

I stood in line next to my best friend Jessica. I saw her type in her number and then smile slightly to herself. She had a habit of doing that a lot, and I always wondered what she thought about. I would try to ask her, but she never told me.

I zoned back in and typed in my number, then glanced at the lunch lady, and smiled. I always did this, even though it was really awkward. I think it's just so they wouldn't think I was a bad kid, but it really only worked on the old one, with the missing finger.

As I sat down across from Jessica, I glanced at her. She had her head bowed and her hair in her face, as usual. I stared at her until she felt my eyes and looked up at me.

“What?” She asked with her mouth full. I laughed and put my head down.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, dumb ass." I said. I looked down and said, " I don't know.. I was just noticing that your hair is always in your face." Jessica shrugged and went back to eating. I stared at my sandwich for a minute, thinking. Jessica looked up at me and flipped her bangs out of her eye. "Okay, now it's my turn to stare. Are you alright?" I looked at her, and she seemed more concerned than she should be. But you know.. She always does.

I smiled and said, "Nothing, I was just thinking about something that happened last night...". I could hear my own voice trail off.