

I pushed open the school doors, feeling the cool air hit my face. I felt eyes on my back as I walked in to get breakfast. I brushed it off, waiting for my friend to come in through the doors. She was hugging two of her other friends. I sighed quietly, standing awkwardly in the hallway.

That friend was Emma Cole. She was the coolest friend anyone could really ask for. She had medium length blonde hair, it was dyed that way, though. Her natural color was brown, kinda like mine, but darker. She had chocolate brown eyes, and she wore glasses. She was shorter than I was, maybe about 5'2”. She had the same interest in music and she understood life. The way she did though, kinda scared me sometimes. But, she was a good friend. She was always there, and she would always listen. She was the best, to say the least.

She released her other friends, saying bye to them and walking in to me. “Well, that was nice..” I mumbled.

“Yeah, but I barely know them. That always happens. I hear my name called in the hallways by people I don't even know!” Emma laughed, dropping her bag onto the table in the cafeteria.
'That's because you are more popular than you think, Emma,' I thought, dropping my bag onto the table as well.

“That's creepy,” I said blankly, walking with Emma to the breakfast line.

“Yes, yes it is,” Emma said, grabbing a grape peanut butter and jelly sandwich of the cart. I grabbed one too, then grabbed an orange juice and a milk. I randomly thought about what would happen if the lights went out in the school as I waited in line. I punched my number into the keypad, feeling like a spy off a secret spy movie.

I smiled to myself, then stood off to the side and waited for Emma to punch in her number. She did, then smiled at the lady. That lunch lady kind of scared me. She was missing a few fingers on one of her hands, but she was nice. Sometimes... I sat down across from Emma, like I always did, and started eating my sandwich. My hair fell down my face, bothering me like always. I started to think about getting a haircut, when I felt Emma starting at me. I looked up at her.

“What?” I asked, my mouth full of food.