Status: Random

The Girl who got Lost in the Stereo

The Rugrats Join The Radio Crew

*Lexie's POV*

The days that followed the lads arrival was filled with chaos. Between the band moving their belongings into the penthouse, the rowdiness of the lads themselves and the paparazzi who seemed to live outside the buildings door, it was almost impossible to get any actual work done.

Possibly the only positive thing about living with a bunch of insanely hyper 23 year old's was that the majority of them were morning people and always woke you up as soon as they were up. Therefore you were never late for anything.

"LEXXIE!!" screamed Jack as he jumped around on my bed. Seriously the amount of energy this kid had early in the morning was crazy. I groaned, curling up into a ball in the hope I wouldn't fall out of my bed.

"Come on Lex! Wakey wakey!" he sang while continuing to jump like a kangaroo.

"Jack why do you insist on waking me up every single morning like there's a fire or something?" I moan while pulling the duvet further up over my head.

"Well..." Jack says in his sing song voice "Alex is planning on showering now so if-"

I don't even let Jack finish his sentence because I've darted out of my room, down the hall and into the bathroom. "Thank fuck Jack woke me up" I mutter to myself. It became a well known fact in this household that Alex takes forever to get ready and I for one did not want to wait for him to finish in the shower. He used up all the hot water last time, I think to myself shivering at the memory.

Just as I lock the door and pull my t-shirt off I hear a snigger. I whip my head around to see Alex standing there, his hair soaking wet, a towel slung low on hips and that stupid smirk once again on his face.

"I knew you couldn't wait to get naked with me Lex." Alex says with a wink.

"Feck off Alex." I say before pushing him out him out the door. Jaysus he's persistent, he just won't give up on the idea of us on a date. I mean c'mon like, no means no! Yeah sure I'll admit he's good looking and the bit of banter we have is fun, but dating? Ew no thank you!

After showering I head back to my room to get ready for work with a smile on my face. I love my job, and who could blame me? I get paid to sit on my arse and listen to music, speak to randomers, and interview some of the coolest people in the music industry!

I get dressed ( ) before heading out into the kitchen to see the All Time Low lads, Matt and the girls huddled around the table. I grab my flask of tea before quickly bidding my friends goodbye and heading out the door as a chorus of bye's and catch ya later's follow me.


*Later that day*
*Alex's POV*

I step out of the Carney yellow taxi with the guys in tow. We've just arrived at Boom Beatz FM the most well known radio station in New York, which also happens to be the radio station where a certain Miss Lexie Quilty works.

I can feel a smile coming on just thinking about her. Now I know what you're thinking "Ohh he fancies he yada yada yada!" But no it's not like that at all, I'll admit she's hot and yeah she's good a wicked sense of humor, but I'm just after a good time but she seems to be under the impression I want more and refuses to even consider a date.

Anyway we're here for an interview, but I'm positive Lexie doesn't know about it because she's got the memory of a goldfish. Matt ushers us into the building after Jess who show the receptionist her pass and we're allowed access to the studio's.

We stop outside the sound booth and peer inside to see Lexie and some girl with bright pink hair chatting animatedly. Jess pulls out her phone and selects a radio app in order for us to hear Lexie on air.

My only thought is WOW! She's an absolute natural, the conversation between the two flows effortlessly and she can coax almost anything out of the callers which insures a laugh to follow.

The guys and I are so engrossed in the show we hardly notice Jess press her face up against the booth glass and begin to make faces at the pair on air. The girl with the bright pink hair tries to stifle a laugh and introduce a break, but it's Lexie who successfully pulls it together in time just as Jack joins in with Jess' antic's.

Lexie only begins laughing once the intro to the song is playing and her microphone is away from her mouth. She then stands up and makes her way out to us.

"What're ye doing here?" she asks us as soon as the door is opened.

"I told ya she'd forget" boasts Jess and holds out a hand towards Jack who grimly places a 10 dollar bill in her hand.

"Forget what?" Lexie inquires while the rest of us chuckle at her forgetfulness.

Lexie's pink haired co-worker then comes out to and introduces herself.

"I'm Rebbeca but you can call me Bex, you guys ready for the interview?" she smiles and we all nod and take the time to greet her.

Meanwhile Lexie stands beside Matt still as confused as ever, watching as we take our seats in the sound booth. She composes herself quickly and falls back into her comfort zone just as she introduces the show once again.

Yeah this will be a fun interview I think to myself as ideas of how to mess with her begin to form in my brain.

*Lexie's POV*

Interview? I think to myself, what on earth does Bex mean by interview? Since when are we interviewing the guys?! Jaysus I'm not even prepared for this, no questions or anything! I'm gonna kill Bex if this is a fail, I hate seeming like an idiot on air. I try to regain my confidence quickly as the show is about to start back, I glance over at Alex who, as per usual, has that stupid smirk on his face. I swear somebody should slap it off him.

I sigh inwardly just as Jack cracks a "that's what she said" joke on Bex.
This is going to be a long interview with these Rugrats...
♠ ♠ ♠
I really dunno where I'm going with this plot but it should (hopefully!) get interesting in the next chapter or so.
But besides that thank you to the lovely readers who commented! It means a lot! :)