

I sighed. "Jessica, It's nothing, I promise." Of course, it really was something. I was being threatened to be sent to an all girls school, and this was the last straw. I wasnt about to tell Jessica that though, because she would freak out, and that was the last thing I needed. I was worried. I didnt want to leave her alone in this hell-hole of a school. I know how mean the people can be. They've placed me in multiple mental institutions, sent me to therapy, and got me suspended, all over rumors.

She didnt keep aksing me what was wrong. That was one of my favorite qualirtys of hers, she always asked what was wrong, but never pestered me about it. I was the exact opposite, and I'm shocked Jessica hadnt slaughtered me in my sleep by now.
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Hello lovies. I am somewhat back. I am using my american lit. class to post and log in. But here's an update! Sorry for just cutting off, and the short chapter, school is about to end. Thanks for reading!