Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High

Puppet Boy

Being a freshman is never easy you’re in a whole new world when you enter High school. It can be horrible, it can be fun, but most of all it can be a chance to be someone new, someone no one’s ever seen before.

Sasori was a young man with dark red hair, reddish brown eyes and a shy personality. He was an incoming freshman and at the current moment was walking towards lunch. He hadn’t known anyone in his first two classes and things weren’t looking up as he walked to lunch. People kept bumping into him and pushing him around. He wasn’t very tall and he was easily bounced around. Sasori walked into the lunch room and looked around for a spot to sit. He saw a bunch of strangers sitting and chatting pleasantly to each other. He began to grow nervous. He didn’t know where to sit.

“Hey Sasori, over here!” Sasori looked in the direction of the voice and saw Deidara with Tobi.

He maneuvered his way over to them. Deidara smiled at Sasori and he sat down next to him. Tobi was sitting across from Deidara.

“How have your classes been Sasori?” Deidara asked.

Sasori sighed, “Well the material isn’t bad and my teachers are all okay but I don’t know anyone in my classes.”

Deidara frowned, “I’m sorry dude that’s rough.”

Sasori saw Tobi eating a peanut butter sandwich.

“So, why are you with Tobi? I thought he annoyed you.” Sasori whispered into Deidara’s ear.

Deidara nodded, “Yeah I do but he insisted on sitting with me and I didn’t think he had any other place to sit.”

“Oh, okay.” Sasori whispered back.

“See you guys later!” Sasori replied as Deidara and Tobi left to go to their next classes.

Sasori entered his math class. He sighed, he hated math. Sasori saw Hinata sitting by herself. She was a quiet girl but he liked that about her. He figured she was like him, shy with strangers, but talkative with friends. He had known her for a little over a year. The entire time he had known her she had kept to herself, hiding behind books or her phone.

He had mustered up the courage recently to talk to her frequently. It was paying off, because she started to talk more to him than she had in the past. She looked a little different than the last time he had seen her. Her hair was a tad bit longer and she had gotten taller. He walked up to her and she smiled at him.

“Hey Hinata, do you mind if I sit here?”

He said waving his hand at the desk next to her.

“Oh n-o!” She stammered.

Sasori sat down and grinned. She was really cute he thought.

“So how have you been Hinata?”

“I’ve been good, classes aren’t bad and I know a couple of people in my classes.” She laughed nervously.

“That’s good. I however haven’t known anyone in any of my classes so far. Until now.” Sasori smirked at her.

She turned a little pink. Did she like him too? He had always found her attractive and he liked her sweet and caring personality. Just then the bell rang. A minute later the teacher sauntered in. He went over and started writing out what they would be doing today. Quadratic forumlas. Ugh. How lovely. Quadratic formulas weren’t hard so much as they were a nuisance. He sighed as the torturous class began.
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Second chapter!! Enjoy! :D