Status: Random

The Girl who got Lost in the Stereo

On Air Antics

*Lexie's POV*

"Hey guys welcome back to Lex and Bex on the box! We're joined in the studio now by All Time Low!" I announce down the microphone.

"So guys tell us why you're in New York." I suggest, trying to get the (surprise) interview started.

But Jack, being the dopey goof ball that he is, opened his big mouth and said "Lex you already know why we're here, we're living with you remember?"

Great I think to myself, bring on more paparazzi living outside my building.

Rian quickly changes the subject and discusses how they're in the process of a new album. Thankfully Bex had been paying attention at the last staff meeting and had prepaired some questions for the lads. The guys are pros at this and can answer anything with ease.

Ever since the lads uttered their first words on the show the phone had been ringing non stop and we were flooded with text, tweets and emails.

The interview itself was great, a certain beanie wearing rockstar... Was not.

I swear to god he drove me up the wall! And not in a good way. The constant flirting was totally unprofessional that plus the creeper hand on my leg was, well, just plain creepy!

Just as I went to introduce the next break, Alex inched his hand further up my thigh making my voice quavered. The horny little fecker! I quickly composed myself and as soon as the break began I bolted for the door.

I ran to bathroom and slam the door behind me. Get a grip Lexie I internally scream at myself. Come on Lex he's just a guy no need to freak out. While I'm having a mental debate with myself, I hear a soft knock on the door, I ignore it at first, but as it becomes more prominent I reluctantly open the door.

"What do you want Fly?" I sigh.

He smiles before speaking. "I know Alex is being a flirt and I'm surprised he hasn't given up on you yet." he says with a look of impression evident on his face.

"I can have a word with him?" he offers.

I shake my head looking at the floor. "I can deal with his flirtatious bullshit at home, but here I won't. He's making me look like an idiot on air!" I exasperate.

"Well.." sighs Matt as he contemplates the problem, "Flirt back." He says simply.

My head shoots up. "What?!" I ask in disbelieve.

"Flirt back" he repeats simply, as if was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Let me explain," he offers "if you flirt back with him he will be so shocked to his core he won't know what to do and hopefully he'll stop... At least until he gets home."

That is the worst plan I have ever heard is my first thought, but then again I've got nothing better to about it.

"Well sounds like a plan" I say. I plaster a smile onto my face and march back to the studio.

Everyone is standing around joking and laughing so no one noticed my return except for Jess who looks at me with an arched eyebrow. I shake my head with an 'I'll explain later' look. She drops it and turns back to her conversation with Bex and Jack.

I reclaim my seat next to Alex and slide my hand slowly across his shoulders as I lean in to join his and Rians conversation.

Let the flirtation commence.


The rest of the interview went without a hitch and I managed not to seem like a bumbling babbling buffoon. Alex on the other hand had a hard time keeping his voice on the same octave.

The show quickly came to an end along with a promise from the lads to return to the show once the album was finished.

After we packed up Jess, Matt, the lads and I grabbed a cab and headed home. We arrived home to the smell of Italian food, oh the perks of living with a chef! I of course chose the seat across from Alex.

Lets make him squirm some more, I think evilly to myself.


*Alex's POV*

I swear to fucking God if she runs her pretty little foot up my fucking leg like that one more time I will physically just fuck her right here right now.

I don't know what the hell got into her but ever since the break at the interview she's been like this.

But fuck man I think I like it. But then again I kinda hate it too. I mean it's awesome because she's hot and it's a turn on, but then again it sucks cause she's turning me on and I'm no where near getting her into a bed... Which brings me to the kitchen table.

The hairs on the back of my neck stands up as she runs her foot further up my leg. For fuck sake when did I turn into such a girl. I need to get back in charge of this flirting crap. I mean how can she sit there laughing as Jack burns his mouth on spaghetti and pretend like she's not giving me a boner?

Alright that's it I need to come up with a plan.

And then it hits me.

"Hey Sassy, how bout you and these lovely ladies show the guys and I around the clubs to huh?" I say to Saskia as I tuck in to a kick as dessert. Jesus she's a good cook.

"Umm,, Yeah why not as long as everyone's free?" she ask's giving anyone the chance to object. I smirk inwardly when Lexie just nods in agreement.

"Alright cool so we'll leave in an hour" I decide.

"AN HOUR?!" exclaims Jess "How are we supposed to get ready in an hour?!" she argues.

We all laugh and shrug her off as she sighs and looks to the girls.

"Up. Now." she says in a "don't question me" tone and proceeds to drag them out of the room.

Laughter fills the air and we continue eating until Lexie pops her head around the door and says "Oh by the way you're on clean up duties now!" and then with a wink she's gone again.

A few groans erupt from Matt and Rian but I brush it off. I mean it's a small price to pay if I get to see Lexie in something short.

The hour comes and go and soon we're left pacing the living room floor waiting to leave. I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the floor when Lexie ( ) entered the room. Who cares if she's short she's still got a killer set of legs and once again I'm thinking of the kitchen table.

It's only when Jess enters the room my plans of seduction go out the window.

"Lexie! Why aren't you dressed like a girl?" pouts Jess.

Lex giggles in response and says "Well while you two were talking about shoes Josh called and asked me to DJ in Pandemonium."

Damnit now how am I going to get back in the lead in our flirting game?!

"Typical you Lex working on your night off!" Matt laughs while ruffling her hair.

"HEY!" she protests while swatting away his hand with a smile.

"Sas control your man yeah?" she asks while grabbing Jess and Jack's hand and skipping out the door.

As if he could read my mind Matt slaps my shoulder and sighs "Hard luck man, looks like your flirting game is on hold."

I shake it off and smirk.
"Nah I just have to get her out of the sound booth and completely pissed" I say simply and walk off with Rian and Zack, leaving the love birds to lock up.


*Lexie's POV*

Flirting is fun. Flirting is especially fun when Alex has to keep stopping to make sure he isn't supporting a boner.

As soon as we reach the club I head off up to the sound booth to do my thing. About half way through my set I hardly notice as Alex comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my waist.

"How's it going pretty lady" he purrs in my ear.

I twist out of his grip and tell him to get out of my booth, but he's a persistent little fecker and as expected doesn't listen.

"Aww c'mon I just came up to get you a drink" he reasons.

I look him up and down trying to figure out if he's drunk or not before answering. I mean I'm not flirting with a drunk because lemme tell ya it's not fun.

"Well?..." he says while pretending to be inpatient "I'll just get Jack up here if you don't answer soon" he threatens.

Deciding he's sober enough to make threats I agree. He's down the stairs and back before I can order with a what looks like a bottle of blue wicked.

I arch my eyebrow at him.

"Jess said it was your favourite" he explains.

I take it from him just as as my replacement for the night shows up to take over.

"Where are the others?" I ask him once we reach the edge of the dance floor.
He shrugs and drags me over to the bar telling me I am going to get to know him better whilst ordering a round of shots.

"And this is how I'll get to know you?" I say skeptically.

"Yup" he says popping the the 'p'.

"Yanno I'm not going to go out with you" I warn.

"Who said I want to go out with you?" he replies just as the drinks arrive.

I shrug it off and the shots begin.


Somewhere after the third round of shots everything becomes a blur. Conversations turn into fits of unending laughter. Colours and faces blur making everything bright and unusual. Music flows through my body making it hard to control my actions.

And the next thing I know I've fallen through my bedroom door pulling a certain beanie wearing rockstar after me. Oh what fun flirting is...
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