Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High

Wounds of the Heart

Pain hated lying to Konan. It hurt him to have to tell her everything was fine when it wasn’t. He knew she was sharp and she probably knew he was lying to her. It couldn’t be helped though. What that jackass Elliot had said would have emotionally damaged Konan’s self-esteem if he had told her. Why did his mom put up with Elliot? Perhaps she was afraid of him. He did get violent whenever he drank and that was often. Pain let out a sigh and sat down to do his homework, maybe it would take his mind off things.

Thirty minutes later, Pain heard yelling and the sound of things being thrown. What was going on? He came out of his room and went towards the noise. The noise got louder the closer he got to the kitchen. Pain stormed into the kitchen and the sight he saw made his blood boil. His mom was on the ground and Elliot had a clump of her hair in his hands. She was crying and the sight tore his heart in two.

“Bitch, don’t you talk to me that way ever again!” Elliot yelled.

Pain glared, “DON’T TALK TO HER THAT WAY!”

Elliot glanced up at Pain and laughed, “If it isn’t the pansy named Paul.” He chuckled.

“My name’s Pain,” he shrieked.

“Oh right, your mom probably named you that because you were a pain in the ass to have as a child,” he laughed at his own joke.

“Shut the hell up you fucking douche!” He screamed.

Elliot glowered at him, “Don’t you give me attitude too.”

“You don’t deserve woman like my mom. Scum bags like you deserve only one thing, to be forever alone,” Pain replied his gaze darkening.

“I’ve had enough of this!” Elliot said swinging his arm in Pain’s direction.

Pain dodged his punch and countered with his own. He knocked Elliot off his feet and sent him sprawling. Elliot scowled and touched the side of his face as if he couldn’t believe Pain had just hit him.

“I’d leave if I were you,” Pain’s mom said, standing up.

Huh? Had his mom come to her senses?

“But Delilah, your son’s the problem not me,” he said softly.

His mom gave him a dirty look, “I think it’s the other way around. You’ve overstayed your welcome Elliot. I’m tired of you getting drunk and taking out your anger on me. What I hate the most about you now though is that you almost hit my son. You’re not allowed to touch him.”

Elliot gaped at his mom. He stood there dumbly until both Pain and his mom scowled at him.
“Fine, it’s not like you were special to me anyway,” he replied stomping out of the house.

Pain turned to his mom, “You did great back there mom.”

His mom laughed, “Thanks. I couldn’t believe I put up with that ass for so long. I guess I was just lonely.”

“It’s okay mom, the important thing is that our lives are going to be a lot better now,” he said smiling.

“You’re right. This is the start of something new,” his mom stated.

Pain smiled at his mom and decided to call Konan and tell her the good news.
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Hell yeah! Who else was wishing something like this to happen? :)