Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Four

The next day. . .

The day went by quickly. Like it really wanted my torture to come sooner. Edward was going to stay with me after school so we could tell Charlie together. This should be fun.
I was at my last class; gym. We were playing soccer today. Great, I can trip in an all new way. Mike was on my team. He stayed with me so he could kick the ball when it came my way and save me from embarrassment. I only managed to trip over the ball twice and once over my own feet, taking someone with me that time. At least I'll be able to be excused from gym soon, but then the rumors start.
Ugh! Rumors. I'm not looking forward to those.
The bell rang as our team got a goal. I sighed and Mike gave me a confused look.
"I thought you hated gym." he said.
"I do. I'm just not looking forward to going home. I have to tell Charlie something he's not going to like." I responded. He looked even more confused but left the subject alone.
I went into the girl's locker room to change. Edward was waiting for me outside of the building.
"how was gym?" he asked.
"we played soccer. I tripped over the ball twice and my own feet once." I frowned. I'm such a klutz.
I looked up at Edward's face. He was frowning, too. "your going to need to work on your balance for a few months. If you keep falling you could injure yourself and the baby." he looked me in the eyes then. "I'll help you whenever I can." he smiled and then opened the passenger door on his car for me. I got in.
Edward got in the other side and we exited the parking lot.
"are you sure your ready to tell Charlie today? We could wait if you want to."
I nodded. "yeah. I'm ready. Nervous, but ready." I just wanted to get it over with.

- - - - - -

We got out of the silver Volvo and walked up the gravel path to the door. When we got inside, we went to the kitchen to do our homework. Edward had his done in no time at all, so he helped me with mine. About an hour later, I gave up on homework and decided to make Charlie's dinner. Edward helped me with that, too. Though, he made faces at times because -- to him -- human food was mildly repulsive. We made stroganoff. It was one of Charlie's favorites.
"Charlie's coming around the corner." Edward said while washing his hands off.
"I hope he doesn't get too mad." I muttered. Just then I heard the cruiser pull into the driveway. Charlie was home.
"Bella, I'm home." he called. He was hanging up his things an taking his boots off.
"In here dad." I called back. He walked in.
"hello, Charlie." Edward greeted as he walked to the living room. He always excused himself from dinner.
"Hey, Edward. He greeted back. "So what's for dinner, Bells?"
"Stroganoff. Grandma Swan's recipe." I was putting a plate down in front of him then I went to get my own and a glass of milk.
It was quiet while Charlie ate. He looked like he was concentrating really hard on his food. He went for seconds soon.
When we were done eating, I got up and washed dishes -- taking longer than necessary. I wish I didn't have to tell him, but, better sooner that later I suppose. Charlie walked into the living room. Edward was still in there, I don't think he was watching the game though.
Well there's no more stalling -- the dishes are done. I walked into the other room were Edward and my dad were. I sat on the love seat with Edward, Charlie was on the couch. Edward held my hand.
"Dad, can you turn the TV off for a sec? Edward and I have something to tell you." I said in a calm voice. It surprised me that I could keep my voice calm with how nervous I was.
He looked at me with suspicion in his eyes, but turned it off.
"okay. What do you want to tell me?" Edward and I were silent for a moment. Charlie looked at Edward.
"Well. . .dad," I sighed. "I'm. . .pregnant." Edward stiffened beside me -- I could only imagine what Charlie was thinking.
His face changed colors. Red to purple. Purple to blue. And then back to normal.
"Bella, get in the car." he commanded. "Edward, your coming with us." he said this in a low, rough, angry voice.
"wait. Dad. Were exactly are we going?" I was standing now, talking in an aggravated tone. Were would he take me? The doctor? To tell Carlisle (who probably already knew)?
Charlie was rubbing his forehead in frustration. "The gynacologist. We need to get this confirmed." he looked up at me. "Wow, get in the car."
"Dad, I took the test twice, I get morning sickness, and I have food cravings. If that's not proof then I don't know what is."
"Bella, get in the car!" he practically yelled. I didn't want to argue, so I just turned toured the door, Edward following behind me.
When we got to the car tears were falling down my cheeks. Stupid mood swings! Edward put his arms around me for comfort when we were seated.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you, too."
"he kissed me quickly and the said, " Charlie's on his way out."
Sure enough, he came through the door then. He walked to the car and got in. it was a quiet ride. Charlie was mad, I was upset, and Edward looked a little uncomfortable being in the middle of it.
When we got there , Charlie and Edward sat while I went to make an appointment. Once I was done I sat down between them.
After a few minutes, a lady came out and called "Isabella Swan."
I got up and took Edward's hand so that he would stand, too.
"No. Edward, sit down. He can't go with you, Bella." Charlie said.
"Dad, I'm not going unless he can come."
Charlie gave me an angry look, but said, "Fine."
I pulled Edward into the room that we were directed to, and he sat in one of the chairs and I sat on his lap.
The doctor came in. she was young, blond, and had very pretty blue eyes.
"Hello," she greeted. "I'm Dr. Willow."