Status: A work in progress

Akatsuki High


His art had always been misunderstood. No matter what he did people never “got” his art. Drawing was his passion, but it was never accepted. Since he was young, people would fake smiles and say, “Oh that’s nice Deidara.” Deep down though he knew they thought his art was weird. Deidara supposed that there was a stage in everyone’s life where they were misunderstood. For him though, he had felt that way for as long as he could remember. Over the years he could see people struggling to understand his art, to only fail in the end. No one got his art.

He had become discouraged a couple of times, even vowed to never show his art again to anyone. In his heart he knew he wanted to be an artist though, and that meant he had to get people to understand his art. Being an artist wasn’t easy he was being misunderstood all the time. It didn’t help that people thought he looked like a girl. See that used to bother him. In the safety of his room he would break down, wanting to know why he had to be so different. Now though, he didn’t care. He honestly liked the way he looked and if people disliked his art, it was their loss.

Deidara was doodling in one of his notebooks, drawing a grenade. He was fascinated with explosions and fire. He didn’t know why he liked them so much. It was his obsession, because it even showed in his art. He was so lost in his doodle that he hardly heard his phone go off with the ringtone, “Fire Burning.” Letting out a sigh, he put down his pencil and grabbed his phone absently. Glancing at the screen his body stiffened. His heart began to hammer in his chest and he began to grin like a fool. Pushing the answer button he put his phone to his ear.

“What do I owe the pleasure, my dear?” Deidara said flirtatious.

Sakura giggled on the other line before saying, “I just wanted to talk goof.”

Deidara chuckled, “Well talk away then.”

“How was your day?” She asked.

Deidara moved his shoulders up and down and said, “It was good. It was a shame that I didn’t get to see you today though.”

Deidara heard Sakura laugh softly before she said, “Yeah I’ll admit it I missed seeing your handsome face.”

Her statement caused Deidara to turn a light pink color. He loved when Sakura flirted with him. It made him feel happy and a bit giddy.

“So what were you doing before you called?” She inquired.

“Doodling,” he said simply.

“Doodling what?” She questioned.

“A grenade,” he replied laughing.

“Huh, really? Are you into drawing? I’m sorry but I don’t know that much about you yet.”

Deidara smirked, “Am I into drawing? That’s an understatement. Drawing is my passion.”

“Wow, I bet you’re good then. I would love to see some of your art,” she said surprising him.

“I don’t think you would like my art,” he said blatantly.

“Why, do you draw weird things?” She questioned.

Her question struck a chord with him. He gulped and said, “Most people don’t understand my art. I’m afraid you might not understand it either.”

Sakura scoffed, “Please. Unless you draw pornography or something then I’ll understand.”

Deidara laughed hard, “Trust me I don’t draw that kind of thing.”

“Then I want to see your art and I’m not taking no for an answer,” she said completely taking him off guard.

“Uh, really? Okay, if you want then sure, but my art isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I usually draw darker stuff.”

“I think I can handle it Dei,” she said trying to reassure him.

Deidara let out a nervous laugh, “Alright when would you like to see it?”

Sakura was quiet for a moment but then said, “Could I come over now and see it? I’m really curious.”

“Ha-ha sure,” he responded.

“Where do you live?” She asked.

Deidara gave her directions and Sakura agreed to come over as soon as they had hung up. After they had both hung up, Deidara let out a deep sigh and smiled.

“She’s something else,” he murmured.

Sakura was looking at Deidara’s artwork, her face stoic and unreadable. What was she thinking? It was driving him crazy. He watched as she flipped to the next page, her face remaining the same, without a flicker of emotion.

“Well, what do you think of them?” He questioned, trying to keep the worry out of his voice.

Sakura looked up at him, pushed back a strand of hair and said, “They’re very good. I like them. Why did you think I would dislike them?”

Deidara’s eye widened and he replied, “Because everyone I’ve ever shown these to has said they were odd and too strange.”

Sakura cocked her head and frowned, “I think you were showing these to the wrong people then.”

At that moment Deidara felt something stir in his heart. He felt acceptance and love, something no one had ever shown his art before. A smile formed on his face and he replied, “Perhaps.”

Deidara knew from that point on that Sakura had stolen his heart. She was sweet, pretty, outgoing and best of all she loved his art. He couldn’t have asked for someone better to have a crush on him.