Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Six

after school. . .

Edward and I were on our way to the hospital for my prescription in the Volvo. I was hoping that no one from school would see me picking it up. They still didn't know.
He parked th car close to the hospital doors. We walked in together and went up to the counter in the waiting room. "Isabella Swan," I said. She looked at her computer, and directed me to a room down the hall. The doctor came in and talked to us for a few minutes, explaining the vitamins I needed to pick up. He gave us the prescription, and we were off.
We drove to a pharmacy in Port Angeles. I had never used this pharmacy, but Edward drove right up to the drive through window, and gave the pharmacist my prescription, and some money to pay for it. This trip was over much faster that thought it would be.
My cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Renee. "Hi, mom."
"Bella, why didn't you call me? You said you would call after school."
"I know, but I had to pick something up first. I'm on my way home right now."
"Bella, Phil an I are coming to Forks for about eight months or longer if you need us to."
"Eight months? Why eight months?"
"We want to be there with you, to help you through this. And we want to see our grandchild, so we want to stay the extra month." wow. But were is she going to stay? Charlie's house doesn't have enough room. I looked at Edward and he smiled.
"She can stay at my house. We have an extra room" he told me quietly. Sometimes I wondered if he only pretended he couldn't read my mind.
"Thank you." I whispered. I don't know if Renee would say yes or no, but I hoped she would say yes. It would give her a chance to get to know Edward and his family better. "Were are you going to stay?" I asked her, making sure that she didn't already have plans.
"I don't know yet. A hotel would be to expensive to stay at for so long and Charlie only has the two bedrooms."
"If you want, you could stay at the Edward's house. They have an extra room, and offered for you to use it."
She was quiet, thinking, then she said, "Sure. We've never met Edward's family, and I would like to meet his parents. Tell them I said thank you." a pause. "We're getting on a plane today, so we can get there by tomorrow."
"Okay. I love you, mom"
"Love you, too, honey. I'll see you tomorrow around one O'clock." and then she hung up. The car was now parked in front of Charlie's house. He shouldn't be home for about another hour. So that gave me time to do my homework and make dinner.
Edward just dropped me off and walked me inside. He was hunting with his family today.

- - - - - -

1 hour later
Charlie gets home. . .

I heard the cruiser pull up. I wonder what he would think about Renee coming for the next eight months. Hmm. I guess I'll find out over dinner.
Charlie walked into the kitchen just in time – I was in the middle of putting spaghetti onto his plate. He sat down. "So how was school?" he asked.
"School was fine." I answered. "I called mom yesterday, and she wanted me to move in with her. I told her that I wanted to stay here with you and Edward."
"Okay." was his only answer.
"Today she called me back and said that since I won't go down there, that she was going to come up here with Phil."
"He looked up from his food then. "When's she coming?" he didn't sound to happy about it, but he didn't sound to mad ether.
"She'll be here tomorrow around one O'clock. The Cullens' offered to let her stay at their house. They have an extra room."
He sighed, but said, "Alright."
Okay. So far so good. Lets try something a little harder. "She said their going to be staying for about eight months." that got him for a minute. He stopped chewing and dropped his fork. After a couple of minutes he picked it back up and started eating again without a word.