Status: Brand new story. let me know what you think.

Welcome to the Family

Cast the first stone

**Scout’s PoV**
I looked at Maddi, who was curled up in the hospital chair, fast asleep. She’d refused point blank to leave me. She told the nurse who’d tried to make her leave that the only way that they’d get rid of her is if the discharged me or if she left in a body bag. She even threatened to hurt herself if that was what it took. It was then my doctor agreed she could stay. Val had bought her a change of clothes and a pillow, which Maddi currently had cuddled in her arms. I watched her sleep, surprised that I trusted her so much, considering how we’d gotten on when we first met. I smiled as I thought about the whore tree comment I’d made. Who would have thought a couple of months would change so much. I shook my head, my eyes coming to rest on the Teddies sitting on the window sill. So many of my friends had been in to see me. The only one I hadn’t see was Kai. Well, Kai, Jake and Oli. My eyes continued their drift around the room, stopping at the Batman balloon bouquet. Jimmy had bout them in for me. He told me he had to wait ages while they filled them all. I smiled as I looked down at my Batman Uggs. I had laughed when Lenny and Jas turned up with Batman Jammies and Ugg boots. The girls had insisted on helping me get changed into them, and Maddi had watched, laughing as I argued with them. I could dress myself, but they disagreed. I was just thankful that no-one had asked why id done it, though I had a feeling Miki had probably ordered every visitor I had not to ask.

I looked up as Jimmy stuck his head in. “Hey” I greeted him softly, so I didn’t wake Maddi. “Me and Leana are gonna head home. Just call if you girls need us” Jimmy told me, coming over and giving me a kiss on the head, as Leana came in and threw a blanket over Maddi’s sleeping form. I nodded as she came over and gave me a hug. “Just so you know Scout. You can come to me and Jimmy with anything. We wont judge” Leana told me, I forced a smile and nodded. I knew she meant well, but she didn’t understand. I was kinda disappointed that I’d failed, now I’d have to face Jake. I didn’t want to even see him.

**Oli’s PoV**
I smiled as the last note of light the skies rang out through the club. Tonight’s show was the best yet and in a couple of weeks we’d be going to Europe with BVB. I glanced over at Jake as he handed his guitar to Jarred and walked over to me. He draped an arm around my shoulders. “So, you guys may or may not know, but we’re about to go to Europe with BVB and when we come back, we will be…..” I was cut off by yelling as Two police men came out onto the stage and Grabbed Jake, “Jake Mora, You are under arrest for the Rape and Assault of Scout Sullivan, You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?” The policeman said as they handcuffed Jake, who looked at me in shock. “Call mom” he told me as the policemen dragged him from the stage. All around me was silence as I watched Jake being hauled away. “He raped scout?” Liam asked me, I looked at My bassist in shock, and shook my head speechlessly. What the fuck was going on?

**Scout’s PoV**
I was woken to the sound of screaming outside my room, and seconds later Kai came storming in “You fucking Slut. How Dare YOU” She screamed at me as Dad and Jimmy came rushing in behind her. “You need to Calm down” Dad told her angrily as Maddi Jumped to her feet and put herself between me and Kai. I just stared at her, I couldn’t speak. “Oh yeah, How dare she try to kill herself after being beaten for weeks, how dare she press charges when she was raped at knifepoint, HOW DARE YOU COME IN HERE AND ACCUSE HER OF BEING IN THE WRONG” Maddi screamed at Kai as Oli stepped into the room, With CC and his mom behind him. I watched as Jakes mom and CC went pale at the sight of my arms, I couldn’t meet their eyes. “Kai, Enough.” Miki told her, pushing past the people in the doorway. Maddi came and sat on my bed and took my hands as my eyes started to burn with tears. “You aren’t welcome here” I hears Jimmy tell Kai coldly, my tears starting to fall, as my body started to shake with silent sobs. “Young Bloods are off the tour” CC told Oli, I looked up as Kai and Oli turned to him “What?” they both yelled in Unison. “Look what he’s done to her. I’m not gonna reward that kind of behaviour” CC told the coldly. “But she’s lying” Kai declared angrily. “I highly doubt it. You don’t try to kill yourself over a lie” CC replied meeting my eyes. “I’m sorry Scout.” CC told me. I could see the anger in his eyes, Before he turned away.

“This is your fault” Kai raged at me. Maddi opened her mouth but I beat her to it “How is it my fault that he’s beaten me black and blue out of jealousy, How is it my fault that he held a knife to my throat, how is it my fault that he didn’t listen as I was crying and begging him to stop. HOW THE FUCK IS IT MY FAULT THAT HE RAPED ME?” I screamed at her, “He wouldn’t do that. Your lying” Kai sneered at me. Maddi jumped off the bed but Miki beat her to Kai. Slap. The sound of Miki’s hand hitting Kais face rang through the room as we all stared at Miki. “You need to get out of this room right now before I make you leave, and believe me, it wont be through the door” Miki told Kai quietly, I could hear the rage in her voice. “Yeah, defend your girlfriend, we all know your in love with her” Kai snapped at her. “Yeah, I am. And if you talk to her like that again, I’ll break every bone in your god damn face. Get out” Miki told her coldly. Kai turned and flounced out, but Oli just stood staring at me in silence. “Scout……” His mom started to say, before trailing off, I knew she didn’t know what to say. “You don’t need to say anything. This isn’t your fault. It’s jakes” I told her, staring at the window. “I’m sorry” she replied before leaving. I heard Oli follow her without saying a word. Without a doubt, he agreed with Kai. I felt Miki climb on the bed next to me and wrap her arms around me. The smell of her perfume made me feel safe. “You ok Babe?” She asked, resting her chin on my shoulder. I nodded silently, my eyes fixed firmly on the window. “She’s sorry but she’ll still try and get her son off the charges” Val said, looking at us. I watched their reflections in the window. “She talks to you like that again, she won’t be seen ever again” Maddi told me as she sat on the bed in my direct line of sight. I looked away, fixing my gaze of the wall.

“Scout, sweetheart?” I heard Leana ask. I tried to swallow past the lump in my throat. “Go away” I whispered, as my tears started to form. “But scout….” Maddi started to say. “All of you get out, leave me alone” I snapped, tears starting to fall. “Scout sweetheart…..” Val started to say, I didn’t let her finish. “GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT” I screamed, before burying my face in my knees as I pulled my legs up to my chest. I felt Miki and Maddi get up, but I ignored the hand that lingered on my upper back for a moment. I heard the door shut and I couldn’t hold it anymore. my sobs tore out of me, making me shake violently. I wish I’d succeeded. I didn’t want to live in my head anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Scouty is loosing it a little. what do you guys think. should Miki and scouty get together as Miki helps her heal? i love hearing peoples thoughts on this. it makes me wann write more- purdygirl

Scouty's Jammies
Maddi's Outfit
Miki's Outfit
Kai's Outfit