Status: Complete! :)


Chapter Seven

the next day. . .

It was lunch time at school. I sat at a table with Edward, Alice, Angela, Jessica, Mike, Tyler, Lauren, Eric, and Ben. It was about noon, and Edward and I needed to pick up my mother at the airport. I looked at the clock again.
"Bella, what's the rush?" Jessica asked, giggling. "Stop looking at the clock every two minutes."
"Sorry." I looked away from the clock, and looked at Edward instead. "Edward, we need to go." he nodded.
"Were are you going?" Jess asked.
"We have to pick up my mother at the airport." I answered while getting up.
"That's nice." Angela said. "How long is staying?"
"About eight months."
"Wow. Why so long." Jessica questioned.
"It's. . .complicated. I'll tell you later." I won't need to tell them. Soon I was going to have to get a doctor's note to be excused from gym. They would need some kind of explanation for that. And of course I would be quickly gaining wait soon, too.
"Bye, Edward. Bye, Bella. I'll see you at home." Alice said as we turned to walk away. "Oh, and tell Renee that I look forward to meeting her."
"Bye, Alice." we said together. We exited the building and walked to the silver Volvo.
We were on the road instantly. "Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper are at home to meet Renee." Edward informed me. "We're still going to try to keep a low profile though. Everyone still thinks they all went away to college."
"okay. I'm sure Renee would like to meet the whole family."
We arrived at the airport right on time. We told Renee that we would meet her outside. So we got out of the car and started looking for my mom. Edward put his arm around my waist, and then I heard my phone ring. Renee. "Hello." I answered.
"Bella, were are you parked?"
"Right out front. Edward and I are waiting for you next to it though. So you can see us."
"Okay. Wait – I think I see you now." she waved to us as she walked in our direction. Phil was right behind her. They both looked at Edward for a moment – they had never met him, they had only seen him in pictures.
"hi, Bella" Phil said, giving me a hug. "How are you. Its been so long since we've seen you."
"I'm good. I've missed you."I turned to Renee."Hi, mom."
"Hi, sweetie. I've missed you so much." she gave me a hug.
"I've missed you, too, mom." when I was done saying hello to my mom and Phil, I introduced Edward. "Mom, Phil, this is Edward."
"Hello, Renee, Phil. It's nice to finally meet you." he shook their hands.
"Hello, Edward." they said at the same time.
We turned to get into the car. I got into the passenger's seat and Renee and Phil sat in the back. Edward was loading their luggage into the trunk. When he got into the driver's seat, we were off. We got up to about eighty mph before even leaving the parking lot. "Nice car you got here, Edward." Phil complemented.
"Thank you, sir."
"Please. Call me Phil."
Renee was looking out the window. "How fast are we going?" she asked.
Edward answered, "About one hundred mph."
I turned around in my seat to face Renee."Don't worry, mom. Edward has never gotten in a crash and he has never gotten a ticket. He's a very good driver."
"Okay." she sounded a little worried though.
"So. Edward. I hear you have a big family." I could tell that Phil really wanted to get to know Edward better.
"Yes. You heard correctly." he answered with a smile.
"Do they have cars as nice yours?"
"Yes. We all have nice cars. They all go quite fast."
"What kinds of cars?" he looked truly interested.
"Carlisle has a Mercedes, Rosalie has an M3, Alice has a Porsche, Emmett has a monster Jeep, Jasper has a motorcycle and I have this Volvo and an Aston Martin Vanquish."
Phil looked shocked. "Wow. A Vanquish. Were did you get one of them? I didn't think they made them anymore."
"They don't. It belonged to my parents when I was a child." I knew that was a lie. I wonder were he actually got it.
Okay. Now Phil looked confused. "I thought Carlisle and Esme were your parents."
"They are. Their my foster parents. My biological parents died long ago."
"So, your not from Forks?"
"No. I'm from Chicago."we were going up the Cullens' drive now. Phil and Renee looked amazed when they saw the big white house.
We all got out of the car and, I noticed that Edward was leading us to the garage. Probably to show Phil the cars, so we would probably go into the house that way. When we entered, I noticed that Carlisle's Mercedes was gone. I also noticed that there were a pair of legs sticking out from the red M3. I've seen this before, only instead of Emmett holding up the car, she was using a jack. She slid out from her work to greet us.
"Phil looked at her, and then back to the cars. "Hello, I'm Rosalie." she wiped her hands off with an old rag so she could shake their hands.
"Hello, Rosalie." Phil said. And then he was off to look at the cars.
"Hello, Rosalie. I'm Renee." Renee looked over at the cars. "So, do you like cars?"
"Yes. I'm sort of like the mechanic in the family."
"Well, it was nice to meet you, Rosalie." she looked in her husband's direction. "Come on Phil. Lets go see the rest of the house." we started walking again and gave them the full tour of the house. The only thing they questioned was, why Alice and Jasper, and Rosalie and Emmett share rooms. Edward answered more truthfully than I thought he would. He had said, "we are all adopted. None of us are actually related except for Jasper and Rosalie. I know that it sounds weird, but, Rosalie and Emmett are a couple, as are Alice and Jasper." they didn't question it any further.
When we got to the extra room, Renee, Phil, and I gasped. I had never seen this room. It was beautiful. The walls and carpet were white. There were a few decorative photos on the walls. And there was a small stone fireplace on the eastern wall. The bed caught my attention right away though. It was king sized and had a white cover. Some of the pillows had silky, silver pillow cases on them, and others had white. The bed had long posts and a canopy of mosquito netting hanging over it.
"Will this be alright for your stay?" Edward asked. All Phil and Renee could do was nod. "We'll let you get settled then." he took my hand and we walked out of the room.
"Were is everyone?" I asked when we got downstairs. We sat on the couch.
"Carlisle's still at work and everyone else is out hunting."
"So why is Rosalie still here?"
She already hunted and she wanted time to work on her car. that made sense.