Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Five

Alice's P. O. V.

Why is Edward in a doctor's office? It doesn't look like any room I've seen at the hospital in Forks though.
"Alice what did you see?" Jasper asked. We were sitting on the edge of our bed.
I turned to look at him. "Edward's in a doctor's office, but I don't recognize it. I don't think its in Forks."
"But what would he be doing there?"
"I don't know." I was confused by the vision I just had.
"Lets go find Carlisle. Maybe he knows something." we got up and went to look for him. I didn't take long; he was in his study.
"What can I do for you two?" he asked.
"Carlisle, I just had a vision of Edward in a doctor's office, but I don't recognize it. I don't think its in Forks."
"We were wondering if you might know why." Jazz said.
Carlisle looked like he was deciding something. Finally he said, "Yes. I do know why." he hesitated before continuing. "He must be in a gynaecologist office."
"Why would he be there?" Jazz asked.

"I don't know how it happened – I thought it was impossible – but. . .Bella's pregnant." both Jasper and I had shocked expressions on our faces. Mine changed first, to a face full of excitement. This was great. I knew what this would mean. . .
"BABY SHOWER!" I shouted excitedly. Carlisle and Jasper jumped at the sudden noise.
"Sorry. I'm just so excited."
Jazz laughed lightly. "Sure you are Alice. You get to decorate for a party."
"Yes, but this isn't just any kind of party, it's a baby shower." he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"So. Do you know how far along she is?" I asked Carlisle.
"I believe she's just over two months."
"That long and nobody told me?" why didn't I know about this?
"Wouldn't you have seen it coming?" Carlisle and Jasper both looked confused now.
"Good point." I mumbled. "I didn't see it. I wonder why."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Bella's P. O. V.

Edward and I entered back into the waiting room. Charlie looked up from a magazine.
"So?" he asked anxiously.
"I'm pregnant." I said simply.
"How far along are you?"
"Just over two months."
"Okay." he said quietly. "Lets get back home. Edward does Carlisle know?" he asked on our way out to the cruiser.
"Yes. He knows everything. There are no secrets in our house." I wonder if his whole family knew, or only Carlisle. Hmm. . .guess I'll find out later. We were almost to the car when I started feeling nauseous. I ran to the edge of the lot and was violently sick. Charlie and Edward ran over to me. It took longer than usual for Edward to come hold my hair back because we were in a public area and Charlie was with us, so he had to go at a human pace.
"Are you okay, Bella?" Charlie asked worriedly.
Once I was finished I replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Lets get home – I want some pancakes." Charlie looked confused, but Edward cleared it up for him.
"It's the cravings. She's been eating a lot of pancakes lately."
When we got home, I went upstairs to brush my teeth, Charlie went to the living room to see the end of the game, and Edward was in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes.
"Bella, pancakes are done." he called. I walked down the stairs and sat at the table. Edward brought me a plate of pancakes drowning in syrup with extra chocolate chips on the top. They looked delicious. They tasted delicious too.
"Wow. For someone who doesn't eat. . .this is really good." they were all gone soon, and I was fully satisfied. Charlie called me when I was about to go upstairs. It was a long day, and I was tired.
"Yeah, dad?"
"After school tomorrow, you need to go to the hospital for a prescription." he was still watching the TV.
"Okay." I hesitated for a moment by the couch. "I thought you would be more. . .difficult. Mad."
"I am going to be difficult and I am mad. But, you wanted to have sex, so this is your problem. I'm not doing a thing. . .that's all you and Edward." wow. I did not expect that. "Oh, yeah. You need to call Renee. I'm sure she'll want to know." great. Renee's was going to freak out.
I walked upstairs, and Edward followed me. "Renee's not going to be happy." I mumbled. I took my cell phone out and pressed speed dial. We sat down in the center of my bed. I was on Edward's lap, his arms wrapped around me.
"Hello?"a man answered. It was Phil.
"Hi, Phil. Its Bella. Is mom there?" I asked reluctantly.
"Yup. Hold on." my heart raced, and Edward tightened his grip around my waist, trying to comfort me. It didn't do much good, but I felt better with Edward there.
"Bella?" I heard Renee's voice. She sounded worried. "Is something wrong, sweetie?"
My answer was hesitant. "Yes and no."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean. . .just don't freak out or get mad, please. But. . ."
"I won't freak out. What is it, Bella? Please tell me." she sounded even more worried than before.
"Well. . .its bad. . .because. . .I'm to young."
"What are you to young for?"
I ignored her question. "And its good. . .because. . .I love Edward, and he loves me." I was silent for a moment, as was Renee. "Mom. I don't know how to tell you this – "
she interrupted me. "Just tell me Bella. Please."
"I'm. . .I'm pregnant." I heard my mom gasp.
She was nearly whispering. "Oh my. Does Charlie know?"
"Yes. We told him today."
"Bella, how far along are you?" she was talking slightly louder now. "When did you find out?"
I sighed. "I'm about two and a half months pregnant, and I found out about a month ago." she didn't react how I thought she would. She didn't get mad or freak out like she promised she wouldn't.
"I want you to come home." she said suddenly. "I knew letting you live in Forks was a bad idea." Edward growled quietly at Renee's words.
"Mom, I can't. What about Edward? I'm staying with him." I looked up at him, smiling. "And we're keeping the baby."
"Bella. Are you sure your ready for this?"
"I don't know yet. But I can handle it."
"Please come live with me, Bella." she sounded desperate. "I'll help you, and once the baby is old enough for long travels, you can go back to Forks."
"Mom, I'm staying here."
"If you won't come here, Phil and I are going there." she threatened.
"That's fine. I would love to see you." I yawned. "Mom, we can talk more about it tomorrow when I get home from school. I'm really tired and need to go to bed."
She sighed. "Okay, honey. I love you."
"I love you, too, mom." I hung up the phone and placed it on the bedside table and then got up and changed into my Pj's. I got under the covers waiting for Edward to join me like usual.
"I need to bring my car home. We don't need to upset Charlie anymore today by me staying here." he kissed me on my forehead. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I love you."
"I love you, too." he walked out of my room. I fell asleep quickly. Next thing I knew, it was morning and Edward was by my side.