Status: Hope you like it, comment and give me feedback!

In the Dark

The Diner

Suddenly the door to the club busted open, it was Nick and he looked panicked.... and guilty.

"Go!" I yelled at Cole, he noticed the outburst and it looked like he was about to get out.

"But-" Cole started, he looked at my face and thought better of it.

"Just... please" I begged, Nick was heading towards the car, Cole started to pull away.

"Lilly!" I heard him yell. I looked back to see Daniel shaking his head looking at me, his face said 'no'.

"Cole, speed up" I said looking forward. Cole hit the gas and we were flying.

"Lilly, why were you there? what happened?" Cole asked actually sounding concerned.

"He took me there to feed...... Vicky happened." I said upset and looking out of the window.

"HE TOOK YOU THERE TO FEED? I'm going to murder him!" Cole replied hitting the gas even harder. "And what do you man Vicky happened?" He asked still not easing up on the gas.

"Vicky, that..... slut went and grabbed him up taking him to a back room then she gave me this guy named Peter, we fed on them and when I was done feeding I got up only to see that Nick was practically fucking her! So I went to Daniel and he helped me call you." I said, tears pricking my eyes. Nick is stupid.

"He did that to you? I knew he was a douche bag, but I didn't think it was that bad. I'm so sorry Lilly" He said, sounding super sincere.

"It's fine, what did I expect? What a first date, right?" I chuckled darkly.

"Let's fix it" He smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

"you'll see" He smiled. He made me feel better. More at ease. We came up to an old looking diner, it was sweet. He parked and opened the door for me and helped me get out of the car. He opened the door for me and helped me in to the booth. He sat across from me and picked up his menu. I wasn't that hungry but I think I'll get whatever he gets. He finally sets his menu back down and looks at me.

"What?" He smiled when he caught me looking at him.

"Nothing" I blushed.

"naw, there's something" He pushed.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Why what?" He replied genuinely confused.

"Why would you do this for me when all i've been to you is a bitch?" I said looking down

"Because, no one deserves to have a bad first date" He smiled and leaned over, grabbing my chin and bringing my eyes to his. "Especially you." He said, I got lost in his eyes.

"Decide on anything?" The waitress asked. Great timing. Cole let go of my face and turned to her smiling. She wasn't super tall but she wasn't really short either, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, her smile was radiant and she didn't look a day over twenty-five.

"Yes, I would like a cheeseburger, flat grill, no mustard or onions, barb-q sauce and honey mustard on the side. And can I please get a pitcher of water?" He asked. I just kind of stared at him.

"Of course honey, and you want french fries right?" She asked.

"You know me well Wanda" He chuckled with her. He was so sweet and nice with her... but how did he know her name? She didn't have a name tag on.

"And for you sweet heart?" Wendy asked turning her attention to me.

"The same" I smiled.

"Of course. Oh and Cole, the cook wants to speak with you." She said departing.

"Lilly, if you don't mind?" He asked motioning towards the kitchen.

"Go ahead" I smiled. I don't know why but I got a feeling of heat all over my body, I didn't want him to go. And who is this cook? Probably a girl. He scooted out and gave me one more smile before entering the small two way door. Wanda came out and scooted in to the booth giving me a huge smile.

"Hi honey" She said, the large smile still on her face.

"Hi" I smiled, at least I know he's not with her.

"So... you and Cole?" She asked, she didn't look upset, infact she looked excited.

"um, not really, you see he came and picked me up from a horrid first date, and to make it up to me he brought me to dinner." I said. I don't know why i'm telling her this.

"What do you mean a horrid first date?" She asked, her face crinkling into confusion.

"I went out with this guy named Nick and he took me to this.... club.... and he started making out with another girl. So I called Cole to come get me" I said, getting angry thinking about Nick.

"Ahh, I see. Well you are apparently pretty special to my dear Cole. You are the first person he has brought here" She said, a twinkle in her eye. Her words made me stop.

"He comes here alot?" I asked... choosing to ignore the fact she just called him her Cole, and that I was special.

"Since he was just a baby" She smiled, looking lost in thought for a moment. "Oh, I feel so rude, I'm Cole's aunt Wanda" She smiled reaching out her hand... when I shook her hand I knew she wasn't a vampire.

"but you aren't a... you know" I said pointing at my teeth.

"No.. no, but his uncle is" She said looking towards the kitchen. It dawned on me, his uncle married a human.... and this is Cole's family's diner. A loud, whiny sounding 'no' and a sound of pots and pans falling to the floor came from the kitchen and Wanda smiled, scooting back out of the booth.

"uhhh" I said looking at her.

"I better go check on that" She said hurrying towards the kitchen. Moments late Cole came in with a Vampire man following him. Cole looked like a kid having to share his toy. They approached the table and Cole looked back at the man. The man just smiled and nodded, Cole reached the table and I got up.

"Lilly, this is my uncle Jack, uncle Jack, Lilly" He said. His uncle extended his hand with a huge smile on his face.

"It is so nice to finally meet you Lilly, Cole talks alot about- ow!" He said as Cole elbowed him in the stomach. "alot about the school" Uncle jack said rolling his eyes at Cole.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.-" I stopped not knowing his last name.

"Mr. Murphy, but you can call me Jack, or Uncle Jack if you would like" He said, Cole motioned for me to sit back down, he followed suit.

"Uncle Jack, don't you have food to attend to?" Cole said, hinting not so subtly for him to leave, I just chuckled and took a drink of my water.

"OH! uh.... yes" He said, also not so smoothly and rushing towards the kitchen.

"Sorry" Cole blushed.

"It's fine, they seem so nice" I said smiling. THIS was a first date.
♠ ♠ ♠
AnnaRambo. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that I didn't update last night, so I dedicate this one to you.....also it's late and the date isn't done..... TWISTS AND TURNS UP AHEAD!!! REDUCE SPEED AND EXPECTATIONS! lol

Love and Other Lies,
