Status: Hope you like it, comment and give me feedback!

In the Dark

In my dreams

The class was.... interesting to say the least. Not much happened, I knew everything he was teaching and I was quite bored. He gave us an assignment and I had it done in minutes. I just stared at the board till class ended. Cole turned to me and smirked.

"Get your assignment done?" He tried to mock.

"In about three minutes, I see it took you almost the whole period." I said raising my eyebrows. He just stared at me in shock.

"oh" He muttered walking to his next class. We really didn't talk the rest of the day, He made small polite conversation during lunch.... well as polite as he could be. it was more of him being less of an asshole.

"Hey, you really want to hang out with me more or do you want to go make your own friends?" He said obviously glad the day was over.

"Anything but hang out with you more." I said glad to be out of being babysat.

"you know what, I think you want to trail me for the next week" He said looking me in the eyes, his pupils were tweaking out and I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you laughing at?" He asked getting angry.

"your eyes were tweaking out." I stated.

"WHAT!?!" He proclaimed.

"oh, I know what you were doing" I said realizing he was trying to use mind control. I guess he wants to play this game. I locked eyes with him.

"huh" He whispered losing himself in my eyes.

"you want to dance like a monkey for thirty seconds, you will remember it all" I smiled. He immediately started to dance. Everyone stopping to laugh at him. After thirty seconds he was released and he came straight for me. One good thing about my parents, they taught me how to fight, mind and body. I put my hand up and he halted. Avoiding my eyes. Fast learner.

"you bitch" He spat.

"sorry asshole mind control doesn't work on me." I winked at him, catching his eyes. I could feel him try to resist but it didn't work. "but it works on you. leave me alone, please" I said. I wasn't controlling him this time I just wanted to let him know I was serious.

"Did you call me an asshole?" He asked obviously pissed.

"yep. you called me a bitch. and really, I will never.. NEVER be one of your skanks." I said releasing him and walking away. Everyone was staring at me. I knew I messed up, but I couldn't stop myself.

"Lilly Thorn and Cole Sterling to the office, Lilly Thorn and Cole Sterling to the office please" The intercom squeaked.

"shit" I muttered b-lining to the office. how could the already know? no one got in my way and I made it there in record time. I entered the office where the secretary immediately smiled as strained smile and pointed to the door, Cole ending up beside me as we both entered the door, I glared at him and he did the same, until he looked up and saw who was standing in the office, he fell to his knees muttering something. He looked up at me and grabbed my hand dragging me down with him.

"Get up daughter" A woman's voice softly commanded. A gasp came from Cole but he never looked up. "you too child" He said, Cole grabbed my hand again and lifted me up quickly letting go of my hand.

"Lilly, these are your parents" The Headmaster stated. I just starred at them. What the hell is going on. And why did Cole react like that?
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