Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High

Sasori’s Plan

Deidara had called Sasori and told him about his date with Sakura. He couldn’t believe it but he was happy for him. Deidara was a nice guy and a great friend, Sasori just knew things would work out for him and Sakura. Now he just needed to tell Hinata how he felt and ask her out. The very thought of asking her out terrified him though.

What if she didn’t feel the same way? Something in his heart told him to tell her. He knew if he didn’t tell her soon someone else would. She was gorgeous and a complete sweet heart, who wouldn’t want to go out with her?

Sasori let out a deep breath and thought about how he should approach her with topic. He racked his brains for a solution to his dilemma but nothing came to him. Groaning, he hit his head against his desk, slamming it down.

“What am I doing? It’s not like she’ll even say yes,” he muttered pitifully.

Suddenly Sasori got an idea. He pulled his backpack to him and ruffled in it for a specific item. Pulling out a piece of crumpled up paper he smirked as he unfolded it. This could definitely work he thought as he stared at the invitation to the Halloween party. Naruto, a loud mouthed guy had given him the invitation a couple of days ago.

He hadn’t really been into the idea at the time but now he was psyched about it. He could ask Hinata to go with him to the party and then he would tell her how he felt. Sasori laughed, he couldn’t wait until October 31st.
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Sorry for the short chapter! I'll be putting up a nice and lengthy one after this one in a couple of minutes, so enjoy!