Status: Active

You End, I Begin

down, down, you get me down

You’ve all heard the story before. Boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love and they live happily ever after. Or something along those lines, right? That’s not how it seemed to go for me. Everyone I knew seemed to have found that one person they would drop everything for. Me? Well, there were boys but they weren’t anything special. I never really felt anything with any of them. But that was kinda the point of the new me.

High school isn’t an experience that many look back on with good memories. For me, it’s where everything changed. Everything you thought you knew is gone, replaced with new ideas, new plans. I used to be the quiet girl, until I was 17 this is. During senior year, I would always be the one with my headphones on and head buried in a book, meanwhile everyone else was already into parties and alcohol. I had some friends around me but I felt like sometimes the things we were interested in were completely different. And of course, they all had boys falling head over heels for them, while I couldn’t get one to look twice at me and I was tired of it.

As soon as high school was over, I was out of there. I moved away, took a summer job, started college and forgot all about the people I’d left behind. There wasn’t much for me there except my family, who I only went to visit for the holidays.

When I look back on my life, that is the moment I realize I could have done things differently. If I’d stayed the person I was before, would I be where I was today? Would I even still like the person I was? If you could go back and change anything you’ve already done, would you? And if you did, would it make your life better? Or would it still lead you right to where you are now? Would you change just one decision, one moment you’ve always wanted back?

There’s certainly one person I wouldn’t change. The person who brought me back to the real me, the real Abby.
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Finally posting this! It has been rewritten so many times, I can't even think about it!

I know there's not really anything happening here, but I just wanted to show an idea of the story as a whole. This is of course going to be my Joel Kanitz story, in case you hadn't realised.

I should also note here that the quote on the summary page is from One Tree Hill, said by Nathan Scott. It just seemed so fitting for my idea for this story.

Anyway, thank you for checking this one out, I'll be updating again soon!