The Inevitable

The Inevitable - A Batman Joker story. Chapter 7.

Batman heaved great amounts of pain in and out as he found it hard to breathe. The weight on his chest was nearly unbearable, and it seemed unexplainable. Why was it effecting him so much. Shutting his eyes harshly, his deep rasping cries of pain traveled throughout the empty building. Batman's hand and body ended up draped over the Joker's body, the cold lifelessness pressing up against his broken body and heart.

Some time passed before he even moved an inch. His tears were cold and lined on his face as he lifted himself, his tired eyes never leaving Joker. He had finally came to the realization to what he was feeling.

And it sickened him to think that he felt that way. Joker was a psychopath. Why. Why would anyone in the right mind...

He wrapped his hand around Joker's cold rigor mortis stricken hand.
"I'm sick for loving you. But you're gone." He whispered in a raspy grief filled voice. He grit his teeth hard as more tears found their way to his eyes.
"I cant let you go. You couldn't let me go. So how am I supposed to go on?!" He asked desperately, almost hoping that Joker's lips would move.

"Even if I love you we could never be together! You are sick. I am sick for being in love with you... I..." Batman trailed off in despair. He shook his head, realizing that he was just talking to a corpse, and that he was not mentally right.

Batman looked at Joker's face woefully and longingly. Closing his eyes and leaning over, he left a small kiss on Joker's forehead before returning him to his resting spot. Batman's heart and mind was in absolute chaos.

Joker had always made... odd relationship jokes to him, but the true irony was that most of them were true. But the irony was just pain now.

Batman rubbed his shoulder softly and then slammed his fist into the wall, rage and desperation washing over him like a tsunami.

"Why in the hell did you stab me, I could of SAVED you!" Batman shouted, looking back at the morgue with wild eyes. Gripping one hand into a fist, he tried to calm himself. Walking quicker then usual, he exited the building as fast as he could. Even if he was deceased, still being around him was intoxicating with confusing feelings.