craving for pancakes." I answered, stabbing my food with a fork. I was thinking about tomorrow; about telling Charlie. What will he say? I know he's going to be mad – especially at Edward – that his seventeen year old daughter was going to be a mom.
I yawned. Wow, I'm really tired.
I finished my pancakes and brought the dishes downstairs to wash quickly.
"Goodnight, dad." I said, passing the living room. He was watching another game.
"Night, Bells." he said, not looking away from the TV.
I walked up the stairs slowly, to tired to go any faster. Edward met me at the top of the stairs, and carried me to bed. He pulled the covers over me before lying down by my side. He wrapped his arms around me, and started humming my lullaby. I soon lost consciousness.