Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High

Kakuzu Buys Fake Blood

Kakuzu went to his local WalMart to buy fake blood. He wanted to make a scary film before Halloween and post it to Youtube. He was a newbie to filming and Youtube but he was a fan of Hollywood films and always wanted to do something similar to them. He had gotten a video camera for his birthday, which was a month ago. On his way to the Halloween aisle he spotted a familiar girl.

“Tenten!” He cried out.

She turned abruptly at the sound of her name. When she saw it was Kakuzu who had called her, she came over to where he was standing.

“Hey Kakuzu, what are you doing here?”

“I’m actually looking for fake blood so I can make a short film,” he said smiling.

She cocked her head, “What kind of film?”

“A horror film, would you like to be the lead girl? I haven’t gotten any girls to agree to this yet.”

She laughed a sound so light and sweet. “I’d love to!”

Kakuzu smirked, and handed her his phone. She got the hint and put her number in. She reached into her pocket and gave him her phone. He punched in his number and handed it back.

“Well I’m doing some errands for my mom, but text me whenever you need me,” she said walking away with a smile.

Kakuzu grinned, he thought he had made an impression on the pretty girl, at least he hoped he had. He went looking for the fake blood and ended up finding it next to the makeup. Walking to a cashier he bought the fake blood and left, feeling like he had accomplished a lot of things at once.
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Sorry for being gone so long guys!