Status: Random

The Girl who got Lost in the Stereo

Dia Duit!

First impressions never go down well with me. I'm loud and straight forward and that doesn't always go down well with people but I guess that's why I have such good friends, they get me and aren't easily offended.

As I'm still upside down on the sofa I tumble backwards and land on my arse on the ground. I sigh stand up in the center of the room where Flyzik once stood before speaking. "Dia duit mo chairde agus fáilte go dtí mo theach" I say in Irish, as the strangers on my sofa look at me like I have ten different heads. I smile and begin to giggle slightly before Jessica pipes up from her spot beside a guy with ridiculous white teeth.

"I apologize for her she likes to pretend she can speak Irish" explains Jess while I mock outrage.
"Excuse me but I can speak Irish perfectly thank you very much!" I retort as Jess shakes her head.

"Ahh so you're Irish, that explains the accents!" exclaims a freakishly tall guy with dark hair and bushy eyebrows. "I'm Jack, and I'm an American except we speak English here, I dunno why though.." he says.

"No shit Sherlock" says the guy with the dazzling white teeth as he smacks Jack upside the head. He then introduces himself as Rian and thanks us for letting them stay in our apartment. I nod and reclaim my seat next to the guy with tattoos up his arms. "So scribbles," I begin "who're you?"

"Scribbles huh?" He laughs "That's a new nickname, although my real name's Zack, it's nice to meet you." He offers me a handshake and a wave to Jessica who smiles back warmly. I then turn to the guy in the beanie sitting next to Jack who has a smirk plastered across his face.

"Hello ladies, my name is Alexander William Gaskarth, but you can call me Alex" he says with a wink. I roll my eyes before picking up a conversation with Rian on why his teeth are so white, what I told you I was random!

I soon found it was easy to converse with the lads and that poor old sensible Saskia would be driven mad living with us six headcases and all our odd quirks. Alex and Jack were the flirts who were basically the male equivalent of Jess and I, Zack was quite until you found a connection with him- then he wouldn't shut up and Rian was a smart arse who was an open coffee addict.

The conversation soon turned towards music and our jobs all of which were centered around it. The guys told us they were in a band and that they were in New York to record some new tracks and it suddenly clicked with me, the paparazzi, the guys familiar names and Saskia's sudden interest in pop-punk music. They were All Time Low!

Jess of course thought it was incredible that they were in a band and declared she was off to go learn all of their song. I smiled at my crazy best friend as she darted down the hall towards her bedroom.

"What about you Lexie? Aren't you going to go learn all our songs now? Or are you already a fangirl?" questioned Alex with a smirk on his face. "Nahh I'm good thanks" I repiled. "Awww how come?!" exasperated Jack, "I've always wanted my own personal fangirl" he pouted.

I grin and then go on to explain that I actually already know some of their songs as I'm a radio DJ. "Wow that's cool" acknowledges Rian. They others mumble in agreement, while Zack just screams "FREE PROMOTION!".

We break out into knots of laughter and continue talking even after Jess comes back out screaming how they are possibly the best band since Busted to which I disagree profoundly to, partly to wind up the boys, partly because Busted were amazing. It's only when Matt and Saskia return, well after midnight, when we decide to call it a night a head off to bed.

After I showered and changed into my pajamas ( ) I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I replied as I pulled on my socks. I looked up to see Alex strolling into my room with that signature smirk on his face. "Nice shirt" he winked at me as I stood up, "I know." I reply as he takes several steps forward so our toes are touching. "So Lex" he muses has he places a hand on my hip "tell me, what's a pretty girl like you doing tomorrow night?" I laugh and brush his hand off gently while turning around, "Nothing concerning you Gaskarth, why do you ask?" I ponder.
"Well I was thinking, because you're very pretty like me.. And you have pretty awesome taste in music" he says while pointing towards my shirt.
"We should go out." he states simply.

"Um nope I don't think so." I scoff as I push him towards my door.

"Aw come on" he whines once we reach the threshold "it'd be fun!

"Goodnight Alex" I say signalling the end of the conversation on my part, while shutting the door.

It's only when I'm snuggled up back in bed when I hear him say through the door "I bet you anything I'll get you to go out with me before the end of the month." And with that I hear him walk away.

I simply roll my eyes and fall into a deep slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah this chapter is boring, it's kinda just a filler..
*Sigh* Feed back would be nice?
Once again go raibh maith agat for reading.