Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High

Red Haired Beauty

Tobi was walking to school when he spotted a certain red head. He quickened his pace and as he made his way over to Karin he said hello.

She looked up and over to her left, where Tobi was standing.

“Hey Tobi,” she said tossing out her greeting to him. The wind picked up then and Karin frowned as her hair went all over the place.

“Ugh I hate the wind it’s always messing up my hair,” she whined.

“I don’t mind it but maybe it’s because my hair’s so short, that it doesn’t get blown all over the place,” Tobi replied.

Karin shrugged, “Perhaps.

The two of them started walking to school, talking and laughing. Tobi felt strange the entire time. His stomach was doing flip flops and he was laughing more than usual.

He wondered what was wrong with him. He didn’t think he could be falling for Karin this soon but his heart was telling him otherwise

“Have you been thinking about what you’re going to do for Halloween?” Karin asked suddenly.

Tobi shook his head he had been spacing out a little, stealing glances at her. Tobi laughed, “Karin it’s like a month and a half from now.”

She flushed, “I-I know but I love Halloween! It’s my favorite holiday.”

“Do you love Halloween better than Christmas?” He asked her.

She nodded, “I don’t know why but there’s just something about Halloween that really excites me."

Tobi smiled and she continued, "It’s not about the candy. I think it’s because of the horror movies, the decorations, but most of all I think it’s because Halloween makes magic come to life on that one day.”

Tobi’s red eyes widened. He had never known a girl who loved something for such deep reasons. Karin made Tobi’s heart begin to pound.

He swallowed and tried to get his feelings under control.

“That’s really cool Kare. I never thought of Halloween like that before,” he responded.

Karin laughed then cocked her head.

“What?” Tobi asked.

“Why did you call me Kare?” She questioned.

The truth of the matter was that Tobi hadn’t been thinking when he had called her Kare. It just slipped out but he didn’t regret it.

He liked giving nicknames to his friends and it seemed that Karin was going to be a very “special” friend.

“Uh, I just thought that would be a good nickname for you,” Tobi said trying to calm down.

Karin smiled brilliantly, “Thanks. I like it.”

They continued walking then and had to eventually split up when class was going to begin in five minutes.

Saying farewell to each other, they parted ways and promised to text each other in first period.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Karin's officially a Halloween lover. Lol. XD