Status: Hope you like it, comment and give me feedback!

In the Dark

First Date prep.

I was shocked to see Cole in front of me, and looking angry.

"H...Hi" I stuttered.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked still angry.

"Going to class?" I asked not seeing the point in this conversation.

"no, with him! You know it's social suicide to hang out with them.... especially being a royal." He glared.

"I can hang out with whoever I want Cole" I defended.

"don't say I didn't warn you." Cole said turning around and going to his desk. I couldn't help but notice a girl staring at me from the corner. She had black A-cut, chin length hair, her bangs were in her face but I could see her eyes were greyish blue. She wasn't smiling at me, but she had a sympathetic look on her face. All of the sudden it looked like her eyes glossed over and her face slacked. A shriek left her lips and she jumped from her seat, rushing over to me.

"He's not who you think he is" She whispered in my ear. She connected with my eyes, her's were still glossy and lost looking. She collapsed and I barely had time to catch her before she fell. I was shocked and didn't know how to react. A guy from around where she was sitting picked her up and told me to tell the teacher that he took Anna Smith to the nurse. I nodded dumbly and sat down, everyone staring at me. What an odd thing to say. I went through the day in a haze. Ready to relax I went to my room.

The girls were pounding on my door in no time... I answered and Bonnie nearly broke me!

"What are you wearing?" Bonnie asked excitedly. There were deposits of the group everywhere... Storm was going straight for the x-box, Tracy was going to the kitchen, Annah, Hannah and Tanna were looking through my closet and Monty just plopped onto my bed, quickly falling asleep.

"uh, this?" I said confused, I was just gonna wear my jeans and T-shirt. Apparently I said the wrong thing because all of the girls turned to me with wide eyes, Bonnie looked insulted.

"no." Was all she muttered going to the closet with the other girls, leaving me still confused.

"Storm! I need help!" I heard Bonnie mumble from in the closet. Storm was there in a few seconds.

"What?" She asked. Bonnie jumped not noticing that she was there yet.

"Don't scare me like that. I need to get you a bell or something." She said, her hand over her heart. Storm just chuckled.

"Sorry" She smiled.

"I need you to use your ninja moves and get those shoes down. The red ones, yea with the bow!" Bonnie directed, I watched storm effortlessly climb my doorcil grabbing the shoes and returning them to Bonnie, without a glance back she went back to the X-box. They brought out the red shoes, and a black cotton dress, it had white buttons down the length of the front, and small white polka dots, there were two bows where the straps attached and one bow at the waist, it was knee length and it was beautiful.

"Go get this on." Bonnie demanded pushing me towards the bathroom with the dress. I came out doing a twirl. I heard 'oohs and ahhs' I looked towards Bonnie and she looked like a proud mother.

"You look.... gorgeous. Time for hair and make-up!" Bonnie said excitedly. This makes me nervous. She directed me to the kitchen table and started plugging things in. I took a deep breath and just let her do what she may.

I was released only ten minutes before the date was to start. I went to the mirror and sucked in a breath. Oh my god, I look stunning. Bonnie blew on her makeup brush for added effect. Everyone turned and I heard gasps go around the room. Even Storm's eyes got wide. There was knock on the door and in a matter of seconds I was being pushed out of my room and into Nick's arms.

"Wow" He breathed taking me in. I smiled when he grabbed my hand.

"thanks" I blushed. I looked down the hall to see Anna quickly turn around and head the other way. Odd..... We kept walking and entered the lobby, surprise surprise, guess who was there? Levi and Cole and the rest of the 'royals' Cole's and Levi's eyes got huge when they saw me, but Levi quickly recovered coming towards me.

"You look, good" He said surprised.

"Thanks... now if you don't mind" I said trying to walk past him again.

"oh, I do. But I see I can't do anything about it." He sighed turning on his heel and walking back to the gawking group. Nick just squeezed my hand and whisked me towards my first date.
♠ ♠ ♠
THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO COMMENTED!!!! I made it extra long, I was gonna cut it down but then I saw people commented and was like EHH why not, they are awesome! so keep it comin' and the better they will get!

Love and other lies


The Dress



Hair (Bright red)