Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High

Paper Angel

Konan was doing her homework when her phone began to ring. “Angel of Darkness,” played. She listened to it for a second before picking it up and answering it.

“Hey,” she said, twirling her pencil in the air.

“Konan baby how are you?” Konan heard Pain say on the other line.

“I’m doing well. What’s up with you?” She asked.

Konan heard a deep breath being exhaled and waited for Pain to answer.

“I’m fine,” he said abruptly.

Konan frowned, something was wrong, but she didn’t know what it was. She had known Pain for six years now and she knew before anyone else when something was wrong with him.

“Pain honey, are you okay?” She asked concern filling her voice.

She heard Pain make a deep grunt, “Yeah I’m just tired.”

Something told Konan that he was lying. She didn’t know why she didn’t believe him but he sounded like he was hiding something. Had something happened? She thought with a shock.

“Are you sure that’s all?” She inquired.

“Yes,” Pain said but she could tell he wasn’t being truthful.

“How’s school going?” Konan asked.

“Pretty good, I got a perfect score on my history test,” he said happiness dripping off him.

Konan laughed, “That’s awesome! I really don’t like history but I know you love it. You probably already knew half of the answers before you studied, am I right?”

“You know it,” Pain replied.

Konan could hear smugness in his voice, but she didn’t care. He deserved to boast, he had done great!

Konan and Pain talked some more before hanging up. Konan had almost forgotten that he was acting weird when he first called, but then she recalled their conversation again and thought he had been acting pretty weird at first.

It was almost as if he was mad or even upset. She wondered why he hadn’t told her what was wrong, because whether he thought he had fooled her or not, she knew something was wrong.

The question was what was wrong.
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Konan and Pain. Don't you love them? :)