Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High

Fish are Friends not Food

Just because someone looks different doesn’t mean they aren’t nice or cool. You shouldn’t prejudge others because you may miss out on the person within.

Kisame was a senior this year, but not much had changed. His popularity was still at an all-time low. No one looked at him like they looked at Itachi and it bothered him. It wasn’t that he was jealous, more like he was fed up with people. They were all so shallow and he didn’t understand why. Sure he wasn’t peach colored, he was blue actually, but that didn’t mean people couldn’t think he was handsome. But so far no cute girls had approached him and in all of his classes he didn’t find any of the girls attractive. He sighed as he entered his third class for the day.

He saw a cute girl then. Score he thought. She was sitting by herself and her hair was a beautiful blonde color. One long bang covered her left eye but the other was a beautiful blue color. As he got closer he noticed she didn’t have much of a chest. Oh well that didn’t matter, she was still cute and no doubt nice.

“Hey cutie,” Kisame said sitting down next to her.

“Uh, I’m a guy.” The girl said in a male voice.

Kisame did a head twirl. She was a he!

“Oh sorry,” Kisame said embarrassed.

The strange feminine male laughed, “That’s okay I get mistaken for a girl all the time. It’s because of my long hair, right?” He said flipping it.

Kisame nodded. “I’m Deidara, and you are?”

“Kisame,” he said smiling.

“So how old are you Deidara?”

“I’m sixteen,” he replied.

“Cool. So you’re a sophomore?”

Deidara nodded, “How old are you Kisame?”

“I’m seventeen so I’m a senior.”

Deidara frowned, “Why are you in a sophomore class?"

Kisame laughed, “Anyone can take this class. Art’s an elective after all.”

Deidara laughed, “Oh right my bad.”

The teacher walked in then, “Okay class my name is Ms. Mitarashi and I’ll be your art teacher this year.”

Deidara leaned into Kisame, “Our teacher’s kind of cute, hmm.”

Kisame chuckled and whispered back, “Yeah she kind of is.”

Ms. Mitarashi went over to the black board and wrote out, “Free day.”

She turned around and said, “Today is going to be a free day as the board clearly says. That means you guys can draw anything you want and as long as you try you’ll get a hundred for the day.”

She smiled, “I look forward to seeing your drawings. Have fun!”

She went to her desk, took out a romance book and started reading. Deidara grabbed a piece of paper off the desk, took a pencil out of his bag and started drawing. Kisame did the same. Kisame could draw decently but he was nowhere near good. He drew an ocean full of fish. When he was done he seemed satisfied with it.

“Can I see your drawing Deidara?” Kisame asked.

Deidara nodded and showed him his drawing. Kisame’s jaw dropped, it was so detailed and so amazing looking. It was of a night sky filled with fireworks. It was done in a surrealistic style and the fireworks looked like they were melting.

“That’s really good.”

Deidara chuckled, “It’s okay. Can I see your drawing Kisame?”

Kisame was a little nervous showing the blonde his drawing. His was so good. He handed him his drawing and Deidara seemed to be analyzing it.

“It’s not bad. I can tell you have some skill.”

Kisame smiled, “Thanks.”

The rest of the period went on with the two of them drawing and showing each other their drawings. They had fun and by the end of the class period they were on the road to being friends.
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Update Update!! ^____^ Enjoy!! :)